
05 - The Way You Look Tonight Fan Art << 
Brad Wismar - Cloud's Sword - Final Fantasy 7: Advent Children Eiffel - Tunnel Worm - Final Fantasy 11
Kenton Alkemi - Farina, Florina, Hector, Pegasus - Fire Emblem: Rekka no Ken Nathan R Rork - Setzer, Edgar, Locke, Relm, Mog, General Leo, Celes, Cyan, Kefka, Sabin, Terra - Final Fantasy 6
Rachel York - Maria, Pike, Joshua, Lady Adele, Yuri - Vandal Hearts 2 Richard - Zelda - Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker
Shadow - Medium: Paws - Full Metal Alchemist shojokakumeii00 - Jr., MOMO - Xenosaga Episode II
Tatsku - Kid - Chrono Cross Wyna Hiros - Ifrit - Final Fantasy 8
    >> Come Fly With Me

You didn't come here to listen to Frank Sinatra songs, did you? If so, I'm sorry to disappoint, but the name of this game is fan art. So go look at the art, then maybe check out my ranting below.

  1. This Week. I won't even pretend to hide the theme for this paragraph: it's song titles off the list for our wedding DJ. See if you can spot them all. Let's get it started with some Final Fantasy work beginning with Brad Wismar's stunning Cloud sword, followed by a Tunnel Worm who's walking on sunshine by Eiffel. Nathan R Rork sends us some kind of wonderful shot of the cast of Final Fantasy 6, and Wyna Hiros submits an Ifrit complete with great balls of fire. Kenton Alkemi delivers an unforgettable scene from Fire Emblem, Rachel York gives us cause for celebration with our first Vandal Hearts 2 fan artwork, and Richard's Zelda sure is one pretty woman. Next up is a special Fullmetal Alchemist submission from Shadow featuring RPGamer staffer Paws as the actual work surface! You can't help falling in love with shojokakumeii00's latest Xenosaga work, and at last, our final submission of the week is a cute little Kid from Tatsku.

  2. Uh, What Day Is It? Hopefully you haven't been setting your calendar by the fan art updates because it is indeed Friday night when this week's submissions are going up. It looks like Friday night will be the new home of Fan Art for the time being. This won't really affect any OmniArt deadlines, but it means new rounds and winners will be announced on Fridays instead of Saturdays.

  3. Fan Art Reloaded. Stage one of the new fan art design is nearing completion and should be rolled out really soon. As stated earlier, by popular demand (and because I miss them, too), artist's comments will be returning. So if you want to include some brief comments with your submissions from now on, please go ahead and do so. If you've already submitted something to which you'd like to add comments, I'll provide a way for you to send in comments for previous works soon. Just keep in mind that you can go ahead and start including them again.

  4. Fan Art Revolutions. There's still time to let me know if you'd like to see certain features in the new design. If it's nothing too complicated and something that a lot of people would be interested in seeing, you just might see it when stage one of the new design is unveiled in a few short weeks. To send a design idea, just include "[SUBMISSION] Design Idea" in your subject line and e-mail your idea to the regular fan art submission address.

  5. OmniArt 2005 Round Five! Don't forget about the current contest round which runs for about ten more days. I know it's summer--time to kick back, relax, and not do anything resembling work--but don't wait till the last minute ... yeah, you're gonna do it anyway. Just make sure to include "[CONTEST] Artist's Name - Title of Work" in the subject line or the internet will reroute your submission to Antarctica.

We'll be back next week on Friday night with more fantastic fan art and corny themed updates.

- Nick "The Knife" Ferris


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