
Art and Lore - March 19th, 1999
Aeris Gainsborough in Final Fantasy VII
" The Pretty Flower Lady "
done in color pencils
Art by Karura

Karura, even though you requested that I review your art (suggesting Critique Corner) I went ahead and put it in today's update because it's so darn nice. Aeris looks so Aeris-like: graceful, sweet, full of compassion and grace. Your style suits her well, congratulations on a job well done! If there's any inquiry you have that I can help you with, don't hesitate to contact me.
Alucard and Maria from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
" My Beloved One "
done in various medium
Art by Christine "Kestrel" Houser

Kestrel says: I did a LOT of work for Symph, because I loved the original artwork. This pic is one of those "awww... how cute" pictures, which is pretty much the response I got from everyone who saw the original. Unfortunately, said original is now in Purchase, PA, stolen from me in a time of ill-vigilance. BUT, note the signature scrawled into the runes on her scarf, near the edge of the left hand side. They say, if you have a magnifying glass, CMH 98. MY INITIALS MUAHAHAHAHA!!! This pic was done in permanent ink, a pilot pen (that has now run out of ink, bless its soul wherever pilots go), Prismacolors, and gold paint. The characters portrayed here are Maria and Alucard, probably moments before the kiss...
Aya Brea in Parasite Eve
" Aya of New York "
done in digital medium
Art by Yurimaru Blademoor

Blademoor is a great artist I met through our RPGamer office hours. I simply love the texture of the cars in the background; not only is it very New York (well, at least my 2-year-old impression of New York) and Aya herself is in a very good mood, it seems. I love her facial expression, though I wondered if she really did ever behave as seductively as she appears. Good job! People will be drooling over this one, I'll bet.
Cecil and Rosa in Final Fantasy II (IV Japan)
" Theme of Cute Love "
Art by Kelly Gammons

Kelly says: I was in a very loving sorta mood when I drew this. I've always loved the couples in the FF series, even the not so defined ones. And so I thought a very serious couple like Cecil and Rosa needed to be "cute" for awhile ^_^.
cecil and rosa
sibs of zeal
Magus and Schala from Chronotrigger
" Siblings of Zeal "
done in unspecified medium
Art by Madolin Peek

I could go on all day about the symbolism in this wonderful picture. Madolin, not only are you fabulous at detail, you're great at making the overall picture quite meaningful as well! This is more than a portrait, ladies and gentlemen: I notice that Magus has a far more profound look on his face, besides that cold, hard, austere mask he puts on to mask his traumatic past: it's as if he's searching for someone he has lost...a long time ago...a-HEM! ^_^
Fei Fong Wong from Xenogears
" The Legend of Fei "
done in Corel Xara
Art by Young Wang

Young says: It took me four weeks to do this one.. EEK! Then again, I was also juggling midterms and Electronic Engineering labs.. so that slowed me down too. =^.^=
Lorelai says: I'll bet thousands of people leave this column feeling insanely jealous of you after they view your artwork. It's simply FASCINATING! I love the quality and crispness of your work. Keep up the marvelous work, I love viewing your new fanart.
journey's end
Butz, Kururu, Faris, Lenna, Boco and Hiryuu in Final Fantasy V
" Journey's End "
done in ink and watercolor
Art by Sandara-3

It's some sort of tradition that I always post one of Sandara's fan artworks every week. Hey, I'm not complaining; her work is fabulous. Thank, Sandara, for drawing Lorelai for me last week ^_^ This is from Final Fantasy V, Sandara's latest craze, and I love it because of its emphasis on the scenery rather than the characters. Reminds me of the "beginning credots" screen for Final Fantasy I's intro...
Layla from Final Fantasy II (Japan)
" Pirate Rebels "
done in various medium
Art by Shinryuu

It's a pic of Layla from FF2j, the RPG I'm currently infatuated with though I'm still in love with FFV ^_~. I got the strategy guide for FF2j along with FFV too :D. This pic of Layla is part of a 3-part series focusing on the pirates of FF...this is the first, then next two are Faris and Rouge from the FF anime ^_~. Mediums used are Bryce for the background, pencil for the original art, and Photoshop for colorizing. used the original amano design to work off of though I will NOT be doing that with Faris x.x
Cast of Xenogears
" Most of the Cast of Xenogears "
Art by Laine

Laine (Previously known as Baka Laine) asks: Can you find: Fei , Elly , Citan , Bart , Billy , Captain of the Thames , Franz , Maria , Sigurd , Emerelda , Jesiah , Chu Chu , Yggdrasil , Karen's pendant , Krelian , Miang , Primera , Margie , a bear-calf , two memory cubes - blue and yellow , Taura , and Rico?
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