
Fan Art - 09/15/01



News & Updates



The Ico Distant View Contest is almost over!
Contest deadline is the 19th.
Click here for full contest details.

In Other News: The Fanart Archives have been renovated into alphabetical pages, making them much smaller and quicker to load. However, the "O" page is empty! Bonus stuff goes to the first person to submit work who's name starts with the letter O.
No, I'm not obsessive compulsive...


In This Edition

    New Art: 11 works
  Feedback: Realism
  Shards: Silence

Fanart Information

  Submission Guidelines
Fanart FAQ

Mail the Fanart Director

  Fanart Submissions:


  Recent Columns:
  A Perfect Square

Fanart Archive:
 1999  -   2000  -   2001

Artist Listings - (Updated 09.15.01)

Dropped Frames

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction. The chain reaction of evil--hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars--must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation."

          - Martin Luther King, Jr.

Greetings, and welcome to Fanart. First of all, a few updates: I spent some time this week working on the Artist Listings, which have now been given a complete and total renovation. Previously, every archived artist and their work had been crammed into four pages, each of which was about 100k. Needless to say, that's a pretty sizeable html file. The new listings are divided among 26 different pages alphabetically. This should aid in keeping file sizes down, especially as our database continues to grow each week.

However, I noticed something rather troubling. 25 of our 26 pages have at least one artist to contain, but we don't have a single artist for the "O" page. There is only one way to remedy this - someone whose name or handle starts with the letter O is going to have to submit some work and be accepted. Whoever is first will get to say a little something in a future column. So spread the word and help complete our listings. As well, this would be a really good time for people to check out their own links and works in the artist listings and let me know if any information needs to be fixed or updated.

Also on that note, I want to take a moment to ask a favor. Earlier this year, while this section was under different management, updates became somewhat less frequent. As a natural result, the number of submissions decreased. Now that columns are again coming on a weekly basis, this decrease may become an issue. For the most part, we're getting sufficient work for a weekly column, but it would be a great help if everyone could just try to spread the word that RPGamer's Fanart section is up and running at full speed once more. And, of course, I encourage everyone to continue creating excellent work, and for those who may never have submitted before, give it a shot. Your artistic skills can only improve.

In contest news, the Ico Distant View Contest is just days away from its deadline. Be sure to get your work in by this Monday, September 19, at the very latest. Good luck to all who entered, and here now is the mystery prize, to be awarded along with a copy of Sony's Ico:

Helmet Prize

It's a full-size helmet, just like the hero of Ico wears!

And if that doesn't make you want to enter, I don't know what will. Now, here are the latest additions to our Fanart galleries.



New Fan Art - 09/15/01


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Artwork by Megan Glosser
Rinoa Heartilly of Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: In the light of current events (i.e. the terrorist acts in the US), I thought that an angel theme would be appropriate for my first submission to RPGamer. And then I thought, who better to represent as an angel than Rinoa Heartilly? So here it is. I know that it isn't much, but I'd like to dedicate this piece to all those we lost on September 11 and to the loved ones that they left behind. God bless.


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Artwork by Izlude
Aika of Skies of Arcadia

Comments: Did this a while back. I'm afraid it's rather bare bones, but that's really due to the fact that it was, at one point, part of a larger project which was never really finished. It's just Aika (the ever-cute, ever-spunky redhead...) in the midst of attacking someone/something/Janet Reno. Once again, pencil on computer paper.


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"Tribute to Sephiroth"
Artwork by Ryuuzaki
Sephiroth of Final Fantasy VII

Comments: Since Sephy was a psycho semi-god for the timeframe of the game, a lot of people tend to forget that he was human also, and he did experience human emotions such as loneliness and longing for acceptance. I also liked Aeris, but Sephy's story made me so much sadder than least she HAD family and friends, and a meaningful life. If she had set fire to a town and killed a buncha people, there would still be someone who loved her unconditionally. Sephiroth had no such luck. The poor guy was robbed of everything, it's no wonder he went crazy. So, here's my tribute to Sephiroth. ^^ Never mind the fact that I butchered his face...maybe I'll fix it sometime later and make poster size prints of it. :D


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"Black and White"
Artwork by Kurot
(Alternate URL)
Cloud Strife and Squall Leonhart from Final Fantasy VII & VIII

Comments: Hiya!!! First submission here ^_^. Cloud and Squall~ I like them both~ they're sooo cute *_* Done in Photoshop...... hope you guys think it's okay......


