
05 - Ragamuffins Fan Art << 
Darcy Ripley - Cid, Rikku - Final Fantasy 10 David Mitchell - Genis, Colette, Lloyd - Tales of Symphonia
Dead Fishie - Cid - Final Fantasy 7 Fabrune - Celine, Opera, and Rena - Star Ocean 2
Jo-Chan - Cast - Final Fantasy 7 Lauren Nicolo - Maya, Lisa, Eikichi, Jun and Tatsuya - Persona 2
Love A. Riddle - Zero, Lloyd Irving, Fontina, KOS-MOS, Lenne, Cid Highwind, Yuna, and Albedo - Multiple Lulu - Aerith - Kingdom Hearts
Man Dao - Laharl - Disgaea: Hour of Darkness Marie-Blanche - Shiva - Final Fantasy Series
Melnazar - Bass.exe, Forte.exe - Megaman Battle Network 3 Noak Thibault - Sephiroth, Seifer, Seymour - Final Fantasy Series
Sajomir - Shiva, Carbuncle, Leviathan - Final Fantasy 8 Silkenray - Terra - Final Fantasy 6
Staci/Nadia - Angela, Valda - Seiken Densetsu 3 Temple Priestess - Yumei - Valkyrie Profile
uninspyred - Cast - Secret of Mana Vin Lucentai - Charlotte, Riesz, Sprite - Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu 3

First Place
Artwork by GlassShard
Vagrant Story
Second Place
"Entrepreneurs in Training"
Artwork by animetayl
Priest x3, Thief
Final Fantasy Tactics
Third Place
"Young Alucard's Sorrow"
Artwork by S.C.
Alucard, Dracula, Alucard's Mother
Castlevania: SotN
    >> Ah, To Be Young Again

Ooh, yet another opportunity to organize my thoughts in list format...

  1. Round Three Results. Congratulations to First Place winner GlassShard. Even if you've never played Vagrant Story, GlassShard's piece entitled "Summertime" is pretty much guaranteed to drop your jaw. Coming in Second Place this round is animetayl with an impressive scene from the young entrepreneurial days of some Final Fantasy Tactics characters. Third Place is awarded to S.C. for a darker and deeply emotional Castlevania piece depicting a not-so-happy childhood moment of Alucard. GlassShard, animetayl, and S.C. all automatically advance to the OmniArt finals coming up later this year. We also have 18 honorable mentions this round vying for those three wildcard spots, and I'm really happy to see the winners of previous rounds sending in submissions. Remember folks, you readers and art lovers out there will be helping to decide who advances through the final rounds, so start thinking about who your favorite artists are and keep checking back as the contest progresses to see how they do!

  2. Judging. Thanks as always to our permanent judges, Derek "Roku" Cavin, Jeff "CainEJW" Walker, and Cortney "Alethea" Stone, along with this round's guest staff judge, Philip "Dracos" Bloom. Finally, an extra special thanks goes out to special guest judge, RPGamer forum regular, and long-time fan of fan art watcher for helping to pick the winners of Round Three.

  3. The BIG Prize. A while back I mentioned that the grand prize winner of OmniArt 2005 will be walking away with a prize package valued at over 500 U.S. dollars. Then I mentioned that I'd be announcing "later on" what that prize package contains. That announcement will be coming next week, and I think the contestants will all be quite happy to hear just what the top winner will receive.

  4. What's Next? After a bit of a hiatus, regular gallery updates will continue next week. Following next week's announcement of the grand prize, OmniArt Round Four will start the week after that. Believe it or not, the new design for this section is still in development, and it should be ready in time for your children to see it soon.

- Nick "Young For His Age" Ferris


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