
Lorelai's Artwork RPGallery - January 15th, 2000 ^_^
  Tip of the week
I have decided to resume Artist of the Week! And also I have decided that people CAN win it multiple times! It merely depends on who is outstanding in each update. So basically you're up against everyone who happens to have artwork posted the same time you do. Good luck! Winning artists will get a cute graphic (personalized, ooh) award for their webpage too!! ^_^

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Hoihoihoi! All right, are there any japanese speakers out there? I recently finished the design for my upcoming art site (haven't worked on one of those in YEARS) and I chose the name "zukku" because, to my knowledge, this word means 'canvas.' PLEASE contact me if I am wrong, I don't want my page named 'feedbag' or anything...

Thanks for all the nominations for the Best of 1999 Fanart Competition! I am now in the process of finalizing the voting process. I suspect it will be a poll-type thingie, but since it is an Interaction community effort, I must collaborate with my fellow staffers before we do anything on our own! Voting is now CLOSED; thank you for your participation! For those who just CANNOT is a text file of the finalists. This is preview only, so NO QUESTIONS or anything yet!!! You should be thankful I let you see this file in the first place! *snort* =)

a Random Cookie from Lorelai

Oh you're gonna like my next announcement! I've decided to begin posting LINKS for everyone who submits to RPGamer. It will be in the form of a link from your NAME. For those people who sent me URL's: they have and will always be linked starting this update. I hope you enjoy this change! Oh, and I submitted a fanart today. Don't worry, nobody was knocked off for me...*ahem* =)

A Cookie for your Thoughts

  • The Art Corner: Update Functioning very well, I say. Check it out. We're also on IRC; come to and join #artcorner, the official channel for The Art Corner! I regret to say that we do NOT have any shortage of REFFs whatsoever, though ^_^;;; So hold your applications on that!

  • Ask Lore: I once again yearn to talk with ye folks who visit RPGamer! My Lifestream e-mail is free for conversational chat that is not too prying, rude, get the drift. Have a burning question? An unanswered prayer? Maybe the desire for one of my famous chocolate cookies? Answers, recipes, and prozac can be obtained at this e-mail address.

  • A Word on Today's Fanart: MAGNIFIQUE!!!!....???...You DID ask for *a* word, right?....

  • Angela and Black Rabi from Seiken Densetsu 3
    " Witch's Flight "
    Artwork by Nadia

    Comments: This was done as a Halloween picture, though I keep forgetting to send it in here... ^^;;; Angela's in the uniform that the guards wear in Artena, which looks a lot like a witch's outfit. I put her on a broom with the infamous Black Rabi as her familiar. I love the soft look of the moonlight touching everything, though I wish you could see the rabi better. BTW, I also made a sunset version of this so people could see all the colors that went into this before adding the lighting effects, which is viewable at my website.

    Sephiroth and Aeris from Final Fantasy VII
    " Earth and Fire "
    Artwork by Tana

    Comments: You know, for someone who has never played Final Fantasy 7, I sure seem to like the characters don't I? ^_^; I had so much fun drawing both of these pictures. With "Earth and Fire" I wanted to portray a truely disturbing scene between these two opposites. It took a lot of work, a week to draw and color Sephiroth and Aerith by hand, 2 computers to make the fire, and one more to put it all together. But it was worth it.

    Rosa and Cecil from Final Fantasy IV
    " Heroic Wedding "
    Artwork by Guillaume

    Comments: Well, I guess this'll be my last FF4 piece for a long time (yes yes, I promise ^_^). I don't know why all of my pieces so far (well, I did 3!) were of this game, maybe I've got some subconscious mark from my childhood because FF4 was my first rpg ever. Oh well, I'm pretty satisfied by this art, even though there are some flaws. Well, I always try to see the better sides of things... Anyway, it was done in pencil and photoshop LE, as usual. Cecil's suit was first drawn with sleeves, but I erased it because it'll looked better the other way (even though it may seem a little odd...). I think I got Rosa's hair color better than the last time, but Cecil's is to dark... or maybe not. I tried a different way of shading this time, it's more area-wise (is this a comprehensible term?) and less gradient-like. I'm pretty satisfied of how it came out, I've always had a hard time with shading. The only Big flaw is that Rosa doesn't have a right arm (gulp!!!) but I only realized it near the end of the work, so I left it that way, but at least it's not TOO MUCH visible. Well, I hope you all like it :P

    Citan and Fei from Xenogears
    " Right of Frost "
    Artwork by Amanda Swiftgold

    Comments: I like Fei and all, but he's a main character, and I am famous for liking minor characters better and then whining that they don't get enough story. Well, anyway, I've wanted to do a what-if picture of the 'guardian angel' (they were asking for it with that title, but I DID leave the wings off, heh!) and the one he failed to guard... inked and colored in Photoshop. How did Fei die? It was rather bloodless... I will leave that up to the viewer. There's not really a story behind this, it was just a little idea that wouldn't go away. And it's the first game fanart I've done since 1997!

