
Art and Lore - July 2nd, 1999

Welcome to Art and Lore, RPGamer's Fan Artwork Gallery -- installment 7/2/99! Today's artwork collection is rather unique: in addition to the regular amount of extraordinary work (how ironic!) there are some submissions marked with the following symbol: [ * * * ] This means that the thumbnails leads to a picture that may offend some people; Some examples include a slight flavor of shonen ai (male-male relationships) blood, as well as semi-nudity and related implications. Nothing R-rated (I doubt it's even PG-13) but nevertheless, it's not Disney-innocent (wait...) You have been well-warned by the red symbol, anyway, but I assure you that if you can handle can handle today's fanart ^_^

Ask Lore: What inspired you to become the Fanart Maintainer / how did you get your job?    ||   Ask Lore!

I've always loved artwork, as well as doing/sharing artwork. I have also been a fan of RPGamer for a while; there are several artworks in the archive, done by me, that I submitted way before I got this job. In fact, it was RPGamer that first got me into RPG fan artwork! Anyway, when a chance arose, I offered my help to the RPGamer staff. They met me, they interviewed me, and they hired me. (How Clio-esque!) ^_^ I'm sure you're all wondering what the best way to apply for a job here is, but there's nothing I can really tell you. It's more of a self-motivation thing.

  • Remember, to submit art to Lorelai, send the URL of the picture or attach it to the e-mail, to Lorelai. My e-mail address for fan artwork is and for personal RPGamer contact, it's

  • Like what you see? Wanna e-mail an artist? Wanna relay comments, job offers, whatever? Send comments via Lorelai, with "attn: (artist's name)" in the subject line. I will relay it in full to the proper artist and CC back to long as your e-mail is not (1) A harassment, (2) a nasty, inappropriate flame, or (3) blank. =) If you don't receive a CC within one week, re-send your request.

  • Questions? E-mail Lorelai at aforementioned address. E-mailing Lorelai is subject to the same circumstances as e-mailing a fan artist (Hopefully that was redundant...) ^_^

- Where'd You Come From? -

- Sephiroth in Acrylic -

Final Fantasy VII
Sandara-3 says:This is Flea, with Slash in the background. They're from Chrono Trigger, that old classic which is one of my favourite games. Flea here, and Magus/Janus are probably my fav charas in this game. I don't know why i like Flea, but it's just that it's so cute! ( I call Flea 'it' since its gender seems to be undefined...^_^ and Ozzie's not here coz he's so ugly! bleeah! ) Anyway, this scene is supposed to be when Janus dropped into 600AD ( is this time period correct? it's been a while since i played the game ) after his sister created the time gate to escape from Lavos. Remember how he plonked out of midair right in front of the 3 mystics? ^__^ Flea ( in this picture ) would probably be peering at Janus, wondering how he got there. (Editor's note: There were no comments for the Sephiroth portrait.)

- Sephiroth -
Sakana (Artist of the Week)
Final Fantasy VII

Sakana says: Somebody ask me why I never submit art of Final Fantasy series. Well, actually I don't like FF series as much as SaGa series. This pic of Sephiroth is my first fanart of FF which I did the sketch last year. Recently I've colored it up with photoshop. Sephiroth's clothes took me more time to make them more detail. The whole coloring took me about 3 hours to finish. And...I don't like his hair the most cos looks like...durian needles...( Is there anybody doesn't know what is durian?)

- On the Moon -
Pamela Ramali
Final Fantasy IV

Pamela Ramali says: It's a pic of Cecil on the moon, with the Earth on the background ^___^ Although the outfit isn't really Cecil-like, but I think it's rather cool XD XD I colored the cloak using color pencils so it would not look too smooth.....

- The Elements -

Ammo says: This is a fanart piece of mine, from Xenogears. It's Carlin, Hyuga, Jesse, and Sigurd back when they were agents of Solaris. This started out as just a rough pencil sketch, but took on a life of it's own somewhere along the way, and I'm really proud of this work. It took me over a month to do it, because at one point I was really upset with the way Jesse was (or wasn't) working out, and so it hung on my board for a while, until I pulled it down one day and finished it off in one sitting. It's all pencils; no inks, or any other medium.

- Gi Delilas -
Legend of Legaia

GlassShard says: Gi Delilas is nearly unsurpassed in coolness. He has the greatest move, the coolest dialogue and he's a ninja, you can't get cooler than that ^_^ So here he is, er, looking cool and ready to take someone's head off. The fire was done in chalk on a whim and then the rest of the drawing got built up around it. I love doing drawings in harsh lighting conditions to get that dramatic feel. I think I was pretty successful with this one.

- Shattered Dream -
Amber Michelle

Amber Michelle says: This picture was a long, long time in making. Sophia wasn't all that hard to draw, but Krelian's costume took forever, just because of all the detail. There are several errors (that I see) still scattered throughout the piece, but I did my best on it and I think I'm satisfied with the way it came out. That's a first, isn't it?

- The Contact -

Laura says: I just felt like drawing Fei when he was little. I can't help felling sorry for him with the childhood he had...The wings were added, I really don't have a good reason they just seemed to go good with the rest of the picture.

- The Kiss -
Christine Kestrel Houser
CastleVania: Symphony of the Night

Christine Kestrel Houser says: this is The Kiss, between Adrian (aka Alucard) and Maria. The medium used for this picture is Prismacolor Pencils (soft lead), and permanent ink. I have gotten many emails about it (because it's on sites like Castlevania Dungeon and Annie's Symphony of the Night page), all of them good. A lot of people like this picture for some reason. I enjoyed drawing it. ^_^

Petra Rödig
- Artist's Birthday -

Final Fantasy VII
- Sunshine -

Breath of Fire III
Petra Rödig says:We have here a really nice weather, sunshine everywhere... happiness! And this weekend I finished Bof 3! Also happiness! The picture I send you today... Well, I get inspired by the beautiful song at the end of BoF 3 (I LOVE it!) and the summer-like weather out there. [* * * ]

[The FFVII fanart] is just for fun. For all my friends, for my 18th birthday. Love, Peace, and Happiness! [ * * * ]

- Final Execution -
Youko Fujima
Final Fantasy VII

Youko Fujima says: Vincent and Reno... Eh...this pic was drawn last year, during the end of my summer vacation to my HS freshman year (yes, I'm so little...^^;;;). I understand the subject might be a little...disturbing, but I thought it was more or less a cool pic. Kinda messy, though. I'm not all that talented... The position was taken from "Kaine" by Kaori Yuuki and inspired by Cassiel. (Most people say to this pic: "Is that guy gonna help 'her' or not?!") [ * * * ]

- the one i care about -
Wei-Ling Lorelai Wu

Wei-Ling Lorelai Wu says: Yet another pic in my series, the one i care about. I loved naming this pic because it's just so ironic! (it's a Xenogears thing) This pic, like Amber's, has been forever in the making. Miang and Ramsus are two fascinating characters, and I wanted to portray them in a picture of them together. Granted, I picked a risky scenario, but one look at Miang's eyes looking over her shoulder at you...well, I think I succeeded. ^_^ shudder! EVIL! ^_^ This pic was done in Prang (yes PRANG!) color pencils and ink. [ * * * ]

- Katt -
Sean Anderson
Breath of Fire II

Sean Anderson says: Here's a pic I drew, colored, and scanned, of Katt from Breath of Fire II.

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