
Art and Lore - 2/20/00
Ye have permission to raspberry
  Artist of the Week
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If you read Speed's description for his fanart submission today, you will see why he earned Artist of the Week. Kudos, man, for giving Final Fantasy I the attention and glorification it deserved. Kudos. IMO, the red, pixelated goodness of FF1's fighter could pound Cloud and Squall's @#$%^ one-handed, armed only with a pointed stick. Hehehee ^_^

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Welcome...and Farewell

Hoiyas fellow RPGamers...I apologize once again for this very late update, you have permission to throw koosh balls at me and raspberry....but behold, the large update of fanart...I cleared everything in my POST boxes. The reason? *ominous drumroll...* I am leaving RPGamer. For a month or so (ha, gotcha!!!) I'm so sorry, I couldn't resist ^_^ Yer not rid of me yet, but I have decided that I need to stop *talking* about a web break and actually *take* one. And since my superiors have approved, and negotiations with my RPGallery substitute curator are already underway, I'd like to take this moment to bid you all a fond, temporary farewell while I disappear off RPGamer for a while. We don't get paid vacations while employed here, but at least I can take a break, and perhaps scrape my eyeballs off my laptop screen!

Important Message from Lorelai

Guess what? The Artist Archives are all updated!!! A HUGE thanks to Juryu, and her predecessor Josh Kelley, for their coding knowledge...for they made the organization possible! Now...ARTISTS of RPGAMER!!! You need to GO to these archives and check your entries! Are they correct? Are you listed exactly as you want to be? (i.e. any duplicate names due to different name entries, like some fanart under Lorelai and some under Wei-Ling...scripts don't know the difference...) If you find any errors, e-mail Juryu. Here's her specific directions:

The game fanart pages and the Artist Index page have been recently updated. It is most likely that there are a lot of mistakes in these, and it is too much stuff for only one person to check. So, I would like to ask each of you artists to ckeck for mistakes in your own fanarts. Go to the Artist Index, see if it is all right with them there. Are any of them missing? Are the links working? Then go to the game fanart pages here where they are supposed to be, and check for mistakes there too. Report any mistakes to Juryu. Inform your name, title of the fanart with problems, nature of the problem, page where there is a problem, date when your fanart was posted. We can only fix problems with your fanart if we know where they are!! Oh yeah, if you have too much free time on your hands, please search for mistakes with other people's fanart too!! ^_^

A Cookie for your Thoughts

  • The Art Corner: Update This place is running BEAUTIFULLY. I have to thank all of you for your generous contributions, support, aid, consolation, and pretty much just being there and making it all possible. *HUGS* The Art Corner, RPGamer, all you artists and art fans...what more can I ask for? I'll miss ya on my sabbatical ^_^;;;

  • Ask Lore: My e-mail is now CLOSED because I got an outrageous number of spam e-mail. So now, I'd like to inform you of my NEW "get to know Lorelai" e-mail address! It's...*drumroll* lorelai at rpgamer dot com!!! ^_^ Dat's right. I'll still be checking e-mail while I'm on a break, I've instructed the future curator to use his/her own e-mail address for e-mail submissions. YOU BETTER SEND ART TO THAT ADDY, NOT MINE! ^_^

  • Art on IRC: come to and join #artcorner, the official channel for The Art Corner! I just registered it, so I welcome you to join. If you're a staffer (aka a critiquer) please be sure to drop by, I need to op you in the channel ^_^;;;

  • A Word on Today's Fanart: TONS and TONS and TONS....

    Wei-Ling Lorelai Wu

  • Schala from Chrono Trigger
    " Schala: Flame of Zeal "
    Artwork by Susan "Celes-Dawn" Emplit

    Comments: A picture I've been working on for weeks, a bit at a time. Those who have seen my art know i have a bit of a pendant obsession, and I just needed to draw a candle, so...

