
Fan Art - 08/01/01



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Next week I'll have something special... for real this time.


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Artist Listings - Updated 07.25.01


"The only difference between me and a madman
          is that I am not mad."

Greetings, and welcome to this week's Fanart column. This edition has been streamlined to bring you a maximum amount of artistic work and a minimal amount of me saying things.

In truth, I'm just really busy. I've got final projects due Thursday, and I'm a perfectionist to the point of masochism. Not always a bad thing, but quite often a time consuming one. I had really hoped to announce a couple of upcoming special Fanart matters to you, but one of them I simply didn't have time to finish, and the other got similarly delayed. But worry not, as I will be done with classes this week, and will then be able to spend more time here. I should have plenty more to tell you next time.

So onto this week's art. It's a extra large selection (I broke the 10 piece limit... don't tell anyone) bearing some fantastic artistic talent. Lots of Final Fantasy stuff, including our very first Final Fantasy Movie art. Also in the column today is our first Tales of Eternia fanart, and a couple really great humorous works down at the end. Enjoy.



New Fan Art - 08/01/01


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"Destiny Fulfilled"
Artwork by Kagaya Rinoa
Aerith Gainsborough and Cloud Strife of Final Fantasy VII

Comments: ...and I meet you again. Aerith and Cloud in the Lifestream. It is destiny that they are together, hence the title. If you have any comments on this work, feel free to contact me! Colour pencil and Photoshop.


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"Arche and Chester"
Artwork by Dennis Poon
Arche and Chester of Tales of Phantasia

Comments: Arche & Chester make a cute couple :P


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Cloud Strife of Final Fantasy VII

Comments: The original line drawing was done by Jamie and then i scanned it in and added the colour and effects using Photoshop.


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"Festive Wind"
Artwork by Unce^2
Citan Uzuki from Xenogears

Comments: My first submission and 3rd CG...Plz send me comments :)
I hope you guys like it.


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"Sephiroth walks into the fire"
Artwork by Claudia Alvarez
Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII

Comments: This was done in water colors on paper, and was taken from the ads that appeared on several magazines when Final Fantasy VII was released. It is quite big (almost a meter tall) and it now hangs beautifully framed in my bedroom.


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Artwork by Sakana
\ Medium: Photoshop 5.5
Farah from Tales of Eternia

Comments: This game is really hot in Japan now!! Even with TV anime coming out~ I've been influenced as well~~~^^ Farah is a nice character to draw. this is just a simple portrait of Farah. i like her eyes the most!!


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"Lovers above the Earth"
Artwork by Elise Turner
Aki and Gray from Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

Comments: I drew this around 8 in the morning for my sister. I used an image of Aki and Gray to get the face details correct. Use of shading was used in a way to give detail to the faces, i.e Cheek bones and such.


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Artwork by Navie Chance
Ashton and Rena from Star Ocean: The Second Story

Comments: This was actually two separate drawings; One of Ashton, and one of Rena. I almost didn't add Gyoro and Ururun in at all, but it wouldn't be the same without them, would it?


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"Sydney Losstarot"
Artwork by Charlie
Sydney Losstarot from Vagrant Story

Comments: Well I would like to say that this drawing was particularly hard for me to draw. The main reason it was so hard to draw was because I often don't draw very good hands, but I'd say this turned out very well. I hope you all like it too! Also, I would like to ask....Does anyone else like his boots as much as I do???


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"Weapon Break!"
Artwork by Brenden "DR" Simon
Knight & Ninja of Final Fantasy Tactics

Comments: My first submission. Remember, kids: if you have Two Swords, always, always use it.


Contains spoilers
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"Please Take A Number"
Artwork by A-Chan
Golbez and Magus of FFIV and Chrono Trigger

Comments: I wanted to do something in honor of the release of Final Fantasy Chronicles, which contains two of my favorite games of all time - FFIV and Chrono Trigger! I was just thinking how depressing it must be to have to play the villain... you have to go through mental anguish, corny evil dialogue, and everyone always liking the good guy better than you. -_-;
Plus, you find out what happens to the good guys after that final boss fight, but most of the time the villain is dead... or are they? This is where I think they go when it's all said and done. Yay villains! ^^
(Contains spoilers for both games)





Everyone already knows everything.

Either that or you just couldn't think of anything to ask of me. I didn't get any art questions for Shards this week, so I am at a loss as to what I should include to wrap up the column. I've got some alternative ideas that will probably go into action next week, but I still encourage you to submit any art-related questions to me at, and I'll be happy to answer them here.

As always, thanks to the artists who submitted work this week. Until next time, take care.




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