
  Art and Lore - 09/05/00  

  Final Thoughts and Fanart  
  On the Drawing Board

Currently working on: Webpage, Fanart, school, work, .... *explodes* Gomen nasai!!!

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  • Hoihoi~! *snifoo*

    ...Hoihoi~! ^^; Well, here we go...I said a month ago that I would find you, once and for all, a solution to the recent slack in updates. I've become exhausted and RPGamer burned out, and I saw no way to force myself to update regularly, or to half-heartedly promise you, again, that I shall. *try* to update more regularly. In fact, I had to skip my morning art studio to finish this update...obviously this can't become a habit. So my final solution is this: I shall be ending my nearly-3-year stay at RPGamer. Starting next week we shall be finding ye a new fanart curator.

    I'm very sad to be leaving, but I do think it is time for me to stop, move over, and move on. I've had three productive years here, I've done my part in polishing up the fanart section (at least, I believe so) and it's time to let other fanart enthusiasts take on this job. RPGamer fanart has become a pretty well established section, sitewise, and I really really enjoyed meeting all ye fanartists. I've also enjoyed meeting ye all at conventions, and of course I have RPGamer to thank for inspiring and promoting The Art Corner, which has become on of the main points of happiness in my life. Couldn't have done it without you, me old friend *patpats RPGamer*

    And now, just because I can, I shall post up personal farewells..first off, thanks to the entire RPGamer staff (I shall not list them because I will inevitably forget someone, I've outstaffed almost everyone here) for your support and the opportunity to be your fanart curator, tis been times of great fun.

    Thanks to everyone who supported us by sending in their beautiful fan artwork...even though it meant work, I always ALWAYS enjoyed looking at your fanart, and I hope that you will continue to draw them! Also thanks to the people who always followed the Submission Guidelines just to help make my job that much easier!!!

    And thanks to my fellow Art Corner guys brighten my day, my week, my year, my life. ^0^ RPGamer couldn't promote the family that's happened between us, but I'm glad to have met you all...I dedicate this last update of mine to Min Keiiii Kwon and Hanna EvilTiger Chen (INDEEDETH!), Audra "Kitsune" Furuichi and Khanh (p^o^q !!!!!), Celyne, GlassShard, Silas McLeere, Arion McBride and Sandara-3 (MISS YE!) Juno Kim (WAAZZZZAAAI SISTAH!); Meriko, Nicole Eng, Ciara Covey, Jen Zee, Maggie Bradshaw, (BWAAAHHH~*tackle*!!!); Deranged Laine (POCKYYYY!!!) Dragonfly (hums wedding march) and Tiyonne (HIGH FIVE!!!)

    I send my love to Amber Michelle, my closest RPGamer fanfic buddy, Jen and Becky from the Estrigious chicks for...probably breaking records at RPGamer for 'most fanart submitted' ... O_o....Ryuuzaki and Kouryuu for being AWESOME helpers around RPGamer during my tenure here...and to bakaneko Young Wang, who has shown me (and us Otakon 2000 REFF) it is possible to both hate and love somebody at the same time. *KILL* hehehe MERRRRRLLLLEEEEE!!! *SCHNOOGLE*

    Sincere apologies in advance because I KNOW I've forgotten some people, whom have greatly affected me and made my long stay and happiness possible. I'm forgetful! (I conveniently forgot I said I'd post an oogly picture of me on RPGa..oops...*whistle*) anyway..before this tearful farewell goes any longer...I LOVE YE ALL, and I wish you all the best. We shall meet when we meet, but until then...enjoy 32 pieces of fanart and ja ne, minna!!! ^o^

    Lore's Ugly Sig

    P.S: Please do keep in contact with me!!! If you have anything ta tell me at all or have questions about anything, or just for chat; give me an e-mail at, I can't guarantee my RPGamer address will stay around for long. Also, if you want to submit fanart please submit it to Google for the time being, at

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    Ashley Riot of Vagrant Story
    " Young Ashley"
    Artwork by Wulfmune

    Comments: i was requested to draw a pic of ashley as a boy for one of my friends. anyone is crazy to draw him and not try to fit his um very unique costume design in the picture. a costume like that is just asking to draw attention!!!

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    Alucard and Maria of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
    "Castlevania "
    Artwork by karura

    Comments:A pencil sketch of Alucard and Maria, tinted with a yellowish glow to give an "old" feeling.

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    ChronoTrigger Cast
    "heroes of time "
    Artwork by Ecchi

    Comments: Chrono Trigger in my opinion is the best RPG on SNES (if not any platform) with one of the best characters ever that cannot be forgotten no matter how much time passes by. Blah blah anyway, I tried my best to keep it in Akira Toriyama's style in both art and color.

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    Link from Legend of Zelda
    " Danger is Near "
    Artwork by Kristen Bergh

    Comments: This is just plain ol' pencil and paper. I don't do fancy things on photoshop simply because that's not the way I do my artwork. I did this one because I wanted to get a good portrait like piece of Link and I think that sometimes black and white can be more dramatic than color.