    Kefka of Final Fantasy VI
    " World of Ruin "
    Artwork by DancingMadKefka

    Comments: This was my first real attempt to CG a picture with Photoshop and do it decently. Kefka himself took a week to do (as I colored him in my Digital Media class, before I got Adobe on my machine at home), and the background took an hour (it's composed of two different photographs I've taken). Note - I'm new to this CG stuff ^_^ The smog effect got a little overbearing at some points, but I was trying to capture just how horribly the world fell when Kefka began his reign. I didn't do the usual anime-style coloring that's found in most fanart because I was trying for a more realistic approach... which is really hard to do when you're drawing a character from a video game ^_^;

    Hero, Nanami, and Pilika of Suikoden II
    " Waiting for Jowy "
    Artwork by Chuei-San

    Comments: Colored on Photoshop 4. ^^; I tried to draw the touching scene where the hero, Nanami, and Pilika anxiously wait for their friend Jowy to return to Muse City. I tried using softer shadows than I usually do and overall I'm pretty happy with the way it turned out. ^_^ The background was not drawn by me, it was off a "Fujisan Sushi" restaurant calendar, my apologies!

    Cast of Suikoden II
    " Group Photo Shoot! "
    Artwork by Eisu

    Comments: Ahhhh, this one is done right after I finished my second (maybe third) Suikoden game. In this one, they were supposed to have a serious Group hoto Shoot but Viktor managed to pull some stunt on the last minute, and ta dh, Shu is dissapointed, Nanami and Eilie is mad and the rest is just laughing. Okay, it's not good in content, but I'm proud of the result in the art.

    Sephiroth of Final Fantasy VII
    " Burning Cold Emotions "
    Artwork by Maggie Bradshaw

    Comments: I dont really know how this pic came about, all i know is it didnt start out as sephiroth, but it started leaning so much in that direction just made it him! This was done in Photoshop 5.0 and originaly drawn on a sheet of paper with pencil and outlined (duh ^_^) This is a new coloring style i was just kinda of playing with, please tell me what you think! good or bad! enjoy!

    Seifer Almasy of Final Fantasy VIII
    " A Happy Seifer "
    Artwork by Nutz

    Comments: Ack, this was suppose to be a full body pic, but i got lazy and cut it up to his waist.. so the goofy pose. He's suppose to be slouching with his arms on his knees (of course he's sitting down).. And I think he looks too happy.. doesn't look very usual, ne?

    Cast of Final Fantasy VIII
    " We are SeeD "
    Artwork by Amel

    Comments: The SeeD soldiers having fun.

    Rydia of Final Fantasy IV
    " Rydia "
    Artwork by Elaine Fair

    Comments: Rydia...she's my favorite female Final Fantasy character! (a lotta f's there...) So I drew her, my ultimate honey-pie. ^_^ I wasn't quite faithful to Amano's design, but I was happy with the result nevertheless.

    Jessica, Luna, Mia of Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
    " Lunar Renaissance "
    Artwork by Amanda Swiftgold

    Comments: Alternatively entitled "Swiftgold Practices Drapery", this is a picture of them cool gals from Lunar:SSSC in assorted Renaissance clothes. Also featuring enough fabric to clothe a small RPG. Basically, I was sitting in Art History class, looking at Renaissance slides for two hours, and my muse knocked me upside the head and said "You want to draw lots of drapery and big long dresses!" So I inflicted in upon the girls from my current favorite RPG. Perhaps I shall victimize the guys as well...

    Nash of Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
    " Nash "
    Artwork by Laura

    Comments: Hmm, my first fanart picture done completely in Photoshop. I spent a lot of time working on making the face look like it had some muscle in it instead of having it just smooth (well at least that's what I was trying to do). The hardest part of this pic was Nash's outstretched hand, a definite pain ^_^ .... Overall, I think kinda like the way it turned out.

    Charmander of Pokemon
    " Where is my master? "
    Artwork by Noble Knight

    Comments: I drew it with pencil, ink, and coloring pencils. Beginners' stuff. :P As to WHY I drew it...well...I was a little depressed, and I had just seen an abandonned puppy on the side of the road (which I picked up and took home). It sorta inspired me.

