
04 - Perils of July Fan Art << 
Heroic Knight Glenn AJ Ryan - Glenn, Glenn - Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross Derrick Chin - KOS-MOS - Xenosaga KOS-MOS Episode 1 Back
Final Fantasy 12 and Waiting gndagnor - Ashe, Vaan - Final Fantasy 12 K.O - Nanami, Viktor - Suikoden 2 Nanami and Viktor
Hume Dark Knight Memii - Hume Dark Knight - Final Fantasy 11 Robin Chyo - Cloud - Final Fantasy 7 Cloud
    >> July Sucked.

Well, as you may have been able to tell I wasn't feeling too great last update. It turned out, a day later I got sick with a throat bug. Two days later I was shivering in bed sweating it out. Four days later I got a rash on my arms. Simply put, July was not my month.

With that said, my focus will soon be returning to Fan Art after a long stretch of having it elsewhere. Hopefully I can finish up a few loose projects here and there. I am also considering switching Fan Art to every other week as it has been. The reason is not I don't want to update, but I have only been getting enough submissions to update then. Maybe that will help spruce things up.

Now, for the fun! I'm restarting the "Q&A" part of fan art. Since our tutorials section is on hold due to e-mail problems, I figure this can be a fun filler. So, what you do, is send an e-mail to with the subject " [SUBMISSION] - Q&A Question " and I will save them for updates. Maybe that will make things a little more hopping here in the closing.

That's it. Keep on submitting that artwork, and make sure you do it by the guidelines! Keep your eyes open, there may just be a themed update soon!

- Jeff "Too...many...hats..." Walker


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