
  Art and Lore - 4/30/00  

  Link of the week
Dan's Chocolates

Who's up for one-dollar chocolate? Dans Chocolates is giving away 6-piece boxes of chocolates if you donate $1 to one of their partner charities. You have to live in the US and have a credit card, though.

Know a cool site you want to share with others? Submit a URL!
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Hello and Welcome

Hoiyas everyone!

Whew, I really need to get back onto a routine schedule when it comes to updating RPGamer fanart. And Fox really has to get a worse lineup on Sunday evenings so I don't watch TV from 6 to 10 PM. Arrrrg.

Anyhoo, I don't have much to say today...tired, busy, stressed, final exams, aspirin, 5-foot painting...and I'm sure that all ye want is to get to the fanart. So I'll leave you with this thought: My summer vacation begins early May. Bwaha.

Random Musings

  • E3 is coming up, and yesh, I be slated to go with RPGamer as media...I'm pretty sure that we'll be loaded with work, but if you're gonna be meandering about in the LA convention center, watch for an asian girl with streaked purple hair and its a safe bet that it will be me. Drop me a line if you're gonna be there!

  • I've drafted a new autoreply for those who don't follow the submission guidelines...I've always appeared anal about people following them, but I've been lax on the carry-out part. But now it shall change! I'm sorry ^_^;;; but I just don't want to waste our time...thanks for understanding!!

  • If you want the chance of your fan art appearing here, please submit fan art ONLY for games that are covered in the Games section. Otherwise, they will, unfortunately, be ignored. -_-;;;;;;

  • PLEASE read up on the Submission Guidelines before submitting artwork! I've had shy, nervous first-time submitters send in absolutely gorgeous, complete submissions. So you can do it too, you veteran you!

Lore's Ugly Sig

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Alex and Luna of Lunar: Silver Star Story
" Alex and Luna "
Artwork by Nadia

Comments: An ultra-late Valentine's pic, and an ultra-kawaii one, too... ^^;;; Alex and Luna were so sweet at Burg Springs playing their song together, I had to draw it. The characters were colored with colored pencils, and the background is Paint Shop Pro 5. Drawn in SD for maximum cuteness... ;)

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Id of Xenogears
" Id "
Artwork by Zetanks

Comments: I drew this picture last summer after being totally absorbed into Xenogears. I thought it turned out rather well. Anyway, I just got Paint Shop Pro, so I'm coloring everything in sight! I thought this one turned out really well so I thought I'd send it in and see how it goes!

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Billy Lee Black of Xenogears
" Billy "
Artwork by Celes

Comments: Billy is done in acrylic with a little photo shop ( I just got photo shop so I'm not that good yet.) The flowers in the backround are done in watercolor. I did the flowers because I wanted to practice my chinese brush painting and I painted Billy because he's my favorite character in Xenogears.

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Kyle and Jessica of Lunar: Silver Star Story
" First Love "
Artwork by Laura

Comments: Actually, I've been wanting to draw a pic of these two for a while, but I just now got around to it. I'd like to thank Spring Break for allowing me the time to finish this, it's amazing what you can accomplish when you don't have school for 5 days strait *sigh*...Anyway, I wanted to draw Kyle and Jessie because I think they're the coolest couple in Lunar and they did a good job of making me laugh. About Kyle's hair -I know it's supposed to be a grayish black but I sorta got carried away with the blue highlights :)

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Rinoa, Squall, Zidane of Final Fantasy VIII and XI
" Hitting on Rinoa "
Artwork by K-Chan

Comments: Well, it's been a while since I did FF8 fanart and I was keen on doing a fanart of Zidane. What inspired me was the interview with Sakaguchi-sama on FF9 and the so-called Coke Commercial which was posted on the internet not to long ago. In the interview, Sakaguchi-sama said that Zidane liked girls and in the Coke Commercial, there was this girl who looked like Rinoa but has Tifa's long hair. So that's how I came up with this one. Oh and Squall up there, I figured since Zidane was a thief, he wouldn't have any problems with Squall. *evil laughter* Quite happy with this piece. Kinda proud of how it came out. Enjoy ne??

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Relm Arrowny of Final Fantasy VI
" Relm "
Artwork by Fangs

Comments: Just a little pencil sketch, scanned n given a little texture n lighting in photoshop. Relm's design is one of my favorites from Yoshitaka Amano.

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Terra Branford of Final Fantasy VI
" Terra Branford "
Artwork by Joel Cresencia

Comments: Final Fantasy VI was a great game, so I decided to make a portait of Terra, the herione. I think it's pretty good with the way it turned out and all. Oh yes, you can see most of my work at my new website.

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Aeris and Zack of Final Fantasy VII
Artwork by Meriko

Comments: This is Aeris and Zack of FFVII, reunited in the Lifestream after a life of pure hell. ^^;;; This is a request piece...fortunately, the requester likes it. Unfortunately, I HATE the thing. *eep* In fact, the one thing I like about this piccie is the Lifestream bubbles in the background...that's it. Ah well...better CG-ing next time. Practice makes...more pictures. ---

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Tritoch of Final Fantasy VI
" A Fearsome Esper "
Artwork by Annie Felis

Comments: It's strange....Tritoch is my favorite Esper, but Bahamut is my favorite summon monster of all time (and Bahamut is in FF6). Oh well. I just started doodling at work (ever try to draw backstage in the dark?), and I drew a picture of Tritoch snarling/hissing, without that silly helmet of his. I dislike the helmet. Anyway, I had my markers with me, so after a lot of crosshatching with the fine points and a LOT of blending with the blender marker, the result was a very vibrant, very freaky-looking Esper. Too bad his summon spell has the weenie name "Tri-Dazer".

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Ark and Liem of Terranigma
" Call of the Brave "
Artwork by LightSoul

Comments: It's a picture of Ark and Liem from Terranigma! I thought they made a good team. (That is, Liem walking around like a lemming while Ark goes and clears the path so Liem isn't killed.) This picture was drawn in pencil with the outlines done over with ink. I have to thank Disney's the Lion King for a reference for Liem.

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