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"Final Fantasy 2j Cast"
Artwork by James `SPAM Man' Paige
Swordman, Archeress, Axe-wielder from Final Fantasy II (Japanese)

Comments: Woo! I love fanart of really really old games! Who has played FF2j? Raise your hands! An odd thing about that game is that the battle pics, the walkabout pics, and the menu pics are all dramatically different (especially colorwize) This is my best compromise between menu faces and battle costumes... mumble, mumble... yeah!


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"Ah this wrath I am!"
Artwork by GKSetzer
Kefka of Final Fantasy VI

Comments: I drew this little doodle after hearing an Arcturus song titled: The Chaos Path. It reminded me of Kefka so much I had to draw him. This is the result/damage. ^^;; Not CGed because frankly I am too lazy to spend time on Kefka.


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"If you think you're ready...."
Artwork by Phill Haymes
Squall of Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: This is my first submission to RPGAMER. Only a simple piece I know but, I'm proud of how it turned out. The idea came about when I was drawing some chibi pics of various FF characters. They were VERY quick doodles, but the one of Squall had something about it which made me want to carry on with it. I re-sized it and inked in the lines. Then scanned it ready to be coloured on PSP5. Not sure where the pose came from, it just seemed like a typical Squall stance......... Phill


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"That Thief Guy"
Artwork by Kimipoo
Locke of Final Fantasy VI

Comments: First submission... Final Fantasy 3/6 is one of my favorite games, but usually whenever I try to do fanart, it never turns out right. I like this one, though... I just wish that I could have thought of a decent background for it... @_@;


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"Tidariathan and the Masamune"
Artwork by Kitt
Tidariathan (Ogopogo) of Final Fantasy IV

Comments: I was told by a friend of mine that this is the only piece of its kind out there, and I'm inclined to agree ^^ This is a pic of the boss Tidariathan (a.k.a. Ogopogo ^.~) with the sword it guards, the Masamune, in the background.


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"Are you strong?"
Artwork by Maëva
Id of Xenogears

Comments: Here is a xenogears pic for xeno lovers^^; (and everybody !!^^;) well my little Id ! love him so much ^.^;; all the pic is colored with watercolor and some ink for the black! see you all!!



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Artwork by Lann
Tifa Lockheart from Final Fantasy VII

Comments: I was thinking about the anime style of FF7 and how you become used to the character looking like they are in the game so much it seems strange to imagine them as realistic people. So I drew my impression of what Tifa would look like in a realistic style.

Director Comments: Faces are without a doubt one of the most difficult things to draw. There are many small details, and since we see people's faces every day, even recognize one another by our faces, the slightest imperfection becomes instantly noticeable. You've done a very nice job here, and the shading in your work helps very much. Here are a few pointers for everyone on facial drawing:
When drawing the face's features, a mirror is invaluable for measuring placement and proportion. Even if you don't look quite like your subject, a mirror is the next best thing to a model. As well, hair tends to not be perfectly flat - be sure to include stray strands here and there to avoid giving your subject smooth, helmet-like hair. And lastly, pay close attention to both the collarbone and jawline, as they often provide great opportunities to get some higher contrast shades into your work, particularly if you are not drawing the entire body.





Shards will continue as normal next time. This week, instead of our standard tutorials and Q&A segments, this space will be left blank. A moment of silence, that those lost to us not be forgotten. That the essence of their lives not slip away, but continue through this night, felt in the thoughts and deeds of others.

Until next week, my friends, take care.



This column was brought to you by every letter except "O"


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