
05 - You're Lonely Rolling Star Fan Art << 
Quistis Fate - Quistis - Final Fantasy 8 Jessica Channer - Rikku - Final Fantasy X-2 Rikku
Surrounded Matt Herms - Cloud, Heartless - Kingdom Hearts VinnyC - Sora - Kingdom Hearts Kingdom Hearts - Sora
Bebedora Yueri - Bebedora - Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits
    >> I Wanna Wad You Up Into My Life

There needs to be a Katamari Damacy RPG so I can talk about it all I want and name all of the Fan Art updates after references to it. Oh well; I'll just do it anyway!

This week's fan art gallery selection makes the Louvre look like a refrigerator covered with the scribbles of children. We have two gorgeous pieces featuring everyone's favorite Final Fantasy blondes, Quistis and Rikku, courtesy of Fate and Jessica Channer. Kingdom Hearts fans get a double dose with a battle-ready Cloud by Matt Herms and a stylish Sora by VinnyC. Finally, Yueri fulfills a request for Bebedora from Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits. Look at that sweet, rose-colored art! Hee hee hee! Ha ha ha!

Submissions continue to pour in for Round 2 of OmniArt 2005, but you still have plenty of time left to enter. Don't forget to include the written component when you send in your art file!

We've got some new requests loaded in and ready to be adopted. If you'd like to make a request for fan art of a particular game, character, scene, etc., just send it in and I'll add it to the stack.

Discussion Topic of the Week: If you could improve or change something about RPGamer's fan art section, what would it be? Make your suggestions in this update's forum thread and you just might see it come true! (Please don't say "the curator" or I will cry.)

- Nick "Picnic Kibun, Feel So Good" Ferris


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