
  Art and Lore - 06/04/00  

  Eyes on You *glare*  
  Link of the week
Final Fantasy V Project
RPGamer fan Radrisol is looking for a talented artist to participate in his Final Fantasy V Project. One artist will be chosen to draw ALL the character classes in the game! If you are interested in taking on this endeavor, e-mail Radrisol for project specs and more information.
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    Greetings, sports fans! Before you even ask -- no, I'm not Lore, and this isn't a usual update. Miss Lorelai has been *extremely* busy lately preparing some brand-new artwork for the upcoming Anime Expo (June 30 - July 3) in Anaheim, CA. Lore is sorry that the update is taking so long, but she says you can expect a great Art & Lore update after she gets back from the expo (around July 5th).

           -- Andrew P. Bilyk, RPGamer's resident news junkie

    Hoiya!!! How do you like that...I'm on time!!! YEEEHAA! Ok, well let's get on to fanart business. (LIGHTING BOLTS BLACK SMOKE, EVIL SPIRIT ENTERS LORE) Last week I had a very bad of our fanart friends submitted a fanart that WAS NOT HIS/HERS. Now, RPGamer being large as it is, I want everyone to know that your chances of not being discovered for false submission is..from zero to zilch. Nada. If you've seen the artwork enough to rip it off of someone, SO HAS SOMEONE ELSE. And then we'll have some baaaaaaaaad juju going on here. out. Next time I/the RPGamer fans catch someone sending an art submission they did not do, I'll personally post your e-mail address with bright red signs saying, "This person submitted an artwork that wasn't there!!!" And you don't want that to happen. I've taken down websites by posting links like that. =P (CRACKLE BOOM FTTTSSHHHH EVIL SPIRIT LEAVES LORE) WOaH...I'm so disoriented...I felt like...I was...possessed...what just happened?

    Ok, it's settled. ^_^ I am going to AX. And I'm gonna go karaoke in their contest too ^___^ I'll be the asian girl with streaked hair in the Rinoa get-up...if you're around...I invite you to come watch so I can make you go deaf!!! =D Oh yes! and if there are any fan artists that are gonna be tabling at the Artist Alley...I need to bump a half/third of a table off someone for at least the first 2 days... ^_^ Anybody feeling like sharing? I'll be glad to chip in my share of $$$...being my first con, I'm nervous about doing this alone >_<

    What's that? Why am I going to AX dressed as Rinoa when I've said so many times how much I dislike Rinoa? Simple. If i make an ass out of myself at Anime Expo it will be ok. It was Rinoa's fault. =P

    B-Day Corner

    May 30 was RPGamer art-fan Summer (Sabrina) Wallin's Birthday!!! In honor of her glorious day, and in the future, if it is your birthday (be truthful now) I'll post one -complimentary- artwork from you, fan art or no...right here in the Fanart Column. (complimentary...I feel like I'm talking about Starlight Mints) Happy Belated Birthday Summer! See Summer's FF8 Fanart

    If you don't know this by now...

  • When you send fanart in, press the "ok" button, and THEN discover that you made a boo-boo, don't panic!!! Simply send the ENTIRE submission again, all information and attachment included, and re-send right away. Don't send an e-mail with only an attachment and a short "sorry" message, that won't help me because now your fanart submission is floating around in multiple e-mails and is easily lost. I don't mind multiple e-mails as much as fragmented e-mails.

  • Be sure to remember to visit the The Art Corner & its IRC channel, #artcorner, on Espernet! I decided not to limit it to only talk regarding stuff from The Art Corner ( - we can talk about fanart and postings here too if you want. Just keep it decent, civilized, and remember that the REFFs (ops) are still in charge.

  • Again, PLEASE read up on the Submission Guidelines before submitting artwork! I've had shy, nervous first-time submitters send in absolutely gorgeous, complete submissions. So you can do it too, you veteran you!

    Lore's Ugly Sig

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    Reno of Final Fantasy VII
    "After Hours "
    Artwork by Teri Steams

    Comments: Comments about your fanart: "Reno has a night off" Reno was a sketch I scanned in and CG-ed in PhotoShop. Sign was also made in Photoshop, and the background was rendered in Bryce and brought into PhotoShop for composite.

