
05 - Luke, I Am Your Fan Art Fan Art << 
Andrew Shikada - Sophia - Star Ocean 3 Barananduen - Paine - Final Fantasy X-2
Cat Dreamer - Aerith - Final Fantasy 7 Delphine Pryde - Lilly - Suikoden 2, Suikoden 3
Gouden Draak - Bahamut - Final Fantasy 9 Gouden Draak - Leviathan - Final Fantasy 9
Look - Cloud - Final Fantasy 7 Memii - Link - Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Ramandeep - Cloud - Kingdom Hearts Sailok - Brad Evans - Wild Arms 2
Sarah Franks - Cast - Final Fantasy 7 shadow_dancer17 - Garnet - Final Fantasy 9
    >> That's Impossible!

Once I noticed just how far behind I am in my RPG playing (and purchasing), our wedding registry suddenly transformed from one of towels and sheets to one of Tales and Star Ocean. I can just see my grandparents printing out a copy of it now and going "What's a Suikoden?" But the linens are still on there because, even though we may soon have 3,000 hours of RPGs to play, we'll need fresh sheets on the bed when we do fall asleep.

This week's update is full of amazing art as usual, but some of the art is quite unusual indeed. Let's start things off with a Final Fantasy round-up. To make up for last week's utter lack of Final Fantasy 7, we have three pieces from that game. Cat Dreamer sends in a close-up of everyone's favorite character who dies (that was a spoiler, by the way), while Look gives us a second look (bad pun, I know) at a recent piece, and Sarah Franks keeps the cast pictures rolling in. If you read the Q&A column earlier this week, you would have known to expect the two pieces by Gouden Draak, both of which are fantastic sculptures done in clay. We also have a fiery Paine from Barananduen and a lovely Garnet by shadow_dancer17. Ramandeep contributes a terrific Kingdom Hearts-style Cloud, while Andrew Shikada's Sophia is the cherry on top of any Star Ocean 3 fan's sundae. Delphine Pryde bends the rules of time and space to bring Suikoden's Lilly together with her older self. And finally, Memii and Sailok remind us that heroes come in all sizes (especially small) with their Wind Waker and Wild Arms 2 artwork.

You've got just over two weeks to get those pint-sized contest submissions in, so even if you're spring breaking in Palm Springs, bring some paper down with you! Me, I don't get a spring break, so I'll just sit here and pretend I'm on the beach surrounded by all the pretty ... seashells.

- Nick "Is Your Destiny" Ferris


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