
Art and Lore - June 17th, 1999

Welcome to Art and Lore, RPGamer's Fan Artwork Gallery -- installment 6/17/99! By the way...this is by no means all there is this week. I could only manage to convert half of them into thumbnails and put them in their respective directories...30 at a time is just a bit physically and emotionally draining. ^_^ Hey I work here, but I don't *live* here, ne? BTW, Thank you all for you GREAT suggestions and responses to my new layout, as a result I'm gonna stick us back into the old thumbnail routine until I get get a better, neater way to incorporate image maps. Sorry bout the unique but messy update last time.

Personal note for the day: Where are the comments, everyone? =) Did I just get unlucky this week? Check out Redmond Brady's work. THAT there is commentary. =) I encourage you to talk about your art; in fact, my *old* fanart layout doesn't look good without your words to accompany it. ^_^

Ask Lore: What is Xenogears Perfect Works? Where can I get it?   ||   Ask Lore!

I got a huge amount of questions regarding Perfect works. Here's the scoop: Xenogears PW is a book on the making of Xenogears; mainly, It's a Xenogears art book; a must have for any die-hard Xenogears fan like myself =) It's more than 300 pages of pure japanese text, drawings, sketches, photos and designs, and history of the game. It's absolutely gorgeous; but unfortunately its' really hard to get. I got mine at Animenation ( when they got that rare, small shipment a few weeks ago (it sold out in a couple days) and because I ordered fast I actually got a copy...many people didn't because Japan shipped less than they were supposed to...but now I'm told it's permanently out of print...sorry. Check out Animenation for more info.

  • Remember, to submit art to Lorelai, send the URL of the picture or attach it to the e-mail, to Lorelai. My e-mail address for fan artwork is and for personal RPGamer contact, it's

  • Like what you see? Wanna e-mail an artist? Wanna relay comments, job offers, whatever? Send comments via Lorelai, with "attn: (artist's name)" in the subject line. I will relay it in full to the proper artist and CC back to long as your e-mail is not (1) A harassment, (2) a nasty, inappropriate flame, or (3) blank. =) If you don't receive a CC within one week, re-send your request.

  • Questions? E-mail Lorelai at aforementioned address. E-mailing Lorelai is subject to the same circumstances as e-mailing a fan artist (Hopefully that was redundant...) ^_^

Employees can Draw, Too!

Heya! Well, I've decided to start submitting again; I've been so absorbed in the construction of fanart that I've semi-forgotten about fanart itself! So here we go: a little section fer me and Amber Michelle, buddies in Interaction at RPGamer, and Pamela Ramali, Artist of the Week. This ain't no special treatment: it's how I always treat multiple work artists. Don't worry, I didn't kick anyone out of the POST mailbox just to put me in. Like I said, there's lots more fanart to come, I simply picked out half by random (as in, what I could do before my computer crashed). And please remember to stay tuned next week for the REST of all the fanart! There's a TON in my mailboxes right now, I can barely keep up! sigh...Lorelai's slowin' down...

Wei-Ling Lorelai Wu
- Wings of Justice -

Billy Lee Black
- Brothers Figaro -

Edgar and Sabin Figaro
Final Fantasy VI (III US)
- Lifestream Dwellers -

Sephiroth and Aeris
Final Fantasy VII
Lore Says: Ok, well I don't have to explain why I drew Billy. But I thought that it was interesting that I drew the whole thing in a Study Hall at Berkeley, while waiting for Nigel to finish cramming for some math midterm. (I'm such a lucky fuzzy.) I especially like the wings. I got the smeared, streamlined appearance by (get this) a crappy eraser that wouldn't do it's job completely.

Sabin and Edgar were drawn a while ago, as figure studies. I felt that the guy in the tanktaop resembled Sabin, however, and I decided take that idea and run with it. It's not a new fanart, but I've never submitted it to RPGamer before. It's actually done in pencil, though it's really grainy.