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    Edge and Rydia of Final Fantasy IV
    " What If...? "
    Artwork by A-Chan

    Comments: My usual medium: MSPaint and Corel Photopaint 8.0. At first I doubted that I should go through with this drawing as it raised some controversy, but I absolutely fell in love with the kids ^^;; Plus I think it would be cool to have Rydia rule Eblan, so, why not plan the future?! I'd be interested on some critique for this one, as I've gotten a lot of mixed feedback on how it looks... I'm interested in anything you have to say, thanks!

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    Locke and Celes of Final Fantasy VI
    " Hero "
    Artwork by Selie

    Comments: I adore Locke and Celes. They are my favorite couple in video game history, and collectively make up my favorite character (they're inseperable, IMHO.) Locke was my first video game "crush", and I decided his love interest would have to be someone special to meet my approval... and she was. I meshed the Amano and actual game design for Celes, since I like both; however, I don't like Amano's portrayal of Locke as much as the in-game version, so I stuck with Locke as we first see him. ^_^ In the background are most of the lyrics of their theme -- I missed a verse, but who's counting? This is a prismacolor colored pencil image, with words (background) added in PSP.

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    Vincent and Hojo of Final Fantasy VII
    " Monster "
    Artwork by GlassShard

    Comments: Mmm... nice'n dark and containing two favourite characters of mine. Not sure what to say. This was a pencil drawing that I took into photoshop and played with while Gundam Wing was on. It was a rerun :D

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    Psyduck of Pokemon
    " Psyduck "
    Artwork by Paul O'Rourke

    Comments:Ive been practicing with paint shop pro and one of the results was this picture of psyduck. I liked the way it turned out as it was one of my first paint shop pictures i did...

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    Aeris Gainsborough of Final Fantasy VII
    " Puddle Weather "
    Artwork by RainCrystal

    Comments: I almost called this one "Meteorology." ^_~ I did this pic by sketching it with an ordinary mechanical pencil on marker pen paper. Then I outlined it with a Micron 01 pen, and colored it in using Prismacolor markers. I left Aeris's eye, the materia, and the background white because I knew I wanted to CG it. And that's what I did. ^_^ This was half-inspired by Aeris's "silly weapon," the Umbrella, and half-inspired by the rainy season. I know it rains a lot in Japan in the summer, and since Aeris is Japanese, I figured she'd need that umbrella for more than hitting monsters on the head. ^_^;;

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    Quistis Trepe of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Love Reflection "
    Artwork by *~*JuLiE zHuO*~*

    Comments: My first picture after weeks of idleness. -__- I *still* haven't played FFVIII, but quistie's hair is really fun to color! I wanted to draw in a thoughtful pose, but after i finished the picture, i realized i forgot to draw her glasses in and was too lazy to go back and add it. T__T This is the blue altered monochrome version... You can find the regular colored version on my page in a couple of days. The mouth and eyes are weird, but the coloring is all right, methinks. And the lyrics are from "love reflection" by Two Mix.

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    Reno of Final Fantasy VII
    " Reno "
    Artwork by Leigh Bader

    Comments: I'm in love with Reno. Unfortunately, it's really hard to find cool pictures of Reno out on the web, so I drew my own. This was an ink sketch that I scanned into my computer, then colored in and did the background work with Corel Photo-Paint 8. This is actuaclly the first thing I've done with computer graphics, and I'm rather pleased it came out so well. It sure took me long enough to do. I hope everyone enjoys it!

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    Hawkeye, Riesz, and Angela of Seiken Densetsu III
    Untitled Fan Artwork
    Artwork by Pamela Ramali

    Comments: My favourite SD3 characters ^^~~ They're my dream team :P I hate Charlotte, and I don't like Kevin and Duran either O_o Anyway... this is a color pencil work I did at school (as always). It took me a really long time to finish because it's originally very BIG *_* I hope you like it ^____^

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    Sephiroth of Final Fantasy VII
    " Devil's Smile "
    Artwork by Cat

    Comments: I think Sephiroth is one of the best character to draw in fanart because you could create a nice effect quite easily with his black coat and long hair. I think it would look better if I actually clean the background up though.... What do you think????? I really would like some feedback on this one......

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    Nanami, Hero, Hero McDohl, Gremio of Suikoden I and II
    " Bearers of the True Runes and Protectors "
    Artwork by K-Chan

    Comments: Actually, I was just thinking of doing something different. I think McDohl looks the best here (except for the hair over his eyes). I'm working on another one featuring my favourite characters^^;;

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