
05 - Magic Wand, Make My Inbox Grow! Fan Art << 
Terra Transforms Dead Fishie - Terra - Final Fantasy 6 SeraphJewel - Serge - Chrono Cross Gangster Serge
Aeris Gainsborough Zach DiDomenick - Aerith - Final Fantasy 7 Zach DiDomenick - Zelda - The Legend of Zelda Princess Zelda Posing
    >> It's Fan Art Time!

My apologies if the Fan Art gallery update is a bit sparse this week. I was playing around with my mailbox's spam filter keywords and I accidentally set it to delete e-mails containing any words. This proved quite effective in eliminating the junk e-mail, but it also got rid of everything else. Silly silly me. So if you sent in some fan art in the latter portion of this week and you don't see it here, please resend it along with your words of teasing and taunting. Oh, and all of the contest entries with "CONTEST" in the subject line sent this week made it in all right, so no need to resend those unless you didn't have "CONTEST" in your subject line.

Those lucky enough to make it through my 100% effective filter sent in some great pieces for this week's update. First up is Dead Fishie with a terrific transforming Terra from Final Fantasy 6. SeraphJewel gives Chrono Cross's Serge a redesign he can't refuse. Finally, we have two submissions from Zach DiDomenick: a pretty Princess Zelda and an awesome Aerith. Zach promises even more for us soon!

Since I started here, several artists and viewers have written in to suggest that we take a more aggressive approach to the RPGamer Fan Art gallery. While we certainly never have and never will post art without asking or having it submitted to us, I agree that there's nothing wrong with some more active artist recruiting. So over the next few months, while the new design is being finished up, I'll be introducing some new methods that will be used to grow the RPGamer fan artist community even bigger!

I know we have a lot of fan artists out there with deviantART galleries. If you're one of them, and you want to save some time submitting your artwork to RPGamer's Fan Art gallery, you'll be interested in a new program starting ... right now! Here's how it works...

  1. Simply send a link to your deviantART gallery to with "[GALLERY] Artist Name" in the subject line.
  2. I will watch your gallery for RPG-related fan art (my deviantART gallery is at, but it has no art of mine yet, alas). Any such works will be automatically considered for posting right here in the RPGamer Fan Art gallery.
  3. Each time a work of yours is selected for posting, I'll send you an e-mail pointing to which work we would like to add to the RPGamer gallery. You'll have at least 72 hours to get back to me if you would not like that particular work to be added to the RPGamer gallery. Otherwise, it will automatically appear in the next update along with a link to your deviantART gallery.
  4. This service, which should save you some time whenever you add a work to your deviantART gallery, is entirely optional, and you can withdraw from it at any time. Remember, artists always retain all rights to their works. I offer this service simply to save our hard-working artists some time and to provide our artists some additional exposure.

Any of our fan artists who submitted deviantART gallery links in the last year or so will receive an e-mail from me soon with all of this information. If you'd like to enroll, just reply to that e-mail in the affirmative and you'll be all set!

If you're new to the RPGamer Fan Art community, you can also send your deviantART gallery links the same way with instructions to add any works already in your gallery to our own. Also, if you know of another free online art community, please let me know and I'll expand recruiting efforts in those directions as well.

Maybe I'll see some of our East Coast artists in the Artist Alley at Katsucon 11 which is just a couple weeks away now! Let me know if you'll be there and I'll be sure to stop by and introduce myself (and probably purchase some of your art for my personal collection).

I think there's a contest going on right now, right? Just joking; of course there is! We've already surpassed the number of entries received in Round One, but you still have until February 14th to get in your entry for A Little Summon Summon.

- Nick "Saber-Toothed Tiger!" Ferris


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