    Griever from Final Fantasy VIII
    " Legendary Beast "
    Artwork by Intangir

    Comments: Griever is without a doubt, awesome (even though the title, "The most powerful GF" doesn't quite sink in). Since the naming of Squall's ring sparked so much controversy near the end of disc 2, I thought I thought I'd add to it by doing a fan pic of Griever himself :). Hand drawn then scanned and colored with Adobe Photoshop 4.01.

    Kefka from Final Fantasy VI
    "Dreamboat Kefka "
    Artwork by SerNdipiT

    Comments: I was inspired to do this after playing Final Fantasy Anthology (Final Fantasy VI). And I must say, Kefka is an illustrator's dream. This is my first attempt at illustrating him and actually doing him justice! I used regular old pencil and then colored him in with Photoshop 4.0. He is definitely the most colorful character I've ever had the pleasure of messin' with! I mean, just look at those lips! What a dreamboat, huh? *drool* He looks a bit like a drag queen that hangs out a bit too much with circus clowns! And for all you ladies out there, he's a Scorpio ... And he's SINGLE! YOWZAS!

    Ash, Pikachu, Nidoran of Pokemon
    " Pokemon Outtake "
    Artwork by Sandara-3

    Comments: this comic is based on a fanfic written by Geode, the guy who has written some of the best FF7/6 and Pokemon fanfic ever. ( i'll never forget Chocobo Park ^^ ) thank you. the site is [Secret of the Ancients] and the URL is ... thank you!

    Gremio and Hero of Suikoden
    " Fleeting Memories "
    Artwork by Kristin Deeds

    Comments: I wanted to capture a possible moment in time out of the lives' of the Hero and my absolute favorite Suikoden character, Gremio. No, it's nothing special. There's no dramatic sword-swinging, or yelling or strange angles.'s special in its own way. I guess you can come to your own conlusion about the scene, but I think Gremio is telling the hero how proud he is of him. The hero, being a typical 6-year-old, is busy tugging apart the stuffed animal and pretty much oblivious of Gremio's presence. Oi vay...I really despise drawing backgrounds, but it adds to a picture's quality and people find it more interesting. Please, forgive my attempt at accurate lighting. This was one of my first times doing that, and I tried the best I could. For those of you who are wondering, Gremio is around 17 in this picture....nope, he doesn't have that long blond hair yet! :) Hmm...definitely my ideal...

    Cast of Final Fantasy VI
    "The Returners "
    Artwork by Lightsoul

    Comments: Man, it's really annoying having to scan A3's...too bad most of my art is done on A3...So, this is a pic of the cast of FF3/6j. Well, the main cast, anyway, in which I mean, the playable cast, but not Leo, Vicks and's done in watercolour pencils if you really wanna know...Later!

    Saria of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
    " Saria "
    Artwork by Min Kwon

    Comments: I originally did a CG of Saria and Link which you can see on my site. This version is a closeup of Saria's face. ^_^ Actually it's not closeup, just unshrunk from the original size (it *was* shrunk, but I did not shrink this one after doing the background), but the JPG file at its original dimensions is about 300KB, and I'd like to keep submission arts under 150KB. I really wanted to show the details of her hair since I worked hard on it. Her ears are very uneven, but I think this pic turned out good overall.

    Squall Leonhart of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Squall Leonhart "
    Artwork by Alia

    Comments: This is my first picture of Squall without any other characters with him. This was a rather fun piece to do - I am still experimenting with coloring using the PC. Original picture done in pen; coloring and color touchups in MSPaint and Photoshop.

    Leon of Star Ocean 2
    " Leon Geeste "
    Artwork by Wulfmune

    Comments: For some reason leon is my favorite character in this game ^_^ he's so cute and you never see any pics of him so i wanted to try it. the drawing was collecting dust for awhile but i finally got around to coloring it. the usual prismacolor markers.

    Racquel, Primera, Billy and Jesse of Xenogears
    " Black Portrait "
    Artwork by Lorelai

    Comments: First fanart in months, and also my first-ever fanart of Billy fully clothed!!! (I know that sounds bad...) The pic went smoothly..until I got to Jesse. *BIG* pain drawing him without any reference...I sorta settled for this one, even though I think it could have used more work. The whole idea of this fanart was that it's a painting of the Black family that never got finished, like the Sophia painting. It's also the irony in that we never *saw* such a scene in Xenogears...but I'm sure in our hearts we all wished for it sometime or Well, I did, and so I drew it. I do plan on CGing the whole thing properly...someday. Oh, and thanks to Amber Michelle I'm fairly sure Billy and Prim's mother is named Racquel..spelling is another matter. And NO, I do not know how old everyone is in the picture. Just...young.

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