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Art and Lore - 3/10/00
Read Le Fine Printe!
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Customers Suck!
If your job requires you to be face to face or over the phone/e-mail with customers, I'm sure you'll find this an interesting and STRESS-RELIEVING read. =P Be sure to check out The Many Reasons as it's one of the sections that just hits home.

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Greets to y'all!

Le sigh~

I was armed with a rant about how I do not like my part-time job and how I seem to be a magnet for freakin' ANNOYING customers, but instead, I will spare you the pain and say one thing instead -- please, I beg of you, ALWAYS READ THE FINE PRINT. This applies for advertisement flyers (ESPECIALLY flyers), application forms -- everything! Spread the news! Tell your parents! Tell your relatives! Tell your friends! Tell your imaginary friend(s)! You don't know how much UNNECESSARY stress you will save yourself and the person helping/serving you when you do that. I'd give you an example -- heck, I'd give you MANY examples of how fine print is beneficial to both your mental and physical health, but I would take up this entire page with them. XP So, basically, just trust me and always read the fine print. Afterall, the most important information is usually there (such as stuff like the fact that you have to pay taxes and a processing fee up front when you decide to finance/defer the balance for furniture/appliances you have bought). XP

Random KouKou Fluff

Click for a nice big 174K image scan of the cover! Chrono Cross -- Parallel Navigator --
Published by Shueisha (under the V-Jump Game Series label)
ISBN 4-08-779043-6       1238 yen

Okei, so you can see SQUAT of the image on the left there but you can click on in for a nice big spiffy scan of it. So what be this? Why, it's the Chrono Cross guidebook~! =D It's nothing compared to the massive, all-inclusive books like the Xenogears Perfect Works or SaGa Frontier II Perfect Works. =/ But still, it's over 200 pages (all colour) and just about every page is crammed with screenshots, maps, and a chockfull of useful info/data. ^^ (Now I know where them Versus Books patterned their guidebooks after ... but, heheh, I still prefer Japanese ones. XD) The only thing this baby is missing is images of the last dungeon bosses and the final boss him/her/itself. ^^ In terms of Yuuki Nobeteru artwork, you'll only find the all-too-familiar character designs (re: no new pics for charas T_T). =/ BUT! There are two composite drawings by Yuuki that I've never seen before. They're probably in the game manual though. =P BTW, no, I don't have the game yet. =P

Here are (horrid) scans of 2 random pages (^^) in the book: Tumalu chara data page (270 K), Element+Field Effect Explained (253K) -- this one's a partial scan ^^ I only scanned it since I found the art on it was silly. ^^ (I really don't think it's Yuuki Nobeteru's art.)

The Word on Today's Art Update

Ack, the most difficult part of this fan art job is deciding what to put up which is why this update has quite a bit of posts. ^^;;;;; So much beautiful fan art. ;_; Well, I hope you like the selections. ^^

Ah, you'll notice that there's an AVI submission this time. ^-^ Now I must remind everyone that when you decide to submit an AVI file, please send it as a ZIPPED (re: archived) file; that is, unless the AVI is less than 200K, for some miraculous reason. ^^;;; AVI format compresses most wonderfully when archived, I tell ye.

And BTW, just so you know, the background for this page IS white and has always BEEN white. The tables have a BG colour of white, the body BG is white so ... if you're seeing anything other than white then all I have to say is please check your browser preferences. ^^ If you're not seeing white right now, change the override colour to white -- unless you WANT to read spoilers. XP

Recurring Friendly Reminders

RFR 1: all fan art is to be temporarily submitted to kouryuu@chickmail.com. And please remember to refer to everything listed from the fan art policy onward when submitting your work~! (There's a little bit of fine print here, yes. =D)

RFR 2: Lorelai is still available for fortune-telling at lorelai@rpgamer.com (The Hotmail one is closed now.) Just don't send her fan art though. =P Alternatively, you can also find her milling around at The Art Corner or its IRC channel, #artcorner, on Espernet. ^_^

RFR 3: If, for some reason, you DO want to write to me, then please forward your mail to kou@ica.net and not the Chickmail.com addy~. Thanks. ^-^

SD Lucky Dan! ^-^

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Zell of Final Fantasy VIII
" Hawaiian Toe Punch! "
Artwork by Udderdude

Comments: There is a bit of a story behind this. First, you must know about the RANDOMINATOR. The RANDOMINATOR is a program that prints out random wrestling moves. You can find it at this URL : http://www.powerbomb.com/Randominator/randominator.html . Keiiii, a REFF and regular in #artcorner, was using it, and had the luck of coming up with Hawaiian Toe Punch. This went down as a goofy little "inside joke". I took it upon myself to draw the amazing Hawaiian Toe Punch.. and who better to do it than Zell? XD

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Feena and Leen of Grandia
" The Icarian Twins "
Artwork by Juryu

Comments: SPOILER WARNING!!! I'm sorry to do spoiler fanart, funny I should do this because I am the person that hates spoilers the most!!! But I just like these girls so much. Can't say much without spoiling some more, huh? ^_^ This was inked, and then colored in Paint Shop. YES, Paint Shop! I don't LIKE Photoshop!!! :p

KouKou note: Out of Juryu's request, the title has been blanked out due to the fact that it's a spoiler. ^^ The title is on the image itself but you can always do the hold-mouse-button-to-highlight-text trick to see it above. =P

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Cloud, Cid, & Barrett of Final Fantasy VII,
Squall & Seifer (w/ cameo by Rinoa) of Final Fantasy VIII,
Ramza of Final Fantasy Tactics
Artwork by Stooert

Comments: I thought since the square millenium annoucement was made, FFXVIII is right aroudn the corner! So i made a trailor for it as a joke.

