
Fan Art - 08/08/01



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Artist Listings - Updated 08.02.01

5th Dimensional Space

"Everything you can imagine is real."

          - Pablo Picasso

Greetings, and welcome to another Fanart column. My summer semester has come to a close, and at last I get some free time to spend... trying to find a job. It never ends. Anyway, here's hoping that some of you get a bit of time off to create more art as summer fades away.

As you may have guessed by the big icon to the right, today marks the start of the aptly named Ico Distant View Contest. This fanart contest centers around Sony's forthcoming RPG, Ico. In the theme of this unique title, we are asking that you submit work of a scenic nature. The contest will run for the next 6 weeks, after which one talented artist will receive a copy of the game. This is quite a bit of time to spend on your work, so I suggest really putting some time into it and truly refining as best you can. For a full writeup on the contest details and rules, head here, or click the icon to the right, which will remain for the contest duration. To clarify, the contest and normal weekly fanart submissions are two different things. I look forward to seeing some beautiful scenic art from all of you.

Today's column brings us some special work, reminding us that as artists we need not be confined to 2-dimensional images, even on the web. We have two sculptural pieces: one is a handcrafted model airship, and the other is an intricately worked origami statuette. Also in the column is some gorgeous Final Fantasy watercolor work, as well as two different views of Bartholemew Fatima, as well as other fantastic artistry.



New Fan Art - 08/08/01


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"R.E.M. Lucid"
Artwork by Michael Upchurch
Airship inspired by the Final Fantasy series

Comments: To build the boat we first made plans for the rotor and mast design on a sheet of paper. Then we acquired a block of balsa large enough for the hull. I put a sander bit on my dremel, and sanded the balsa down to the final shape of the hull. After fine sanding, we placed a flat sheet on the top to make sure we had a smooth deck, and then put on the bulwarks. The airship has 16 cannons on it, which were created with a small type of bead. I drilled holes for each cannon and fitted them in, securing them with some super glue. Meanwhile Cliff was cutting the masts to size, and cutting the rotor blades out of balsa sheets. After the masts were done we fitted them into the 'engines' which were bigger beads that we painted a metallic grey color. After we painted the ship I carved the deck pieces like the captains cabin, captains chair, and all the stair sets on the ship with a hobby knife. This was difficult, as many of the items are only a few millimeters in size. Then I designed the rigging pattern and we rigged the ship taking care to keep the ropes away from the rotors. After 9 hours we sat back and admired our handiwork. The boat is a little over 6 inches long and under 6 inches high. Not bad, considering its made almost entirely out of balsa wood and beads.


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"Mog Origami"
Artwork by Arlip the Fantasmic
Mog of Final Fantasy VI

Comments: Kupo! I really like how this turned out. This is a new type of origami where you use hundreds of little folded triangles that can be stacked in different ways. It can stand on its own, but I usually add some glue at the end just to be safe. I used the pattern for Hello Kitty (that's why he looks so cat-like), but used all white printer paper instead. I designed the add-ons myself (based on the pic of Mog in the FFIII booklet). The only problem is... his head is lopsided >_< That's what I get for not using real origami paper. Please visit my website to find out more about this type of origami and see some of the other projects I have done.


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"The Very Essence of Life"
Artwork by Laura
Relm of Final Fantasy VI

Comments: It's been a while since I've done one of Relm. I didn't create this all recently, it was laying around in the "junk pictures I don't know what to do with" folder for a while and then I got the sudden urge to whip it out and fix it up. I'm pretty happy with the results, it's a lot better than it started out. =)


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"A Little Vampire"
Artwork by Maëva
Alucard from Castlevania

Comments: here is an Alucard art! mwah ah ah! (I think I have a little problem with vampires^^; ) it's a little strange Alucard... he looks like him but he is in my own style then he has a strange face °_°; well, well, well.... the pic was colored with my markers and I have changed the colors with paint shop pro 6!


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Artwork by Neko-Gami
Faris and Reina of Final Fantasy V

Comments: Just a watercolor work I did for my high school art class from a while ago. It's Faris and Reina from FFV, sharing a quiet moment in Tycoon Castle, overlooking the local terrain.


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Artwork by Kristin Bergh
Bartholemew Fatima of Xenogears

Comments: This is what happens when I'm stuck on a plane for and hour and a half for a rain delay. The text comes from the monologue Bart says while talking to himself when alone on a far corner of his ship.


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"Pirate in the Shell"
Artwork by LEONheart Kennedy
Bartholemew Fatima of Xenogears

Comments: I really can't say what compelled me to draw Bart in the pose of the 'Ghost in the Shell' poster. I guess I thought of it while slamming the snooze button on my alarm clock. Tee-Hee! I know I got the idea of the mono Bart in the background from a picture of Ivy from Soul Calibur.


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"Rikku from FFX"
Artwork by Nanami Yuki
Rikku of Final Fantasy X

Comments: HIYA! This is a pic of Rikku stealing wine from a basement. It's my first attempt to draw this character. Please email me your comments or suggestions.(^_^)





Beginning soon (hopefully "soon" = "next week"), I would like to start something a little different. I would like the Fanart column to not only be a place to come and look at work, but also a place where artists can learn and improve their skills. In hopes of accomplishing this, I will be taking you through the steps of how I go about creating some of my images. Hopefully this will give you new ideas and inspire you with new ways of approaching your work. In the future, if I get a particularly well done piece, and the artist is willing, I may ask that they lead us all through their own creation process. As with anything, we'll see how it goes, but hopefully it will turn out well.

And, as always, if there are questions, comments or topics of an artistic nature that you would like to see answered or discussed in this space, mail them to me at I'm all for turning Shards into a means of artistic discussion, should enough readers be interested in it.

I'll be back here again next week. Until then, I hope everyone starts thinking about possibilities for the Ico contest. I encourage all of you to give it a shot, even if you haven't submitted fanart before.

Ta ta.



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