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    Rinoa of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Ethereal "
    Artwork by Elfkin

    Comments: Rinoa with wings drawn in pen and colored in photoshop. I've always loved angel wings, making Rinoa a perfect subject. The name "ethereal" means "angelic". See more of my art at my website.

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    Faris of Final Fantasy V
    " Faris "
    Artwork by Margoyle

    Comments: (no comments)

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    Jessie of Fantasy VII
    " Jessie "
    Artwork by Meriko

    Comments: Okay, here's a fanart of the first-to-be-introduced and last-to-be-remembered love interest of Cloud's...Jessie! Two people requested that I draw her, but every time I just looked like some brunette with a ponytail. ^^;;; So I threw Cloud and that fateful, "special" ID card in there in addition to their names to make it clear who this little angel was. Cloud's ID card says "ID# 24601C." Kudos to you if you know where I got that number from!!!

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    Kid of Chrono Cross
    " Kid (with influenza) "
    Artwork by Deranged Laine

    Comments: At first i thought the pose was really cool but then after Photoshop i decided it was stupid ....she looks like she's snibbling O_o This is the wallpaper 800X600 version which i like better , there's another version with background at my page which some ppl like better for some reason... ^^;

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    Tifa of Final Fantasy VII
    " Tifa "
    Artwork by Kiraya

    Comments: Fanart of Tifa made with Paint Shop Pro. Erm...that's about it. ^^

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    Legend of Mana Characters
    " Goin' Hunting "
    Artwork by AnEMeigrl

    Comments: Male hero, Duelle, and Aerial egg Comments about your fanart: I like this character and the egg hunting is kinda fun..(spoiler?) so I thought I should just draw it. It's in color pencil and pen and it took me a while, but I got it.

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    Magic Users Lilka and Tim of Wild Arms 2
    " Magic Users "
    Artwork by D. Kartoon

    Comments: It's been a while I last submitted anything here. Just an art of these two characters. The drawing was drawn in ink and then scanned and rendered in Photoshop 5.5. I didn't add Pooka in, the composition was too cluttered with him/her in it.

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    Link and Navi of Legend of Zelda
    " hello, Link! "
    Artwork by Yapi

    Comments: Well, this drawing's a bit plain, I was just just trying my hand at drawing Link (this is my first try so be nice). I think it turned out a bit decent anyway ^_^ I don't really have anything much to say about this. Anyway, this is just a simple ink drawing colored with Copic Sticks. Have a happy!

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    Pearl and Heroine of Legend of Mana
    " Lost Pearl "
    Artwork by TJB

    Comments: It's my first RPGamer submission. I just love the character designs for LoM, so I decided to mangle them in my own peculiar way. Pearl doesn't look quite right, maybe because I tried not to make her look so sleepy here. Oh well - I'm new. I'd like feedback!

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    Rinoa of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Lovely Rinoa "
    Artwork by Miso Park

    Comments: Yes, finally FF8 fanart of my own! I've been trying to get myself motivated to do this for a long time. I drew the ouline with pencil and colored it in Photoshop. Eeek, Rinoa in a dress... For the first time ever!

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    Momo of Breath of Fire III
    " Momo going for a jump! "
    Artwork by Rina Cat

    Comments: As we all know that BOF IV will be released soon. So here's a picture I did for the game I played and enjoyed. Although the ending wasn't satisfiying enough...oops! Was that supposed to be a spoiler? But still...I love the characters. How come BOF IV doesn't have a character like her?

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    Nanami of Suikoden II
    " Nanami "
    Artwork by Erin Day

    Comments: She's most likely my fave Suikoden II female char, despite how annoying she got. Nina's a close second. ^_^ This pic turned out okay, I think... Could be better, tho. I like how her hair turned out. Done with Adobe PhotoDeluxe 2.0.

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    Terra, Locke, Sabin, Celes of Final Fantasy VI (III)
    " Relaxation "
    Artwork by Danny Morris

    Comments: I don't know what compelled me to draw this, but I just did. :) It turned out a lot better than I thought.

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    Rue of Threads of Fate
    " The Mysterious Boy "
    Artwork by Pam Peregrino

    Comments: I love Rue! He is my absolute favorite. I wanted to draw him without his hat on, because he's got this cool hair style underneath! Oh well, I couldn't fit it in the small box, but the picture came out pretty well for a first attemt at Rue. I colored it with Adobe PhotoDeluxe Home Version 3.0 so it isn't that great. Anyone know where I can get a better program?

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    Rufus Shinra of Final Fantasy VII
    " Lost Pearl "
    Artwork by Smerfette

    Comments:I happen to like Rufus, and he wasn't in the game all that much, so i felt like doing a fanart of him.

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    Sydney from Vagrant Story
    " Sydney and the Slime "
    Artwork by Becky

    Comments: I love sydney, he's so cool! It feels like somebody made this game especially for me! ^_^; an game like this is dangerous if you have a lot of stuff to do...

