
  Art and Lore - 5/16/00  

  Good Lord, what's happened to Lore?  
  Link of the week
Emode Tests

Ever wonder what your body language is saying? What's the future date of your wedding? Are you a sex god/goddess? There are a billion wacky tests and prediction surveys at Emode...Take a look and have fun. BTW, I'm apparently getting married on August 24, 2002. Dude. I'll be like 22. That's freaky.
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  • HOIYA!

    Hehehe, hey everybody! I'm back from E3, and dude, I have to say that it was a LOT of fun. A lot of work, too, but being at a gathering of 7 RPGamer staff members from all over the US was really worth it. So, that's why this update is a wee bit late...I planned to do it at E3 but I was otherwise occupied. ^_^ I hope all the camera-happy people at E3 will develop their film soon, send me some pics and let me post them...

    I just finished finals on Monday, so now I am officially OUT OF SCHOOL for the summer!!! Hahahaha! Of course that doesn't mean I don't have any more WORK to do...My goodness. What has happened to me? I used to ramble on and on in this section and now I can't think of a thing to say. Oh well. I'm off to go get some food.

    Random Musings

  • I'm contemplating on attending The Anime Expo this summer. If anyone else is going, give me a buzz...I love meeting new people and plus, hookups for groups and hotel rooms are always nice...^_^;;;

  • I have been told that my trip to E3 has made me an even bigger meanie than I was before. I made a resolution to hang out in #rpgamer on IRC more often now, so you can come and see for yourself. ^_^ *Grin* just don't go running off and screaming if I scare you.

  • When you send fanart in, press the "ok" button, and THEN discover that you made a boo-boo, don't panic!!! Simply send the ENTIRE submission again, all information and attachment included, and re-send right away. Don't send an e-mail with only an attachment and a short "sorry" message, that won't help me because now your fanart submission is floating around in multiple e-mails and is easily lost. I don't mind multiple e-mails as much as fragmented e-mails.

  • If you want to submit fan artwork, please click "send artwork to Lorelai" in the right-hand menu. I've truncated and updated the submission guidelines so that there should be no confusion whatsoever.

  • If you want the chance of your fan art appearing here, please submit fan art ONLY for games that are covered in the Games section. Otherwise, they will, unfortunately, be ignored. -_-;;;;;;

  • Be sure to remember to visit the The Art Corner & its IRC channel, #artcorner, on Espernet!

  • Also, PLEASE read up on the Submission Guidelines before submitting artwork! I've had shy, nervous first-time submitters send in absolutely gorgeous, complete submissions. So you can do it too, you veteran you!

    Lore's Ugly Sig

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    Ashley Riot of Vagrant Story
    "Ashley Riot "
    Artwork by gnd

    Comments: This is one of the few cel CGs that I didn't mess up XD According to others, they say that the hair looks like wood and the background isn't mythical enough...but I still like it. ^_^

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    Ashton of Star Ocean: The Second Story
    " A Different Breed of Warrior "
    Artwork by Navie Chance

    Comments: Ashton has got to be one of my favorite rpg characters of all. To this day I have no clue what it's like to play with Opera ^_^. I must say, though, I found it odd that he is a warrior but dresses like a wizzard....How on earth does he fight in that tunic?

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    Celes Chere of Final Fantasy VI
    " Celestial Celes "
    Artwork by Guillaume

    Comments: Well, it's been quite a while since I last sent fanart, but I recently received a cool fan letter (wow! I have a fan! ^_^) which encouraged me to go back to my pc and draw draw draw (thanks Stephanie)! This fanart had been sleeping on my hard drive for a couple of months now and I decided to finaly finish it 2 days ago. I just scanned an inked sketch and then cged it in Photoshop LE. Celes is one of my fav characters in FF6 and I thought it'd be cool to draw her. I think the drawing is ok, although her eyes look a little strange. As you probably noticed, the special effects were inspired by Keiii's works, who I totaly admire and respect (although I don't know her one bit), so I'd like to give her credit for that. Well, that's about it, hope yall like it! ^_^

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    Gufu Clef of Magic Knight Rayearth
    " Wai! Wai! Clef is THE Man! "
    Artwork by Michiru

    Comments: Clef is my favourite Magic Knight character and I think he's rather neglected, fanart-wise. So I made this. ^_^ I drew it out by hand, then scanned it on and coloured it in on Adobe. I may mention that this was drawn while listening to Mokona's "Puu Song" which drove me crazy after awhile. (Yay! ^_^;)

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    Delita of Final Fantasy Tactics
    " Delita "
    Artwork by Kellar

    Comments: Um, it's Delita. IMO, he's at least as cool a guy as Sephiroth. Hmph.

