
Fan Art - 10/08/00



News and Updates:

IMPORTANT: Regarding the resubmissions. It will take a long time but I have decided to post the old submissions with the new submissions until we get caught up. Depending on how many I get, there may be more that the ten per week I normally would put up. If you don't see your work up right away, don't worry. I am still working on getting all the art links fixed, so keep sending me your corrections.



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Current Projects: Currently updating the archives and game fanart pages

Currently Playing: Parasite Eve (again and again)...Junk...Wayne...Chrysler...


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Coming Soon! (really they are, but if you have any suggestions...)



I think I'm fighting a cold. Anyway, I'm still in the midst of getting everything up to date and linked properly. I apologize to everyone I haven't had the chance to get back to yet. I won't bother with making excuses other than to say that my "real" life has been something of an intrusion lately. Fear not! I'll will get to everything in time. Please be patient.

I know that some of you have sent me corrections about your links not appearing in the archives/game pages. I'm currently working on this. Hopefully, I will have this all cleared up very soon.


Some additional info

Some of you have mentioned that you actually like my babblings in Kalia's Corner. Heck if I know why, but I suspect I might be in need of ideas eventually. So, if you have anything you want to see me babble about, feel free to drop me a line. You can email me at I'll even give you credit if you come up with something interesting. My friends can tell you I love to talk and am very opinionated. I might come up with things that could ruffle a few feathers, but don't be offended. As they say, opinions are like ...well... this is a family website. ^_^

Once again, I would like to remind you that I have a low tolerance for people who don't read Submission Guidelines or FAQs. We go through a lot of trouble to put these together to make things easier for both you and us. It gets quite frustrating when people continue to blatantly refuse to read a few, very simple rules.



New Fan Art - 10/08/00


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Black Mage from Final Fantasy
"Forest Traveller"
Artwork by Ham On Rye

Comments: A lone black mage wanders through a dark forest in the still of night, aided only by the light of his lantern. Rendered in 3D completely in Caligari trueSpace4. I lost a fair bit of detail resizing it for viewing in a browser (the original was 1600x1200) but I'm still really amazed how well it turned out. Many many hours of work went into this. When you try to manipulate 150000+ polygons in real time, progress can get a little slow O.o


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Id from Xenogears
Artwork by Ndi

Comments: I was playing Xenogears and just got to the second disk, fell in love with Id, and decided to collect Id-fanart to print out and plaster my walls with, when I realized, "Oh, gee, there -aren't- any Id fanarts." Imagine my disappointment. Yeah, I know.. traumatizing. So I did some sketches of Id, thought this one looked pretty good, and colored it. Colored pencils sure come out grainy when you scan them. Anyhow, here's my tiny contribution to the very small amount of Id fanart that exists. He looks like a clown... but that's okay. Id's cool.


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Rapp of Grandia
"Warrior of Cafu"
Artwork by Hiroshi

Comments: Rapp's my favorite Grandia character (I love how he taunts his enemies in battle: "Gonna thrash ya good!"), and I noticed there's no fanart of him on RPGamer, so I figured I might as well submit something. This is my first try at CG, and I think it worked out pretty good.


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Rinoa of FFVIII
"Peace within"
Artwork by Paulo/ paul o'rourke

Comments: This was inspired from not drawing much lately, plus If any of you know me you'll know I think riona is a great character, I hope you like it, any comments are welcome, Thanks ^^


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Serge of Chrono Cross
Artwork by Matt Kellar Hammill

Comments: It's sort of drawn in a DBZ-power-up style. Like, "His power level is rising! Nooo! That's impossible!"


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Kid of Chrono Cross
Artwork by Angeia

Comments: Well, I do like how this came out, but I also see alot of other errors. Her head looks too big for her body...theres something about her head. I kind of rushed the coloring, and the drawing of the knife. Other then that though, everythin looks pretty ok.


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Terra of Rhapsody
Artwork by Mesarthim

Comments: I'm rather proud with how this one came out...I changed up Terra outfit a bit when I was coloring it and made her look for preistly. ::smiles:: Too bad the game was so short and rediculously easy...This kinda reminds me of Liete from Grandia after I look at it again


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"Endless Generation"
Artwork by A-Chan

Comments: Well, this pic went through a few revisions (thank you, Kalia ^^;) but I think it's for the better! It's Red XIII (Nanaki) and some.. er.. whatever-species-he-happens-to-be offspring of his! A friend actually suggested I should draw Red XIII, and any of you who beat it know what immediately came to my mind ^.^ Commentary/criticism is open, and I'd appreciate any help anyone can give me with my technique. Thanks!


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Sydney of Vagrant Story
Artwork by Cat

Comments: This piece is sort of like a request pic... I just love to draw Sydney... People who have seen my previous fanart probably notice that I always put characters into pure black clothes.... I just think they look soooo sexy in black.... I also actually bother to put a background for this pic!!!! (which is a change for me...) I would love some feed back on this one... (hint hint...)


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Tonberry from FFVIII
"The Tonberry Familie(s)"
Artwork by Alex S Woodhouse

Comments: I reckon the Tonberry's a piece of alright. So I drew the little scamp, entirely by hand, using the airbrush tool in Adobe Photoshop. It took about an hour to do, and I think it was worth it. I hope you like it. E-mail me if you do, please.


Kalia's Corner

Every week I intend to make a statement or two about the art of a recent game, and old game, or game art in general. If you couldn't care less about my opinion, just skip this. But I hope to put something helpful in about game graphics from an artist's point of view. I plan on focusing on style, technique, and representations of characters rather than all the bells and whistles.

This week's topic is: A Closer Look at Backgrounds

Last week I touched upon how backgrounds help set the mood for an image. I'd like to go a little more into this now, since I've noticed quite a few people who've submitted work lately have been "playing" with backgrounds.

A background shouldn't be an afterthought. It should be part of the planned piece, not something you stick in there to fill up space. The background should be there in the conceptual stage. Think of the background as another character in the picture. If that "character" doesn't belong there, don't put it in. Nor do you want the background to upstage the other characters, unless it's supposed to.

I've noticed a few of you run to Photoshop (or similar application) and use a texture to fill in space. Sometimes this works, but often it doesn't. A simple character study shouldn't be drowned in its own background when that background has nothing to do with the character. I'm not opposed to having a nice backdrop, rather than just a plain, white background. But that's all it should be. Avoid making a picture too "busy." Put in only what belongs. Take some time out to look at what game designers do, using space and perspective to set off the characters. I'm sorry I couldn't be more original this week, but I think this cold I'm fighting is winning...



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