
Lorelai's RPGamer Fan Artwork Gallery
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  Artists of the Week
Baka Laine
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Laine Says: wow , thanx ^^, never really thought i'd stand a chance as a artist of the week @o@x!! *dies* especially when there are so many great artists out there ...i'm really honoured ! arigato !^0^
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  11 works marked POST
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 Artist of the Week Info

Welcome! Ok, this is probably a surprise to a lot of you; first off, I'm using some kind of weird graphical frame instead of the ones I use every week; and second of all, there's a whopping 17 pictures here!!! Well, what happened was this: I updated every single work remaining in my Maybe Box. So, it's completely empty right now. Just wanted to appease those patient souls who have been waiting eons for their work to be posted! Here it all is, in Friday's Update! (Check mid-week for more)

From The Heart

Hehehe, due to the influences of Lorelai, RPGamer now chats freely with the public! We're (at least one of us) is always on IRC, on the server called, and in chatroom #rpgamer. Here are the brief instructions for Win95 and 98: download mIRC and set it up. Then open the program; it will set you up with a nickname. Then, in the bottom buffer, type /server which will put you on the server RPGamer hosts its chats. Then, once you're in the server (you'll see a whole lot of text) type /join #rpgamer and you'll poof into our chatroom! You can recognize staff members by the @ in front of their names (aka @Lorelai and @CyberThor). Good luck! (PS: mIRC is shareware. Also, there are no "best" times to catch us; someone is usually there no matter when you visit #rpgamer. Lorelai however, will still be available on ICQ at 32105014 and AIM at Jenova 98 for small chat.)

Lorelai's Inspirational Notes

When I have a hard time drawing a character sometimes I will look to the celebrities for inspiration. Even though the Spice Girls talent is somewhat questionable their poses and clothes can be great referance for creativity. It's nice to think that they actually have some important purpose on this earth! Also watching movies can also give ideas, for quick referance look at Godzilla it was a terrible movie but if you look deeper you can find a lot of good ideas for your artwork. Reading novels and science fiction is also sometimes helpful.
- Titann

Cookies...I mean, Quickies

  • Hehe, thanks to Sandara-3 for sending her AWESOME picture of Lorelai, the pokemon trainer! Plus I found Lorelai of Suikoden in RPGamer's coverage of Suikoden II...what a good day. I had a good feeling!...

  • Thanks to Hannah Yim and Andrew Vestal for ICQ'ing and DCC'ing me, respectively, two separate songs that center around a damsel named Lorelai. Well, they're spelled Lorelei and Loreli, but they're pronounced the same way; cool enough for me! (The Songs are here: Loreli by Static and When Mermaids Cry by Eagle Eye Cherries)

  • For the curious: Yes, the bottom sig is an anime self portrait of me. Don't forget that anime tends to beautify the subject though. Well, Staff Bios are coming soon, so you can see a real life piccy that is sure to make dunno.

  • Send Lore more inspirational note suggestions! Please? ^_^ I know you've got them in your head, why not share them and inspire thousands of people?

    Wei-Ling Lorelai Wu

    Wrestling with Thor eh. Thanks a lot, now I'll need therapy for the rest of my life. Another thing: What are Crabbits???
  • This Week's Art and Lore

    • Lorelai Clears out the Entire Maybe Mailbox!

      Because of the steady accumulation of artwork piling up in my "Maybe" Mailbox, I decided to post them all together. They're really not supposed to be classified as Maybe at all; they're all marvelous, and so that's why I've pulled a late nighter today and posted them all. (Lookit all those portraits...^_^;;;) Enjoy! -- 3/12/99

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