
05 - Ninety Percent Chance of Clouds Fan Art << 
Daniela Farias - Aerith - Final Fantasy 7 Fluttersquee - KOS-MOS - Xenosaga Episode I
HokutenKnight - Viera Sniper - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Jamie Jennings - Jr., Shion - Xenosaga Episode II
Jessica Channer - Irenes - Chrono Cross Kenton Alkemi - The Hero - Soul Blazer
mannequeen - Argilla, Heat - Digital Devil Saga Nathan R Rork - Celes - Final Fantasy 6
Sakura Orwin - Cloud, Sephiroth - Final Fantasy 7 Yaoi Huntress Earth - Ashe - Final Fantasy 12
    >> Some Scattered Aeriths

As I type this, I'm standing (more like sitting) in line for pre-registration pickup at Otakon. It's abnormally cool for a summer day in Baltimore which is a very good thing because I got really used to the low 80s of Cape May, New Jersey--the Victorian bed and breakfast town by the shore where we spent our honeymoon. I highly recommend that place for anyone looking for a quieter alternative to the busier Eastern Shore destinations.

  • This Week. I can barely see my laptop screen in all the glare, so if I accidentally confuse a chocobo with a Pikachu, please forgive me. Anyway, this week's selection features some fabulous submissions, and as usual, we'll start things off with a medley of Final Fantasies. Nathan R Rork keeps the Celes fan art coming with an adorable Amanoesque piece, while Yaoi Huntress Earth redesigns Ashe ... months before Final Fantasy 12 even comes out! If you saw Cloud and/or Aerith in this week's title and subtitle, I won't disappoint: Daniela Farias is all about the awesome Aerith, and Sakura Orwin sends in a Cloud and Sephiroth submission that will lend a helping hand to those new to What would a Friday in summer be without a brand new HokutenKnight Viera artwork? Xenosaga fans get hit with a double whammy this week with a beautiful KOS-MOS piece by Fluttersquee, and the amazing Jamie Jennings sends in a truly incredible Jr. and Shion. Jessica Channer spices things up with a very pretty Irenes from Chrono Cross. Our first Soul Blazer fan art comes courtesy of Kenton Alkemi, and it's quite a funny piece indeed. To top things off, mannequeen gives us an adorable Digital Devil Saga work starring Argilla and Heat.

I'll have an overview of the Otakon Fan Art panel in next week's update, so keep sending in that fan art so that I have an overflowing inbox at the end of the weekend!

- Nick "Number 11,098 In Line" Ferris


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