Aeris and Sephiroth are a combination of CG and Prismacolors. I just had fun with this one; it was inspired by Serena Gainsborough's fanfic, "Frozen," and I was so inspired by her writing that I turned out this picture. (Amber, do we have her fanfic on file?) anyway, I've turned it into one of my "the one i care about" series. So that makes three... ^_^ the fourth is coming soon.

Amber Michelle
- BILLY!!!!! -

Billy Lee Black
- Citan of the Sword -

Citan Uzuki
Lore Says (for Amber): While we RPGamer staff ladies were having a blast - i mean, taking notes - at E3 during the day, we were also diligently drawing during the night. I got to experience first-hand the long process of Amber Michelle's perfectionist style. She starts out with a perfect circle each time she draws, and gradually morphs it into the beauties you see before you. It's a long process, but it sure paid off in that Billy pic of hers (which, by the way, she gave to me to keep and frame! Woo hoo!)

I also have to say something about that Citan picture. Personally, I think it is a beautiful work, different from her usual style but better because of that. The coloring is darker, and Amber has also strayed from her usually safe haven of bust-portraits. Also, Citan is in movement, which is not what we see from her every day. Amber, that crazy woman, happens to hate this picture. I hope you will all e-mail her and tell her how silly that is! ^_^

Pamela Ramali
- Ready to Battle -

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
- Young Princess -

Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Lore Says (for Pamela): I think Pamela is a great example of perserverance and improvement here at RPGamer. We had a friendly chat about art, and I could tell that Pamela is a very determined artist. She never ceased in trying, and aimed for the very highest...So this week'd I'd like to award her a top-notch spot for her artwork. Congratulations and great work, Pam!

Individual Portfolios

- Alter Ego -
Anne "Lumina" Barrie
Songi and Gala in Legend of Legaia

Lumina Says: My first shot at Legend of Legaia fanart. I'm somewhat surprised that I haven't seen much LoL fanart out there, I decided that I'd draw my two favorites, Songi and Gala.

- Cid VS Aeris -
Wai Chu Yu
Cid Highwind and Aeris Gainsborough in Final Fantsy VII

Wai Chu Says: Uh-oh, looks like someone got confused. Done with pencil on tracing paper, transferred to bristol and inked.

- Scenery of Zeal -
Janus Zeal in Chronotrigger

Sandara Says: I'll be going to Pakistan for 9 days ( for my holiday ), so here is my fanart until i get back. ^_^ Medium : watercolor, ink, photoshop5. The pic is of janus, looking over the balcony at Zeal.

- Mako Reactor -
City of Midgar, in Final Fantasy VII

Azaradth says: This isn't exactly a character, but more of a scene.

- Reeve Kickin' Back -
Reeve in Final Fantasy VII

Alia Says: Reeve kicking back in the office. (A higher quality version is at - it is easier to see some of the smaller text details in the drawing, but it is a whopping 673k. O.O) Done in colored pencil and pen. ::thinks Reeve is The Man::

- The Summoner
Rydia of Mist, in Final Fantasy IV (II US)

Shinryuu Says: Here's a pic of Rydia, done in pen, pencil, Photoshop, and Eyecandy, summoning Leviatan ^^. It was a very experimental piece, and I thought it was pulled off rather well ^^.

- The Emperial Palace -
Redmond Brady
The Emperial Palace: Final Fantasy VI (III US)

Redmond Says: I was never very good at explaining my pictures. Hopefully, this one will speak for itself better than I can speak for it. To begin with, I'm aware that the Imperial palace as depicted here doesn't look much like it did in the game. I didn't have a picture of the actual palace on hand, and anyway accuracy wasn't really my goal when I drew this; this drawing is based on what I remembered of the palace and the atmosphere around it. I attempted to convey my impression of the palace as an immense, looming mass of tangled pipes and wires and steel girders, all forced into a more or less palatial aspect - a symbol of the Empire itself, in a way - a physical manifestation of power, oppression, and fear, with no thought given to beauty.

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