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    Elly van Houten of Xenogears
    " Midst of Shards "
    Artwork by Jee

    Comments: This is my first time drawing any Xenogears fanart although I was crazy about it more than any other RPGs I've played. XD The first time I bought a tablet, I wanted to draw some silky hair and since Elly had one long (^.^), I decided to make the pix. I had fun doing her hair AND the bgs along with the logo. XD

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    Aeris Gainsborough of Final Fantasy VII
    - no title -
    Artwork by HugoBoss04

    Comments: * grin * I made my own FF7 logo!!! I think Aerith should be the logo and not that greenish ball thing... (the ball looks cool though..whatever it is...) As always, I drew Aerith with signpen then colored her using Adobe PS 4 (gotta love that program).. Ofcourse, I also used Adobe in borrowing/copying the game title, erasing the green ball logo thing, then plastering it across Aerith. I'm too lazy to do the title manually... dunno what font they used for it... a stretched Times New Roman maybe? Whatever.. 'eeps' I'm blubbering. Comments please..anyone!! FINAL FANTASY FOREVER!!!! SQUARESOFT FOR ETERNITY!!! ALL HAIL THE ALMIGHTY RPG GODS AND GODDESSES!! oops, soweee, got carried away..

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    Lenna (Reina) of Final Fantasy V
    " Lenna the White Mage "
    Artwork by Sandara3

    Comments: Thanks to someone who sent me FF5, ( you know who you are! ^_^ ) i'm now hooked on the game again...anyway, the first job i always give Lenna is the white mage job, she looks so cute in it ^__^;

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    Kelvena of Xenogears
    " Kelvena "
    Artwork by Necrofiche

    Comments: well, this is my first Kelvena picture.. I did it with my trusty old bic mechanical pencil, ballpoint pen and coloured it in with Presto. Anyhow, hope you enjoy ;>

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    Crono of Chronotrigger
    " Birth of Luminare "
    Artwork by Robert William Slade

    Comments: The file is now about 50 something K, and should be fit your restrictions. I changed it a little bit by using Painter 5.0's lighting effects to make the luminare attack look more real. On the personal side I'm 18 going on 19 in a few months, I'm a starting a comic book, I'm a writer, and I'm now mastering Flash 4 and Photoshop 5.0, I hope : ) Well, thanks for the patience as I cross my fingers. : )

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    Lutz/Noah of Phantasy Star I
    " Requiem for Lutz "
    Artwork by Landale

    Comments: Recently I«ve started to paint with watercolors again. I«m starting to get a hang of it, if I may say so myself, but I still need more of that Practice! Also, Lutz turned out a lil femmy, but since he«s bishonen I guess it«s alright^^ He has to be one of the first bishonen in Translated RPG history! Yay! I think it«s sad that these old games get in the backwaters in the fanartdrawing world, I«d like to see more of old RPG fanart. The Phatasy Star games have always been close to my heart so I thought that one of the first watercolor paintings I did this should be for one of them^^ Tried to do a background that«s NOT CG^^;

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    Asellus of Saga Frontier
    " Reflection "
    Artwork by Sakana

    Comments: Reflection....that's what I think of the title of this artwork. I tried to drew out 2 different expression of Asellus. I think the worse in this picture is the mirror effects. Somebody won't even know if I was drawing another Mystic Asellus in the mirror if I didn't mention it....

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    Slash of Chrono Cross
    " I'm too Sexy for my Shirt "
    Artwork by Alia

    Comments: Slash is my absolute favorite character from Chrono Cross. After only a short time of gameplay, he quickly latched himself onto me and *insisted* that I pay him more attention. ^_^; This is a watercolor painting of Slash that I was finally able to scan in; I had to wait for a slide adaptor for my scanner, but it was worth it!

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    Cast of Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
    " It's a Small World "
    Artwork by Princess Megs

    Comments: Alex, Luna, Nall, Ramus, Jessica, Kyle, Nash, Mia, Tempest, and Fresca. Otherwise summerized as "Alex and Co." I guess. I wanted to do some Lunar artwork and I thought having them all slightly chibi and SD would be sooo cute ^_^. Lunar has always been a favorite of mine. This isn't my best artwork, but it definately has some charm to it. I wanted to show how each character's personality was like, though I might've exaggerated on some of them. Anyway, I did this in Prismacolor pencils and went for a "softer look" compared to my more solid coloring. I'm hoping everyone likes it!

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    Squall and Rinoa of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Squall and Rinoa "
    Artwork by plkid82

    Comments: cute little sd pic i did of squall and rinoa.

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    Mia and Jessica of Lunar: Silver Star Story
    " Have some Sugary Tea! "
    Artwork by Dennis Poon

    Comments: Love those Lunar character designs! ^_^ This piece features Mia and Jessica, both sitting back and having a cup of tea! The quote in the pic comes right from the lyrics of a Blur song (Chemical World on Modern Life Is Rubbish).

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    Terra and Leo of Final Fantasy VI
    " Power only Breeds War... "
    Artwork by Pamela Ramali

    Comments: Wheee~~~ A submission after such a long break ^^~~ Umm... this is a color pencil drawing that I drew at school... The title was the only quote of Terra's that I remembered *_* I don't really like how I drew Terra here... but Leo looks pretty cool ^_~

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    Cion, Miller the Duellist, Kuriunu King of Rudra no Hihou
    " Tower of the Valiant "
    Artwork by lumunethe3rd

    Comments: done this pic with my new "pilot super grip" pen which of course ran out of ink at the finalizing stage.

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    Quistis of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Whisper "
    Artwork by Meriko

    Comments: This is my first attempt at no-line-ness, inspired by Keiiii and Kathy's artwork. I rather like the effect, since there's no lineart to delineate a major difference between the body, wings, and background. This took more time and layers than any other CG, though...^^;;; *eep* I'd love feedback on this one...

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