
05 - Today Is A Good Day To Draw Fan Art << 
Andrew Shikada - Maria - Star Ocean 3 Barananduen - Ochu - Final Fantasy 10
HokutenKnight - Vierra Fencer - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Maeva - Shiva - Final Fantasy 10
Memii - Marcy, Norris, Razzly - Chrono Cross Nikki0417 - Cloud, Aerith - Final Fantasy 7
Sarah Franks - Mewt, Marche, Ritz - Final Fantasy Tactics Advance Steven Eric - Quistis - Final Fantasy 8
The Pokeduck - Terra - Final Fantasy 6 Zel - Sakura Shinguji - Sakura Taisen
    >> tlhIngan Hol Dajatlh'a'

I had an amazing adventure in my local videogame store earlier this week. I've retold my epic tale in the RPGamer Message Forums, so feel free to give it a read when you're done here. On with new business...

  1. This Update. By popular demand, this paragraph of mine returns, now with 50% more suggestive comments! We open with a fabulous tour of the Final Fantasy library starting with a terrifically tempting Terra tartwork--er, artwork--by The Pokeduck. Next up is a scene from the City of the Ancients by Nikki0417 followed by a Quistis any SeeD would love to be kept after school by from Steven Eric. OMG FINAL FANTASY X RANDOM BATTLE between Maeva's Shiva and Barananduen's Ochu! Who will win??? HokutenKnight and Sarah Franks round out our Final Fantasy line-up with some sensational shots of assorted Tactics Advance characters. In other RPG news, Andrew Shikada continues his incredible Star Ocean 3 series with a magnificent Maria, while Memii pays tribute to three very different Chrono Cross characters. Last and by no means the least is a stunning Sakura Shinguji by Zel.

  2. New Design. I added "New Design" to the "Coming Soon" menu because--get ready for a bombshell--the new design is coming soon. How soon is soon? Probably sometime after E3. Of course, the year 2025 is "after E3," but I expect the new design to be ready much earlier. 2012 at the latest...

  3. Contest Clarification. A few people asked what "greyscale" means in regard to the current contest round. For just this round, it means that all entries should be strictly black, white, and shades of grey. So things like blue-grey, green-grey, and pink-grey are all off limits. If you scan in a work, make sure to scan it in as greyscale (or convert it later). You can also feel free to use just black and white if you like.

  4. Suggestions? Comments? Secret Crushes? There's still time to let me know what you'd like to see go into the new design. Artist comments will be returning, but if there's anything else you'd like to see in your Fan Art section, just drop me a line at the usual address with "[SUBMISSION] --Nature of Your Comment Goes Here--" in the subject line and I'll be sure to follow up with you on your comments.

I think I'll go play an RPG. Haven't done that in a while. I hear there's a PlayStation 2 now. Imagine that.

- Nick "A Dish Best Served Cold" Ferris


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