
Fan Art - 11/24/00



News and Updates:

Regarding broken links: Many of you have been very helpful finding links that are broken and reporting them back to me. I do feel it's important to stress that with all the pages currently being updated, it would be most helpful if the information provided were more detailed. Rather than just saying, "you have links that are broken," it would be better to give the links themselves and/or the page or pages where there are problems. This helps me zero in on the problem right away rather than searching through hundreds of pages. Thanks to all of you who have been most supportive and patient during this time. To those of you who have been less than supportive and patient, I'm always open to constructive criticism. I am NOT open to being flamed. There is a difference between a critique and an insult.

11/27/00 UPDATE- Regarding Stolen Art: Two pieces have been taken down after significant proof was given to show that they were stolen. The parties responsible will be dealth with according to RPGamer policy. I sincerely apologize for overlooking one that should have been obvious and being unfamilar enough with the source material to not recognize another. Thanks to all of you who took the time to let me know.



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Current Projects: Umm...updating?

Currently Playing: I would be playing a certain Square game... BUT...


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  - Artists: Last updated 9/24/00
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I'm not dead

I won't bother all of you by going into my personal life and how utterly chaotic it's gotten lately, but know that I'm still here, and hopefully I'll be around more often in the near future. I didn't mean to take this long, but I wanted as many updates done as possible before putting up a new page. However, life has this way of throwing annoying circumstances at you when you least want or need it to. Oh, well. I apologize for taking so long and it won't happen again, I promise. It's a four-day holiday in the States so I have a bit of time to get things up to date. I still have a long way to go since I have yet to learn Unix, which people tell me would help a lot with mass updating. Anyway, this week I've put up more pictures than I normally would in one week to make up for there not being an update in quite awhile. I still need you guys to check for broken links, but take a peek at the news update on top. I'm thinking of making a guidelines page for submitting page problems, but I'm still trying to determine if this is really necessary. Thanks again for all your help and patience.


Some additional info

Some of you have mentioned that you actually like my babblings in Kalia's Corner. Heck if I know why, but I suspect I might be in need of ideas eventually. So, if you have anything you want to see me babble about, feel free to drop me a line. You can email me at I'll even give you credit if you come up with something interesting. My friends can tell you I love to talk and am very opinionated. I might come up with things that could ruffle a few feathers, but don't be offended. As they say, opinions are like ...well... this is a family website. ^_^

Once again, I would like to remind you that I have a low tolerance for people who don't read Submission Guidelines or FAQs. We go through a lot of trouble to put these together to make things easier for both you and us. It gets quite frustrating when people continue to blatantly refuse to read a few, very simple rules.



New Fan Art - 11/24/00


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Fenrir of FF9
Artwork by Annie Felis
Medium: Prismacolor Pencils

Comments: You know, I've been drawing all sorts of fan art for the past three months, and I haven't been submitting it. ::slaps self::Bad Annie.'s the FF9 version of Fenrir/Fenris. I hope I got it right, considering the pic I went to for reference was about an inch square. o_O


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President Shinra, Vincent, Rufus' mother(?), Jenova, Hojo, Sephiroth and Lucrecia
"The past..and love?"
Artwork by TifaStar

Comments: waii, my first fanart submission to Rpgamer :D, I love FF7, so I drew some of the characters of ff7. Lovely drawn in color^^I hope you all will like it!


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Hammer of Xenogears
Artwork by Alia

Comments: Sure, there are some overlooked characters in video games. But come on! There seems to be NO fanart of one of the best guys in Xenogears -- Hammer! I mean.. who can resist him and his mad skillz?! But nooooo.. everyone just HAS to forget about poor Hammer, who's there through thick and thin with ya in the game. (Although *I* always checked back on him and talked to him every chance I got! Have you hugged a Hammer today?) And then everyone forgets about him outside of the game. Well, no more I say! It's time he had his share of the spotlight. Hammer, this one's for you!


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Setzer of FFVI
"No Title"
Artwork by GKSetzer

Comments: What can I say? I have an avid admiration for Setzer, and have had one for quite some time now. In my eyes he is the embodiment of pure freedom....the epitome of a wild spirit. In this picture I attempted to capture his true nature, ( or atleast how my eyes see his greatest admirer)


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Gilbert and Monique of Legend of Mana
"Gilbert and Monique"
Artwork by Yapi

Comments: Comments about your fanart: Well, this is pretty much uninspired work (enjoy the lack of detail -_-; ) But still, I really really like Gilbert, he was so adorable, so I forced myself to finish this picture.


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Karsh of Chrono Cross
"Karsh Baby~!"
Artwork by Kouryuu

Comments: I've been playing Chrono Cross like mad these past few weeks and I must say that I LOVE Karsh. *insert drooling here* After him, it'd be Star Child/Starky but I like the alien for different reasons. >P Ook, for the curious, this was sketched with pencil and then CGed in Photoshop 5.5 with a good old Wacom tablet (not that that's apparent or anything). I'm sorry if the background is kind of cheesy but I couldn't think of what to do for it. -_- (Oh yeah, I stuck in the romaji for the heck of things. It reads, more or less: "One of the Four Acacia Dragon Knight Heaven Kings". Or if you prefer, "One of the Four Acacia Dragoon Devas". >P *wonders why there is no definitive translation for 'shitennou' ...*)


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Yuffie of FFVII
"The Hyper Ninja"
Artwork by Kittie KDS

Comments: Somewhat simple piece of artwork. I tried to portray Yuffie in a nicer way, unlike the theiving brat most people consider her. Picture done on copy paper with mechanical pensil. Took about, an hour or two to do.


