
Fan Art - 09/24/00



News and Updates:

IMPORTANT: Many of you have informed me that there were several fan art pieces that Lore had promised to post. I want you to know that I am aware of this and will be posting them over the next few weeks. I will also be mixing in recent submissions as well.



In The Works


Current Projects: Still updating and trying to locate nice woodsy places in NYC to romp through despite the West Nile Virus.

Currently Playing: I got all those darn squirrels in Suikoden 2! Now, I'll be playing FFVI (Anthology) so I can unlock all the goodies. Hey, what else can you do with a game you've already played to death, eh?


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Hello again!

Well, so far, so good. I've gotten some favorable comments since I took over Fan Art, and I want to express my thanks to all the well-wishers. I also want to apologize for things still not being up to date. It will take a while, but I promise that in the next few weeks, things will be better. So, please be patient. I'm still figuring things out and learning the ropes.

This week, in addition to there being far more pictures (including one from someone you all may remember) than last week, the FAQ and Submission Guidelines have also been updated. I advise all of you to read them. Not much has changed, but I have condensed quite a bit of information.


Some additional info

Some of you have mentioned that you actually like my babblings in Kalia's Corner. Heck if I know why, but I suspect I might be in need of ideas eventually. So, if you have anything you want to see me babble about, feel free to drop me a line. You can email me at I'll even give you credit if you come up with something interesting. My friends can tell you I love to talk and am very opinionated. I might come up with things that could ruffle a few feathers, but don't be offended. As they say, opinions are like ...well... this is a family website. ^_^

Once again, I would like to remind you that I have a low tolerance for people who don't read Submission Guidelines or FAQs. We go through a lot of trouble to put these together to make things easier for both you and us. It gets quite frustrating when people blatantly continue to refuse to read a few, very simple rules.



New Fan Art - 09/24/00


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Magus, Janus and Alfador of Chrono Trigger
"Mini Me"
Artwork by Annie Felis

Medium: Prismacolor Markers

Comments: Yes, it's silly, but I'm permitted to be silly. Besides, if I wanted to do something nicer and more serious, I would of used a medium in which I had more of a color range (this pic is mostly purple, so is mostly done with the only two purple Prismacolor markers I have). So that explains why Alfador is blue...


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Terra Branford from Final Fantasy VI
"Esper Beauty"
Artwork by Katanagari

Comments:I've always thought Terra was a good character, but you don't really see much fanart of her. I thought I would remedy that situation.^_^ This is a pic of Terra in her esper form, which I think is a beautiful example of character design.


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Rue, Mint, Maya and Claire from Threads of Fate (Dew Prism)
"A Break from Fate"
Artwork by Lorelai

Comments: This picture represents a really new style I've been trying...a lot more cutesy than I'm used to, but then Threads of Fate is a pretty cutesy game..! I'm starting a new fanart series (I love working in series) called "Behind the Scenes," so that's why Maya's reading the Threads of Fate (or "Dewprism", as it reads) booklet XD XD XD ~!!! I love the flowers in Claire's hair, considering they were a last minute "what the heck" add-on.


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Yildon of SaGa Frontier
"Dark Messanger"
Artwork by Sakana

Comments:I like Yildon in SaGa Frontier very much. Cos he's green hair..... ^^ and he got black wings. i think he's cool~~ This is the first time I drew him with wings. ^-^


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Quistis of FFVIII
"Quistis Trepe"
Artwork by Kiraya

Comments:This strays from my usual style. Actually, this drawing was kind of a fluke. ^^ I'm a little surprised that it came out the way I wanted it to....which is a rarity to me. -.-


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Xenobia of Lunar: Silver Star Story
"Fire Witch"
Artwork by Chi

Comments: I sketched this pic at my mom's Cocktail Party. I don't drink, so I had to find something else to do ^_^ I tried a new way of CGing with this pic, but I love the way it turned out ^_^


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Sydney Losstarot of Vagrant Story
"Sydney and a Pal"
Artwork by GlassShard

Comments:I hadn't done one of my signature over-elaborate, over-worked, and overly dramatic CGs in a while so I figgered I'd take my latest love Sydney and remedy that. This sucker took *forever* but I have to admit I'm happy with it. The atmosphere and the lighting are pretty O_O There's no point to the picture though, I just thought Sydney would look absolutely darlin' sitting up on a dragon, er, wyrm, er wyvern. Plus, well, ya know, Vagrant Story rocks. Go Square. *hoots*


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Link and Navi of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
"A Hero's Guide"
Artwork by Kristin Bergh

Comments: Okay, LoZ is my favorite game on N64. Period. Anticipating the release of Majora's Mask made me want to give LoZ fanart another shot. This is Prismacolor pencils on regular paper. I don't work a whole lot on Photoshop basically because I don't have the instructions and I'm totally lost trying to use it! : P


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Meia of Alundra
Artwork by Nikki

Comments: I was just doodeling and I came up with this! I'm so proud, I think its so cute! I drew it with pencil and colored it in with colored pencils. I chose Meia because she is one of my favorite game characters, and I noticed quite the lacking in the Alundra fan art. Oh and don't ask who the kitten is, its just a cat. Anyway I love my little super deformed Meia, right down the to the little 4 toed feet ^-^


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Selphie Tilmitt of FFVIII
"Selphie Tilmitt"
Artwork by Ryn

Comments: I'm happy - I finally figured out how to do backgrounds. ^^ Even if it is cut and paste... So I'm not that quick! Er, I like this pic, even though her upper arm is kind of in an odd position - Selphie's now double-jointed. ^^" I seem to draw Selphie an awful lot, even though she's not one of my favourite characters, she's just... fun to draw, I guess. ^.^


Kalia's Corner

Every week I intend to make a statement or two about the art of a recent game, and old game, or game art in general. If you couldn't care less about my opinion, just skip this. But I hope to put something helpful in about game graphics from an artist's point of view. I plan on focusing on style, technique, and representations of characters rather than all the bells and whistles.

This week's topic is: Realism

With graphics technology continually advancing, there has been a greater push towards realistic representations of characters in games. For those of us who remember the days when your characters were represented by no more than a limited collection of colorful pixels, does this really add to the game experience? Yes, the eye candy is very nice, but can an otherwise bad game save itself with pretty pictures?

Luckily, there hasn't been a really horrible game that had amazing graphics. Mediocre, yes, but not outright horrible. With any RPG (including text-based and pencil and paper) it's the story that carries it. The graphics only enhance that story. So, while a game may be very pretty to look at, they cannot save a game. But what about realism? Do we really need realistic looking characters to tell a story, or is it just eye candy or a game company flaunting its resources?

I personally don't find myself enjoying a game more just because the characters have more detail. Yes, I can appreciate the detail, the amazing artwork and the range of expressions now possible. But that is not what makes me play a game ten times. I'm from the old school. I play pencil and paper RPGs which require you use your imagination to see what a character looks like. I can still put in Dragon Warrior IV and enjoy it as much as I did the first 10 times I played it. The sprites, polygons, whatever only represent the character on the screen. It doesn't matter how good they look, as long as they help me experience the story. But, the FMVs and the detailed graphics (which will only become more common place as technology advances) make lovely eye candy and I do find myself drooling quite often.



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