
Lorelai's RPGamer Fan Artwork Gallery
Omanut ma'aritzim hashavu'a
  Artist of the Week
Damian Fox
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Damian has contributed to RPGamer on many occasions in the past, and his works have never failed to impress. A college student, Damian has his mind set on the computer graphics industry and is currently in the major. Damian has a knack for'll never get just a character potrait from ol' Masamune36!
  Mailbox Update
  2 works marked POST
15 works marked MAYBE
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 Artist of the Week Info

I'm going back to Friday updates. I can't handle a bi-weekly thing with my insane Berkeley schedule...sorry....but what I will do is update Critique Corner (if any) on Tuesday or something. So! Who's ready for SPRING BREAK! (uh? what do you mean you've already had it?) Lore's on spring break starting this week, so maybe I'll have more time to do a triple week update or something. Hey, just a thought =)

From The Heart

We now have an exclusive mIRC guide, courtesy of John Zeitler! There are also help files in mIRC's software, but this is pretty much all you need to get started. Now, remember everyone, #rpgamer is a public chatroom, so show some respect. The rules are in the Topic, and abide by them, else Lorelai or some other staff member shall regretfully push the Smite Button and ban you forever! (mwaaahahahah!) Ok, j/k on that, but seriously folks, some unruly people have been banned already. We at RPGamer want to have fun and chat with everyone, but we can't chat if you pop in and mouth off or something. ^_^

Lorelai's Inspirational Notes

I think it would be cool to draw character's from games into real life area's, either by transpasing your drawing onto a real life pic or by just drawing the background too. Well, that's about it.

Be happy!

-- Grantis

Cookies...I mean, Quickies

  • For those who liked my little anime portrait and asked for another one, well, here's a larger one for your well as the Anime Lore that I submitted to Thor's Archive of Hacks! Enjoy!
    Anime Lore | Lore's portrait | Another Lore portrait | Yet another portrait

  • Ya know, I always have tons of Quickies, but I forget them when I actually do this column. This is VERY annoying.

  • Send Lore more inspirational note suggestions! Please? ^_^ I know you've got them in your head, why not share them and inspire thousands of people?

    Wei-Ling Lorelai Wu

    MORE Celebrity Deathmatch!?!? LORE GO SMITE THOR NOW.
  • Art and Lore last updated: 3/19/99 (Friday)
    Lorelai FINALLY Updates March 19, 1999
    Finally got the update this week up! Sorry it took longer than usual. Professors have a bad habit of loading students with work a few days before vacation...
    Lorelai empties the Maybe Box March 12, 1999
    Because of the steady accumulation of artwork piling up in my "Maybe" Mailbox, I decided to post them all together. They're really not supposed to be classified as Maybe at all; they're all marvelous,and so that's why I've pulled a late nighter today and posted them all. (Lookit all those portraits...^_^;;;) Enjoy!
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