    Raine and Squall of Final Fantasy VII
    " Madonna "
    Artwork by Meriko

    Comments: Raine Leonheart and infant Squall, from the game Final Fantasy VIII Fanart Comments: *sniff* Yesh, another sentimental fanart of Raine, done in ink and color pencils. (God bless Prismacolor!) I did this for my Angel Gallery, and ended up liking all the skintones so much that I thought I'd submit it! ^_^ This is my second attempt at drawing an infant, and I'm pretty looks human this time! *laugh* ---

    Id of Xenogears
    " Demon King "
    Artwork by Nessa

    Comments: This is my first attempt at Id, of which, I find myself to be rather proud of. Save for his hand, it looks a bit off. I did this initially with your run of the mill mechanical pencil and coloured it with Photoshop 5.. anyhow, enjoy ;)

    Charlotte of Seiken Densetsu III
    " Happy Happy! "
    Artwork by Kouryuu

    Comments: I've been playing Seiken Densetsu III recently and I must say that Charlotte is cute. TTTTTTT So cute that I had to draw fan art of her! XD Too bad she doesn't look as cute here as she does in the game. ._. For one thing, it would have been better if she wasn't just ... "standing there". ^_^;;;Tthe other reason I doodled this due to experimenting with the non-photo blue pencil. Although I knew of its purpose and of its ... usefulness for a long time, I have never used one before. =/ And now that I have drawn something with it, I realized that I should have used one long long ago for all my artworks! ^_^ Why? It gives me the excuse NOT to ink my works. XP (.... I make too many mistakes when inking. -_-;;;) On that note, yes, no ink was used for Charlotte. =P

    Fuujin of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Fuujin "
    Artwork by Alex Ahad

    Comments: I did this work, because I'm a Fuujin fan and I also took this opportunity to experiment with combining various mediums. The background is in colored pencils and water color. The foreground is CG'ed. I still think I need to improve, though.

    Fighter of Final Fantasy I
    " Fighter's Pride "
    Artwork by Speed

    Comments: This is the man who paved the way for the Clouds and the Squalls of today. he just doesn't get enough respect, does he? Because of his red pixelated goodness, Final Fantasy is the king of RPG's, if not games, to date. Anyways, I drew with pencil, outlined in ink, and colored in Photoshop. I started doing an anatomical sketch for ny art class when I decided to turn it into the fighter. I used the color scheme for another art class as well, the complementary color scheme. overall, I'm pleased with the outcome. Thinking about paying homage to the entire FFI cast.

    Partial Collage of Final Fantasy VIII
    " Fuujin "
    Artwork by Felix Leong

    Comments: Although I'm tired of drawing Final Fantasy 8 characters, but this is one of my best art. Created using color pencils and manipulated using Paint Shop Pro 6, and well...... hope you'll like it :)

    Edge of Final Fantasy IV
    " Don't Look Back "
    Artwork by Pfeizer

    Comments: I made this one a while ago, completely using Paintshop Pro. I really tried to make his appearance similar to the game, by watching the sprite. There can never be to much FF Ninja Fanart in my opinion. Just imagine a celebrity deathmatch between Edge, Shadow, Yuffie and errr... Zell? ^_^

    Cloud and Aeris of Final Fantasy VII
    " Cloud and Aeris "
    Artwork by Joel Crescencia

    Comments: Since I've been visiting RPGamer for quite a while now, I've decided to submit this artwork. It was done on pencil, and retouched with Photoshop. Don't ask why Mog's head is over there, it just is.

    Celine of Star Ocean II
    " Celine "
    Artwork by Pacel

    Comments: This was done in Adobe Photoshop. It was done rather quickly because I was just trying out a new coloring style so it's a bit sloppy. But I like the results :) I wanted to draw someone that not too many other people were doing, and I liked Celine's hair and eye color. ^__^

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