KouKou note: Just wanted to mention that this is an AVI file. ^.^ 'Tis 366K zipped, and 958K unzipped/uncompressed. ^^

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Ark of Terranigma
" A Return to Silence "
Artwork by Kris Wolfe

Comments: Here's Ark, the main character of the kickass SNES game Terranigma. I drew this and inked it, then scanned it and colored it in photoshop. I'm bad at light sourcing and I did it all by hand so I'm sure it's off. This was also my first time drawing "hero hair." This picture is set after Ark wakes up in Chapter 3 and finds out he can't speak to plants and animals anymore. It's not a part of the plot, but it really got to me. He'd just lost a world; he couldn't speak to the lions and birds and trees and flowers any longer. To me this seemed really sad. I think if you lost something like that you'd never be able to forget it, your whole life. Anyway: I loathe his real pants so I gave him trousers which I think look better. I also changed his yucky shoes, and I put a yin/yang on his shirt because A: I can't draw dragons, and B: it suits the game with the whole light/dark thing. I found that RPGamer doesn't have the art for this game so if anyone wants to see the game art I worked from, and what I changed, I posted it here: http://members.xoom.com/kriswolfe/fanart/ark2.jpg

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Barret & Tifa of Final Fantasy VII with Quistis & Squall of Final Fantasy VIII
" Final Fantasy Matrix "
Artwork by Wai Chu Yu

Comments: Done with pencil and ink on tracing paper. The Matrix box art inspired me to do this for a contest.

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Flynn of SaGa Frontier 2
" Flynn on his Turtle "
Artwork by Sariko

Comments: I thought Flynn was cute ^_^ So i put on a cute animal! (turtle ^o^) Done with Paint Shop pro (in your face you adobe users >_<) j/k :P

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Emeralda of Xenogears
" Jewel of the Sea "
Artwork by Filia-chan

Comments: Wow! I did so well on this pic (after the 4 grueling hours put into it... o.o). I really wanted to draw Emeralda looking kinda....sad. Why? Because her life is so sad, and it just seemed to suit her. I really enjoyed playing Xenogears, the story and graphics were great! And Emeralda was my favorite character (besides Bart ^_^). Well, enjoy! ^_^

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Mint Adnade of Tales of Phantasia
" Mint in a Magical Moment "
Artwork by Audra Ann "Kitsune" Furuichi

Comments: In attempts of trying new things,I decided to do a cell style CG of Mint in Photoshop, then do a foresty background in Painter.... Unfortunately, the forest got a little blurry looking... since my tablet isn't pressure sensitive. T________T Anyhoo~~ hope ye likes~~ *^___^*

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Setzer of Final Fantasy VI
" setzer "
Artwork by Wulfume

Comments: got my hands on some new markers and tried mixing a little water color in there too. a little acrylic ink afterwards goes a long way. it's a new technique for me so hopefully i will be fine tunning it in the future..

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Ellone of Final Fantasy VIII
" Faeries "
Artwork by TinySarah

Comments: One night, I had this strange dream after playing Final Fantasy 8 that Ellone was a space warrior or something, so I decided to sketch it. (thus, the strange clothes) Afterwards, I just scanned it and CGed it on Photoshop. I don't have much expierence with CGing and Photoshop, but I think I did pretty decent for my fourth CG try. Then, when I was doing the background, I got kinda lazy and just used the lens flare instead of manually doing the sparkles. ^^;;;;; And now that I look at it, the picture is quite small.

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Tifa of Final Fantasy VII
" Tifa "
Artwork by Scootch

Comments: I don't do too much fanart because, I have hard time remembering what their clothing was like, Tifa's clothing was simple, and the only thing I remembered... :)
I'm sorry but, my page is not viewable in Netscape.. :P

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Vandable the ferret as Musashi of Brave Fencer Musashi
" Brave Fencer AshiDen "
Artwork by VoodooKat & Vandable

Comments: This picture was drawn for a contest with the title "draw a funny animal/anthropomorphic character as a RPG Hero" So I picked a not so well known character "Brave Fencer Musashi", I wanted to try to duplicate the front cover, but instead froze a screenshot of the pre title screen, and blended the musashi character into backdrop useing PhotoShop 5, the drawing was colored with prismacolors, and sharpened with black india ink.

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Quistis of Final Fantasy VIII
" From Quistis With Love "
Artwork by Phil W.

Comments: This is one of the best pictures I've drawn so far. I drew and colored with pencil crayon and got a friend to touch it up and added a background. Enjoy!!

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Seed of Suikoden II
" Rough K~Night "
Artwork by Youko Fujima

Comments: This is a pic of Seed from Suikoden II....I just love him. ^^; And as a yaoi lover as well, our motto is "If you love him, therefor you yaoi him." So I did. ^^;; The position was taken from the fifth issue of Yami no Matsuei...and it's not coloured yet (I have the coloured version, but not scanned yet), so the medium is plainly Indian ink on paper.

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Aeris & Cloud of Final Fantasy VII
" Warm Sunshine, Cool Water "
Artwork by Ludi

Comments: Another romantic pic...next time I will send one that ISN'T, for a change. Again, this was done in inks and on Photoshop. The Kanji in the background translates as 'warm sunshine, coll water'. Now you know where I got the title from, hah!

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