Square Enix held its annual Pre-E3 conference today, and with it, a plethora of RPG goodness came along for the ride. News tidbits were numerous, including the following:
- Final Fantasy XIII was shown via video footage with a sword-and-gun-wielding heroine resembling Yuna from Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 and was officially confirmed for the PlayStation 3. Motomu Toriyama, who directed Final Fantasy X-2, will serve as director for the game. The storyline for the game, according to Square Enix President Yoichi Wada, will focus on "those who resist the world." The intentions for the "overall title" of Final Fantasy XIII were defined through the phrase "Fabulla Nova Crystalis," and Square Enix appears to have plans for the game in the same vein as the Final Fantasy VII compilation.
- On a related note, a mobile game in the Final Fantasy XIII world is being made. Called Final Fantasy XIII Agito, the game will be a multiplayer title. No other details are known at this time.
- One last Final Fantasy XIII item: Tetsuya Nomura will be directing Final Fantasy Versus XIII, which will also be released on the PlayStation 3. Stating that the Latin word "versus" means "to change direction," Square Enix says that the game will be handled by the team responsible for creating Kingdom Hearts, and will feature "extreme action elements." Something called "bonding" will be the primary theme of the game, but no other details or explanations were given.
- Final Fantasy XII has been confirmed for a North American release this October. An extended trailer featuring all-English voiceover work was shown as well.
- A new game in the Dragon Quest series, called Dragon Quest Swords: The Masked Queen and the Tower of Mirrors, will be coming to the Nintendo Wii as a launch title for the console.
- More mobile games are in the works: Dirge of Cerberus: Lost Episode is being made, along with a remake of the original Final Fantasy Adventure. More footage for Final Fantasy III on the Nintendo DS was also shown, as well as first footage of Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core for the PlayStation Portable. Final Fantasy V Advance and Final Fantasy VI Advance for the Game Boy Advance were shown, and "new surprises" were promised for each.
- Akitoshi Kawazu, Executive Producer of Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles, showed two new games in the Crystal Chronicles series -- Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fate for the DS and Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers on the Nintendo Wii. The DS version will feature simultaneous four-player gameplay.
- Upcoming release dates announced include
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth on July 18, Dirge of Cerberus on August 22, both Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria and Dragon Quest Heroes: Rocket Slime in September, and the previously mentioned Final Fantasy XII in October.
Stay tuned to RPGamer as Square Enix offers more news from the E3 show floor.