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Krelian of Xenogears
"He who walks with God"
Artwork by Calis Cheah

Comments: Krelian's one of my favourite characters in Xenogears. This piece was done simply by mechanical pencil and my scanner's responsible for that ink effect, not me. ^_^


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Leon of Star Ocean: Second Story
"Candle Light"
Artwork by Chika

Comments: Leon's my favorite character ^^;


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Yuffie of FFVII
"Materia Girl"
Artwork by LightSoul

Comments: Seeing that I always make mistakes when I use ink, I used a ballpoint pen for this picture, and it turned out pretty well. At first I thought I ruined it by putting in the background, but now I think it looks a lot better. It's Yuffie throwing shuriken on the shores of Wutai, but to some extent it looks like the shuriken are coming towards her. So I guess it's two different perspectives for Yuffie lovers and haters. As for me, I love her because she's so cool!


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Ozzie, Flea and Slash of Chrono Trigger / Chrono Cross
"Mystic Knights"
Artwork by Renn Inoue

Comments: When I saw Sandara-3's great picture of Flea and Slash greeting Janus, I realized there wasn't enough fanart out there giving tribute to these great characters, especially in their Chrono Cross debut (even though it was a small appearance^_^). This work is essentially supposed to capture the Flea, Slash, and Ozzie of Chrono Cross and their appearance at the Bend of Time.


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Virginia Knights Of SaGa Frontier 2
"Virginia Knights"
Artwork by Sakana

Comments: Ginny is a cute girl. Whenever I start to draw a cute character, I'll always sketch out her face. This pic is similar to my last Premiere pic. Cos I create both of these pic at the same time when I have the same idea....^^;; And oh...I missed Ginny's butterfly tattoo on her left hand....


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Shiva of FFVII
"Goddess of Ice"
Artwork by Paulo/ paul o'rourke

Comments: I finaly got around to doing a new fan art. This is of Shiva. It was extreamly cold outside the otherday, I just got up out of bed and started to draw and came up with a sketch of this. I scanned it into the computer and CGed it with paint shop pro. Over all I am happy with how it turned out but any comments are very welcome and apprieated. Thanks


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Terra of FFVI
"No Title"
Artwork by Flarebomb

Comments: This is a piece I did a little while ago while i was staying in Houston. I really like how this turned out although the scanner was mean to it by adding streaks grrr.... But anyhoo I'm ver proud of how she looks. Enjoy!


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Xenobia of Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete
"Female of the Species"
Artwork by Dennis Poon

Comments: This pic draws from a song by the obscure British band "Space". Hmm, artwise, strong shading... full-body pic... funky tattoos... weird magic circle of doom thingie... I'm very pleased with the results this time! ^_^ Computerwise, this thing almost killed my system ~_~;;


Kalia's Corner

Every week I intend to make a statement or two about fan art, the art of a recent game, and old game, or game art in general. If you couldn't care less about my opinion, just skip this. But I hope to put something helpful in about game graphics from an artist's point of view. I plan on focusing on style, technique, and representations of characters rather than all the bells and whistles.

This week's topic is: Originality

Some of you have asked me to go a little more into the subject of originality. I touched upon this a little when I was talking about artists never taking fanartists seriously. This week, I'm going to be a lot more explicit, especially since originality is one of the things I look for when choosing art to be posted.

Creative people are blessed with the ability to see things using different perspectives. Not just in the literal and academic sense, where they can see proportion and foreshortening. I mean to look beyond the surface. To see a deeper meaning or a hint of symbolism. I'm going to refer to Xenogears again for a second to provide an example of what I mean. When we see the painting of Sophia in the Nisan cathedral, once can simply observe it as, "Oh, some girl who looks like Elly." Or, if they are not familiar with the game, "Some red-headed girl." The creative person would see more than just that. A slight smile, apprehensive, but sincere if still a bit sad. All of this can be seen without even playing through the game and finding out more. But more than the emotion conveyed in the picture, one can observe technique, the brushstrokes (as Citan notices in the game) the choice in colors, etc. So, an artist strives to look deeper and this carries over into all artforms.

Talent is not just how well you draw. Talent is how well you use those skills creatively. As fanartists, we are working with subject matter that already exists. The original artist already did all the hard work. But we can portray these pre-conceived ideas using our own unique perspectives. People want to see something new, something they haven't seen before.

I once heard someone say that there are no original ideas, there are only different perspectives. Give five artists an assignment, telling them to paint a picture of a house, and you will get three different results. Even if you provided them with a picture to use as a reference, they would still add their own personal embellishments. That's when personal style comes into play. But let's consider something less concrete as a house. Let's try something conceptual, like "love" or "death" or "anguish" or "joy." Here is where you will find the greatest difference in the results. Why? Because now the artists put more of themselves into the work in order to get the emotion across. You can't paint "joy" without knowing what joy feels like. You have to make the work more subjective.

So, what do I look for when judging a picture for originality? Pictures that are nothing more than traced-over scans are never accepted. The original artist has already done a much better job with those scenes and was far more original coming up with them. I hate to seem cruel and I do know that quite a few people have a hard time understanding what we mean by "originality." I'll try to sum it up as simply as possible. Originality is something fresh, new, never seen before, a unique perspective. Fanartists use subject matter that exists already so they have to make that extra effort to let their creativity take over and not just merely copy what already exists.



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