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    Rinoa and Squall from Final Fantasy VIII
    " The First Snowfall "
    Artwork by Chuei-san

    Comments: Mm... been a while since I've submitted anything. Anyhoo, I was bored on my trip to Vegas so I sketched this in the hotel room. I airbrushed it on Photoshop when I got back home. This drawing depicts the lovely couple witnessing the first snowfall of the year. Squall seems way more light-hearted than he usually is... o.o;;;

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    Characters from Star Ocean Second Story
    " K.I.D.S"
    Artwork by Chika Ishikawa

    Comments: In the Claude scinario for the game, it's emphasized that Claude is good at treating kids. Seeing a lot of Private Actions and his event with Leon, I decided to draw this CG.

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    Sophia from Xenogears
    " Holy Mother of Nisan "
    Artwork by Rinoa the Resistance Fighter

    Comments: This beauty took me four hours of monotonous hunching over at my easel, crying because my rabbit had died, while carefully painting every tiny detail to make this identical to the painting in the game. It's actually on canvas and is done in acrylic paint. I'm also auctioning her on E-bay as I'm writing this. I wasn't overjoyed with the turnout of the unfinished look at the bottom, but it's still acceptable. I got the entire mood of the painting down well also. Enjoy! ^_~

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    Shiva and Quistis from Final Fantasy VIII
    " Diamond Dust "
    Artwork by Mesarthim

    Comments: This took about a week to do at Skidmore College. I took a class at skidmore for graphic arts and fiber arts (fiber arts sucked...but my teacher loved me in graphic arts!). My 'mentor' Reet showed me every about Photoshop and Quark. He gave me a hell of a lot of confidence and Im incredibly proud of this one work. I really hope you enjoy it...

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    Sydney Losstarot of Vagrant Story
    " The Evil Sydney "
    Artwork by Envavoid

    Comments: This is a GC for Sydney,my best character in the game (sorry Ashley!!) it took me 3 days to finish. I hop you like it ^_^

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    Sephiroth of Final Fantasy VII
    " Solitary Discovery "
    Artwork by A-chan

    Comments: Well, I finally started up another Final Fantasy 7 game, since I haven't played forever, and I hadn't done anything good and Sephiroth-y for a while, so I decided I'd take a shot at drawing the Shinra Mansion library scene like so many other artists have! I have to admit I'm sort of happy with the candlelight I tried to put in. This was all done in Corel Photopaint, and I'm welcome to comments on how I could improve this!

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    Breath of Fire II Characters
    " Shamaic Power "
    Artwork by TJB

    Comments: Bonjour! Well well, here is my first BoF2 artwork! Don't you just LOVE this game (and the other ones in the serie)? I know I do! I mean, this game is perfect! The story, features, graphics and character designs are just all so drueling... ok ok, let me just calm down now... Now, I think the shaman transformations in the game is just the best game feature ever, and I'd never seen any artwork of them on the web, so I decided to do one! I'm pretty satisfied with the result, although Rand looks a bit weird. You have to understand that it has been 3 or 4 years since I finished this rpg, and I didn't want to use any models to keep it original. The four shaman combinations on this piece are my absolutely favorite, especially Spar/water. I used to always take her/him on my party, even though he/she was weak cuz he's just so cool, and his attack animation rocks! If you've never played this game, go rent it now, NOW! Hum, I used pencil and photoshop LE for this, maybe it's a bit to flashy... Well, that's about it, any comments are welcomed ^_^

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    Siren of Legend of Mana
    " Siren's Song "
    Artwork by Corona

    Comments: This is my first submission to Rpgamer. I loved the charcter design for Monique the siren, so I decided to draw her with colored pencils. She came out pretty good, but everything about Ghilbert is a mess, from the outline to the way I colored him. The sky in the corner is a mess, too, and I was too lazy to draw a background. I tried to paste a photo background on with Adobe Photoshop, but I didn't know how. I guess I need to read the instructions. This is one of my first artworks using my new set of 120 Prismacolor colored pencils. Sharpening all of them took forever.

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    Sydney of Vagrant Story
    " The Magician "
    Artwork by Sair

    Comments:Argh, argh, ARGH! I was ninety percent done with this piece when I got to the point in the game where it was made abundantly clear the tat is *inversed*! ::kicks self:: Anyway, I love pencil, yes I do. The title is in reference to his last name--Losstarot--which I am inclined to believe is not wholly coincidental. Coincidental to what, I have no clue. That game has me baffled in all directions.

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    Sydney of Vagrant Story
    " Sydney "
    Artwork by Sandara-3

    Comments: Comments about your fanart: I just love the way Sydney claps his hands...clang! clang! clang! mwhahhahah....

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    Sydney of Vatrant Story
    " Sydney Losstarot "
    Artwork by Frank Riley / Sureshot

    Comments: One that stood out in a series of Vagrant Story related sketches I did. After the first hour, the prospect of spending anymore time doing a decent background seemed pretty bland so I fudged that a bit. Oh well... (hmm, wonder what my stylistic influences are) would be great, thanks.

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