
Fan Art - 10/22/00



News and Updates:

Nothing new to report, but I do want to remind you to keep sending in those corrections.



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Current Projects: Um..could it be, updating?

Currently Playing: Tactics Ogre. I hear it has eight endings...oy!


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  - Artists: Last updated 9/24/00
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La di da!

*hack* *cough* Well, I'm in the final stages of this flu-thing but at least I feel like a human being again, whatever that means. Sorry for the delay in updating but I wanted to get a lot done at once this time. I'm still updating the archives and the individual game pages.

I do want to remind folks that when I choose pics to put up, I look for people who follow the rules first. It's in your best interest to follow the guidelines. I will make exceptions for outstanding work, though I will contact the artist about being careful about following guidelines in the future. If any of you are wondering why I haven't gotten back, it's because I am often too busy to get to each and every one of you individually. However, I tend to feel more obligated to respond to people who go to the trouble to follow the rules than to people who continually refuse to follow them.


Some additional info

Some of you have mentioned that you actually like my babblings in Kalia's Corner. Heck if I know why, but I suspect I might be in need of ideas eventually. So, if you have anything you want to see me babble about, feel free to drop me a line. You can email me at I'll even give you credit if you come up with something interesting. My friends can tell you I love to talk and am very opinionated. I might come up with things that could ruffle a few feathers, but don't be offended. As they say, opinions are like ...well... this is a family website. ^_^

Once again, I would like to remind you that I have a low tolerance for people who don't read Submission Guidelines or FAQs. We go through a lot of trouble to put these together to make things easier for both you and us. It gets quite frustrating when people continue to blatantly refuse to read a few, very simple rules.



New Fan Art - 10/22/00


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Blue of SaGa Frontier
Artwork by Sakana

Comments: I replay SaGa Frontier recently. Blue is one of my favourite character in SF1. I used to prefer magicians in RPGs. This pose is actually drew under the last battle between Blue and Rouge. I have a big impression of this scene. The twins fight under the full moon. Looking mysterious, and a bit fanscinating...... Who would be the one survive? That's your choice, because their destiny is under the control of the gamer.

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Fujin of FFVIII
"Crimson Winds"
Artwork by *~*JuLiE zHuO*~*

Comments: I like Fujin. :) She's interesting. Too bad you only got to see her inner personality briefly at the end of the game. -__- Yeah, i know the eyepatch is on the wrong eye and the text is a cheesy squall-rinoa romance ripoff, but I still like the picture dammit! >=D

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Ginny of Saga Frontier 2
"Chibi Ginny Knights"
Artwork by AnEmeigrl

Comments: I dunno why but I can't stop drawing Saga Frontier 2 characters!! *o* Oh's chibi Ginny Knights!

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Alex, Luna and Nall of Lunar: Silver Star Story
"Innocent Youth"
Artwork by Llewelyn

Comments: My first piece ever sent to RPGamer and I kind of like it. I wanted to do a cheerful pic of the trio before their lives were turned upside down.

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Sephiroth of FFVII
"The Jenova Project"
Artwork by Leigh Bader

Comments: Well, everyone seemed to really like my first Sephiroth pic, so I decided to do another one. I actually did something more interesting with the background! I always get stuck on that. Anyway, my first one is really pretty crappy compared to the stuff I do now, so I just had to justify myself for it's immature techinque. Anyway, hope everyone likes this one as well!

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Kefka of FFVI
Artwork by Sailor Eos

Comments: I was trying to capture the madness of Kefka in his shadow...Umm, and ifelt that I should include the poison in the background because of what he did to Doma...yeah...anyway, this was one of my first colored marker pieces and I really enjoyed coloring it! Any comments are welcome!

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Serge of Chrono Cross
"The Cerulean Skies of Opassa Beach"
Artwork by Laura

Comments: I finally got the time to created a new piece (thanks to that wonderful four-day weekend around Columbus Day). I guess you could call it a tribute to Chrono Cross and the summer break that was over in what seems like years ago. One of my favorite aspects of CC was the beautiful, colorful, cheerful backgrounds; so in this drawing I used Opassa Beach for the background. Overall I like the way it turned out, even though it was a relative quickie, and it was a good break from another CC picture that I've been struggling with.

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Kid of Chrono Cross
Artwork by Geri (Kireihana)

Comments: This was the first time I tried drawing Kid, and the first time I tried to color it in this way using PSP7. Usually my CG images are more defined but I like how this turned out in a soft painted look. Next I want to draw Serge. Please send me comments!

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Yuffie of FFVII
Artwork by Max Kim

Comments: I made a pencil sketch, scanned it, inked and colored it with photoshop. I thought Yuffie was a pretty cool character so I drew her.. I'm pretty sure it doesn't look too much like the game art, but I tried my best to get her face to look like the way the game art looks like.. that's about it..

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Zelda of Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Artwork by Birgit Prodinger/Nirvana

Comments: I don't know how to comment this picture. It's just 'Zelda' (from the videogame Z-oot)! :)


Kalia's Corner

Every week I intend to make a statement or two about fan art, the art of a recent game, and old game, or game art in general. If you couldn't care less about my opinion, just skip this. But I hope to put something helpful in about game graphics from an artist's point of view. I plan on focusing on style, technique, and representations of characters rather than all the bells and whistles.

This week's topic is: Fan...ART?!

Fans, short for fanatics, are seldom taken seriously. Any convention-going Star Trek fan can tell you that. We are devoted to our obsessions in a way that is unequalled in other aspects of life. Those of us who choose to expand on our obsessions by creating fanart or fanfiction are often dismissed as a bunch of obsessive nuts.

Piffle! (did I just say "piffle?") If an artist can be inspired by bowl of fruit, what wrong with being inspired by something as complex and thought provoking as an RPG? Creative people are passionate by nature, seeing more than just what's presented. We delve deeper, often to the point of identifying with our subjects. We put the same blood and sweat and aggrivation into our works as any other artist or writer. So, why don't they take us seriously?

Well, sad to say, not everyone using an existing subject as the source has the passion that gets one taken seriously as an artist. Formal training aside, a number of "artists" lack that certain something that makes a piece of fan art genuine art. Why does an artist create? What drives them to pick up a pencil, pen, brush or mouse? It's an image, burned into their mind that needs to get out and be externalized. The image won't go away till the artist does this. A character study or portrait can be considered art as long as there's a reason for it. A scene requires far more planning, usually. The image is born in the mind before it ever finds life on a piece of paper or elsewhere. It's giving life to those ideas, making them so that others can see what we see that should be the driving force. This is where originality comes in. The artist is trying to create something so others can get a peek into his or her mind. As all of our thoughts are unique, it's only natural that the art we create be just as unique.

So, why is it that we are not taken seriously on the whole? We are obsessive, but not more than any other creative individual in love with his or her subject. Our fanaticism is not the reason they shy away from us. Quite often it's the lack of originality. The characters we draw already exist. We lose points at the start for lack of originality. But we can remedy this by showing our own unique perspectives of those subjects. By examining existing characters more closely, exploring their personalities and circumstances, we can be original.



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