

RPGamer Fanart Gallery Archive of 2000


1999   -   2000   -   2001   -   2002
I'm not dead November 24th, 2000

I won't bother all of you by going into my personal life and how utterly chaotic it's gotten lately...

La di da! October 22th, 2000

*hack* *cough*

Achoo! October 8th, 2000

I think I'm fighting a cold. Anyway, I'm still in the midst of getting everything up to date...

*thud* October 1st, 2000

Well, this is my third week here and I'm updating my buns off...

Whew! September 24th, 2000

Well, so far, so good. I've gotten some favorable comments since I took over Fan Art...

Taking the Reins September 16th, 2000

Your first question must be, "Who the heck is this Kalia and where did she come from?"...

Final Thoughts and Fanart September 5th, 2000

Well, here we go...I said a month ago that I would find you, once and for all, a solution to the recent slack in updates...

*plop* August 10th, 2000

Me is melting...brain overload...

Art and Goog July 22nd, 2000

The Goog slimedrop has invaded Art and Lore...!!! Ok, actually, the Goog slime has saved Lore's rear end by updating for her in her time of bizyness. Thanks Goog. ^_^;;;

Gah! *cringe* July 7th, 2000

Hoiya!!! Yes. Yes I KNOW. I'm very, ve-rry late. I'm sorries. As punishment I'll go through my Anime Expo photographs and upload the very ugliest picture of me I have.

Eyes on You *glare* June 4th, 2000

Hoiya!!! How do you like that...I'm on time!!! YEEEHAA! Ok, well let's get on to fanart business. (LIGHTING BOLTS / BLACK SMOKE, EVIL SPIRIT ENTERS LORE)...all this, Plus a blurb by Andrew Bilyk! Come see today! Artworks not included, batteries sold separately.

What's Happened to Lore??? May 16th, 2000

Hehehe, hey everybody! I'm back from E3, and dude, I have to say that it was a LOT of fun. A lot of work, too, but being at a gathering of 7 RPGamer staff members from all over the US was really worth it. So, that's why this update is a wee bit late...

Craaaaazyyyy April 30th, 2000

Whew, I really need to get back onto a routine schedule when it comes to updating RPGamer fanart. And Fox really has to get a worse lineup on Sunday evenings so I don't watch TV from 6 to 10 PM. Arrrrg.

Kiii-haaaaap! April 15th, 2000

Hoiyas! I'm back from my sabbatical...and I'm proud to announce that your curator Lorelai is now a UC Berserkeley double major in music and art! =) Yeah, that's what made me disappear for the past month. My, I have a lot of work to do...sigh...

T_T/~ April 2nd, 2000

Kou's Last Day -____- (sigh....) Kouryuu INTENSE emoticons you!!!

Name That Artwork! March 25th, 2000

A wide range of titles get their fair share of artistic fandom

The Theme Challenge March 17th, 2000

Hey, lesser known titles could use some fan art too, you know? =P

Read le Fine Printe! March 10th, 2000

Getting into the habit of reading tiny blinding text is goooooooooooooood.

Pondering Turnips from the Temp February 29th, 2000

Kouryuu brings along some vegetables for the extended stay. =D

Ye have permission to raspberry February 20th, 2000

Here be Lore. There goes Lore.

Oy Vay... January 30th, 2000

Ack, I'm late, I'm late...for a very important Fanart update....(hell, they're all important...)

Zukku! January 15th, 2000

Zukku *does* mean 'canvas' in Japanese, right...? (I had a nightmare it meant 'feedbag'...and I just named my webpage 'zukku!'....)

Happy New Year January 3rd, 2000

Hooray, I have been your fanart curator for more than a year!!! (I started around the beginning of 1999 / end of 1998) And in honor of me (hah...yeah right...) I am hosting the Best of 1999 Fanart Competition! ** 1/15/00 Note ** contest nominations are now CLOSED. Thanks for your participation! **



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