
Fan Art - 08/29/01



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Artist Listings - (Updated 08.29.01)


"Contrariwise, if it was so, it might be,
          and if it were so, it would be;
                    but as it isn't, it ain't! That's logic!"

          - Tweedledee, Through the Looking Glass

Greetings, and welcome once again to Fanart. We've got a fantastic selection of work this week, the vast majority of which seems to have been done with minimal computer aid. Way to maintain traditional mediums!

As well, the Ico Distant View Contest continues this week, and is about to get even larger. There will be an additional prize added, which I'll reveal to you next week. It's pretty neato. So enter the contest. I won't say exactly how many entries I've received, but let's just say your competition at this point won't be many.

Now to the artstuff.



New Fan Art - 08/29/01


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Artwork by Noot
Ashton of Star Ocean 2

Comments: This is Ashton sitting in a tree with fairys around him. He is so cute!! Especially Gyoro and Ururun ^.^ I drew it in aquarelle.


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"Ready to Attack"
Artwork by Bureiku
Cloud Strife of Final Fantasy VII

Comments: I drew this during my the first half of my government class. I wasn't going to finish it until I realized I was almost done. That's when I decided to add shading and detail to it. I didn't put a lot of time into this (about 20-30mins) , but then again, i don't put a lot of time into most of my art. But since I thought this was a pretty ok picture I decided to submit this and share it with everyone.


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"Cloud Origami"
Artwork by Arlip the Fantasmic
Cloud Strife of Final Fantasy VII

Comments: Created in the same style as my Mog Origami ^^
This is the first time I designed the pattern myself. realize now that his body has too many rows, that's why he's so fat and you can't see his boots (the first three rows). Oh well, it came out better than expected. He's made completely out of origami paper; I used blue foil origami for his eyes to give them that mako glow ^^ (you can't see it that well in the pictures). I'm very proud of him, although he may not look a lot like Cloud; I'd say he's more of a super deformed Cloud. Check out my website for more pics of this piece as well as scans of my original pattern and the statue in different stages ^^


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"pretty boy!"
Artwork by Maëva
Sierra and Klaus of Suikoden 2

Comments: This funny art was colored with my markers and paint shop pro 6 for the background! I really like Klaus too! he is so kind ^_^ (and Sierra is so crazy!!!!^.^)


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"Cuddly Cats"
Artwork by Maggie Sue
Rei and Katt of Breath of Fire 2 & 3

Comments: Yes, I know they're both old games, and yes, I know the idea's been done before, but Rei and Katt are both sooooo darn cute together! This is only my second pic that I've ever sent to RPGamer, although I have several others elsewhere on the wonderful world of the internet. I always try to do something different with each pic, so they don't all look the same. This is the first time I actually colored with a paint program...( I use PhotoImpact Bundled Ed. Ver.5, and I love it!) Anyway, if u like let me know, or if u have advice for me let me know too! (comments always welcome, cuz I still have a lot to learn...) Buh-bye!


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"SD Locke"
Artwork by Murasaki
Locke Cole from Final Fantasy VI

Comments: Well, after playing FFVI for the first time I just felt like drawing some SD Characters. Here's my first, it's SD Locke Cole and I think he turned out rather cute ^_^ It was quite easy to do (since it's just a SD Pic), it took me just a few moments to draw it with a B2 Pencil, then colored it (a little too simple) with Corel Photo Paint... Oh well, I'm very unexperienced in drawing =(
BTW: I'd love to get a lot of E-Mails and please excuse me for any writing mistakes, I'm from Germany ^_~


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Artwork by Kicka
Cloud and Aerith of Final Fantasy VII

Comments: aaaaahhhhh what can I tell you about that pic... I just love the couple Cloud/Aerith !! First I wanted to draw Aerith standing alone, in a flight of butterflies, with flowers and birds, all kind of things that make a pic look nice ^_^ ... but I couldn't manage to do something poetic enough so I chose to draw one of my favorite scenes in FF7 (and in all RPGs I've ever played though), Aerith's death (well, this isn't really her death, but it's about that) ! I'll always remember that moment... tears were rolling down my cheeks and there was no way to stop it !!


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"Black Waltz Echo"
Artwork by Nanami Tendo
Character inspired by Final Fantasy IX

Comments: Well, you have very beautiful drawings on your page, and I know mine will pale in comparison. But here is a colored pencil drawing that I thought I'd send you. It's not an actual character but I designed it with ff9 in mind. Okay? ^.^ Well, here you go.





I hope you found the Levels tutorial to be useful last week, I did receive some positive feedback from it. There will be further tutorials to come, but I wanted to address something else this week. I've gotten a few emails from people addressing alternatives to Photoshop.

I don't have anything to submit.... yet >.<
But I do have a question! Photoshop vs PaintshopPro- one's free, the other is not. Should I be cheap and keep using PSP? Or should I splurge and buy Photoshop? Basically, what I'm asking is- Is there anything that you can't find in PSP-albeit, it may be harder to find or use- that is in Photoshop? I've tried getting some of the nice effects that those using Photoshop have accomplished, but failing, I'm not sure if it was me or the program that wasn't up to par. Any idea of how to help me out?

Sir Lady Sketch

I am at a bit of a disadvantage answering this, since I've never used Paint Shop Pro, but I did look into it a bit. It is a very powerful tool, and you can do quite a bit with it, but at the same time it's got some major distinctions from Photoshop. Adobe Photoshop is an excellent graphics program, and is probably the most popular and powerful imaging tool available to artists today. However, it is heavily oriented towards photographic imaging. That's perfect for some types of work, but artists who are used to mediums like paint and ink, or even simple charcoal, may find it lacking. It can be very difficult to get a traditional painting out of Photoshop without resorting to the default filters. (And you should avoid doing that, because people will take one look and know exactly how you made it... not the result we want.)

Paint Shop Pro seems to be more oriented towards this painterly style of work, but you may have trouble using some of the more powerful imaging techniques in this program. I highly recommend you check out the Paint Shop Pro Users Group. It's a very comprehensive site which is totally focused on the program, with plenty of tutorials, archives, tips and forums for you to learn the ins and outs and abilities of Paint Shop Pro. There are even online classes offered there. So take a look and see what you can do with the program you've already got, then perhaps think about Photoshop once you know more fully what Paint Shop Pro is capable of. As well, you can find demo versions of Photoshop (often called Photoshop LE) packaged with everything from scanners to printers to digital cameras, and even sometimes with modems (don't ask me to explain the logic behind that one).

I should mention that there are other tools available besides Photoshop. Definitely worth checking out is The Gimp, a continually evolving graphics program that is currently free and looks to be growing into something at least as powerful as Photoshop, and possibly even better. Unfortunately, this is a Unix-based application, and I haven't yet heard of a Macintosh version in the works.

Always remember that the program you use is nothing more than a tool through which to create art. An artist can create wonderful images with even inferior programs. Some guy who happens to own Photoshop 6.0 running on his badass dual-processor G4 with 2 gigs of RAM and one of those gorgeous 22" flatscreen Cinema Displays, but has no artistic skill, isn't likely to make anything too impressive. Your images come from within.


(But man... what I wouldn't give for one of those Cinema Displays...)


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