
Lorelai's Artwork RPGallery - July 2nd, 1999
Ahem! Ohum!
  Artist of the Week
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Today's Artist of the Week is Sakana, who has amazed us many times in the past with incredible art and "pattern papers" and special pens ^_^ I'm not sure if the artist archives are updated enough to find more examples of Sakana's work, but there's always a webpage to check out! previous artwork has also appeared in earlier updates - quite often - if you don't remember, head back a few dates and check out some past RPGamer fanart! Great work and Keep it up, Sakana-san!

  Mailbox Update
  1 work marked POST
35 works marked MAYBE
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  Important Stuff to Read!
 FAQ updated a LOT!
 Getting Fanart Posted
 Artist of the Week Info

Hello and Welcome! Today's Artwork Extravaganza may not be suitable for young children! Hehehe! Well, unfortunately I was serious. There are several (well-marked) artworks that are SLIGHTLY more bold than the usual batch. Of course, I also may be totally overreacting, but in order to keep lawsuits to a minimum, it is my duty to warn you wonderful fans! ^_^

From The Heart

New policy for Ask Lore! If the question is more fitting to be answered one-on-one instead of publicly broadcasted on the site, I will personally answer the e-mail you send to If it's suitable for this page (i.e. the Xenogears Perfect Works question last week) I will NOT answer the e-mail, instead I will post the answer directly. So, judging on whether you got a response or not, you will know if your question is posted or not. Today's question pertains to Lorelai and her job as Fanart curator!

Inspirational Notes

Two weeks ago (at least), I rambled about a Miang and Ramsus fanart picture I had in mind. This week, I've finished it. Yeah...two weeks is a long time, so I just wanted to tell you all that if your work is not suiting you, let it sit on the drawing board for a while. Take it down and finish it when you want to, not when you're grouchy and befuddled as to why you simply can't get Ryu's eyes level, or Sephiroth's nose to look right. If you spread out your work time and to a little amount each time, you'll be less stressed and more satisfied with the final work. There's no rush to finish it! =)

-- W. Lorelai Wu


  • Please, READ the Fanart FAQ (it's been heavily updated!) and "How to get your Fanart posted," if everyone complied I'll bet I can get updates up faster!...this means YOU!!!

  • From popular demand, I will change my sig each week. Izlude Tingel, who takes the honor this week, should have taken the honor a LONG time ago. Dern it I love that man ^_^;;;

  • I just noticed that last week, I mis-typed "defrock." I typed "defock" and I meant "defrock" ... sorry! ^_^ Defock isn't a word, right? Cuz it sounds lewd ^_^

  • Last cookie, I promise. I think that a fanart maintainer's job is to interact with the fans and artists out there, not just artistically, but personality and friendship-wise also. Therefore, I'm opening up my Lifestream e-mail to personal questions, whether it be related to RPGamer, my other jobs, my goals, nigel, my school, or my pet dog Bobby. Anything that's not inappropriate or too private. Go ahead, Ask Lore. ^_^

  • Art and Lore last updated: 7/2/99 (Friday)
    Ahem! Ohum! July 2nd, 1999
    Hehehe, name the quote! Ah well, anyway, today's my infamous "inappropriate" update; although there's nothing that's too terribly inappropriate, I just wanted to minimize angry fans by warning everyone. ^_^ Only a few are marked, so enjoy today as if nothing were unusual. Nothing at all. Nope. nada. nothing. Noooothing at all.... **whistle whistle**
    The Lorelai who Defrocked a Priest June 24, 1999
    Today's Fanart Title arose from the question in Ask Lore. Come on in to the Fanart Gallery, some great fanart today by newcomers and veterans alike (I posted everything I didn't last week)...and Lorelai actually explains her crazed obsession with Billy Lee Black! What more could you ask for? =)
    That Polygonal Company June 17, 1999
    LOTS of work from that Polygonal Company today. I dunno, maybe it's the weather! =)
    E x p e r i m e n t June 10, 1999
    "Experiment" refers to the way I laid out Fanart this time. I enjoy change and I hope you are too =) Comments are welcome. Note, COMMENTS, not flames. ^_^ Hey i just realized...I'm archiving the updates right here on the page! I don't have to do it separately anymore like i've been planning! Heh, go me!
    [ Enter Title Here ] [ Enter Title Here II ] Mid May, 1999
    The Two part update that I had to do in order to empty out the maybe box. You might wonder why it's called the MAYBE box when I in fact almost always post them: My answer is, who really cares? ^_^ Art goes up, everyone is happy, we kiss, we schmooze, we shake hands wadda ya say eh? Isn't that what we all want? =)
    Sraegonex May 24th, 1999 meaning in the title in particular. Well actually there IS a specific meaning, but it doesn't pertain to this update THAT much. Ah well. I'm not making sense. It's late at night, so sue me...out of both pennies I got in my pocket. No idea what Sraegonex is? Try reading it backwards ^_^
    Critique Corner. Finally. May 20th, 1999
    Just what the title says: Critique Corner, FINALLY! ^_^ Sorry about the delays in getting CC up, there's actually some more art I wanted to get into Critique Corner but there just wasn't time/space. So, watch for those artworks next time (you artists know who you are.)
    Billy Bonanza May 10th, 1999
    Uh, the amount of Billy fanart was kinda absurd this week ^_^ Well, I may love Billy and ***drool*** over him a lot, but there are lots of other fanart characters out there that deserve your artistic skills, k? ^_^ Enjoy this update! Haruka says! *hee* (editor's note: if this week's update is too wide for your browser / monitor, open it in a new browser window.)
    World...SHAKING! May 3rd, 1999
    12 works of awesome, awesome art to shake yer world! Ok, ok, that was lame. But don't ya diss the mistress of Earth and my new co-idol, Ten'ou Haruka. Aiee. She is sooo sekushii. And she gets along with Billy just fine. Hm. Maybe TOO fine.
    Old Fashioned Whammy! April 26th, 1999
    Whammy of awesome art. DO check it out...very worth your time because (1) all the artists are great, and (2) I rarely ever post 20 works of art at one time. Prepare to be deeeep-submerrrrged in artwork!
    Cookie Surprise! April 16th, 1999
    Have ya caught on why today's title has to do with cookies? =) Well, if not, don't worry, you can still enjoy the terrific fanart today. Don't forget to e-mail me. ^_^
    This Week's Extravaganza April 3rd, 1999
    In celebration of Lorelai (finally) finishing the best RPG on earth, today's update is solely dedicated to Xenogears (and in part, Billy Lee Black *drooool*)
    Next Week's Extravaganza March 26, 1999
    Next week's Theme is Xenogears...As you can tell, native German speaker not I am grammatically because I incorrect am.
    Lorelai updates again March 19, 1999
    The theme of this week was in Hebrew; some of you got it, gimme your address and I'll ship you a load of my Prozac Cookies...heh, right. I would, honestly, but it takes enough time just to put the update up.
    Lorelai empties the Maybe Box March 12, 1999
    Because of the steady accumulation of artwork piling up in my "Maybe" Mailbox, I decided to post them all together. They're really not supposed to be classified as Maybe at all; they're all marvelous,and so that's why I've pulled a late nighter today and posted them all. (Lookit all those portraits...^_^;;;) Enjoy!
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