
2.03 - Jolly Ole Soul Fan Art << 
Whitemage Fang - Tarutaru White Mage - Final Fantasy 11 Golden Yak - Unknown - Kingdom Hearts 2 Non-Existant One
Yuna Dances Again Hue Vang - Yuna - Final Fantasy X-2 Kaneda - Chocobo Rider - Final Fantasy Tactics Chocobo Rider
A Little Portion Kat - LeBlanc, Gunner Yuna, Mascot Yuna - Final Fantasy X-2 Look - Female Wizard - Ragnarok Online Adopt a Poring
Cook With Love Look - Elvaan - Final Fantasy XI animetayl - Link, Navi - Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Link and Navi
    >> Shake Shake Shake

Yep, I'm late. Almost hit a month this time. No apologies for it, though. I've been playing FFX-2 almost religiously and finally have seen it paid off with a 100%. In fact, I'm playing it now earning AP with the ole book-on-the-X. It works.

The art was both scarce and not this past 3 weeks, so feel free to submit stuff. We'll be launching a tutorials section really soon(re: before next year) and I hope to get the archives back up to date as soon as I get the last few parts of FFX-2 done and can relax with some .hack//Mutation.

I recently had a post on the message board telling me that I shouldn't harp on guidelines without a link to the guidelines. Apparently this person thought the little right-hand bar was an advertisement. So, to make it very clear I'm going to dedicate a whole paragraph down on blurbland.

Any and all information can be accessed using the right hand toolbar, this toolbar has menu choices including FAQs, Guidelines, and Contact. I will repeat this one more time. Any and all information can be easily and freely accessed of your will by looking to your right at the little pictures I drew on my tablet. These little scratchy modern graphics are your menu, and until I can clear away time to redo them, they will stay as such. They are not advertisements, plugs, or otherwise little gif decorations. They are there for a reason, so use them and do not insult me because you did not know. This paragraph is been repeated twice in two different updates. Everyone should know if they just stop skipping over the blurb

On to more enjoyable things, the Christmas Themed Update is still open, I have a total of 2 submissions. Around December 24th or so, this update will happen regardless of how many artworks I have received. If it's 8, fine. If it's 3, just as good. I will not postpone this. If you would like to read the rules please look at the update archive to the right. It has almost every update for half a year.

That is all. I return to playing dress-up with Yuna in her "slutty clothes". To think, I rather like the designs. Guess I'm one of those women haters.

- Jeff "Paws" Walker


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