
Art and Lore - April 16th, 1999
Aeris Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
" Gentle Lamb of Salvation "
Done in Computer Graphics
Art by Xrystal

Such a gentle picture. I'm impressed by the soft quality that you can achieve through computer graphics; such a difficult task, and you handle it professionally. You have such a gentle touch, and it matches Aeris so well...I'm sure that everyone hopes to see more of your work in the future! ^_^ (Lorelai looks at her mailbox, full of more of Xrystal's pictures...)
Aya Brea from Parasite Eve
" Make My Day "
done in CG
Art by Sakana

Sakana: Finally, I've installed Photoshop 5.0. And this is my first CG. I relized that Aya's clothes are not enough realistic yet. Somehow, her hand is kinda big too....

Lorelai: You better stop right there Sakana, before your fans mob you for being too modest. Keep up the great work! As for the hands, at least you don't draw them too SMALL like the other 90% of the art world ^_^

Gremio from Suikoden
" Will You Shed a Tear? "
done in CG
Art by Evy D.

Evy: EEEKK!!! no matter how hard I put my effort on my pics, it always look crappy!!! BTW, I know Suikoden's abit old, but the games still good!! I chose the title above cause I DID cry when Gremio (spoiler blipped out). *sob* What can I say? It WAS sad.. /_\ I never played a game character that was as sweet as Gremio b4 (no offense to Billy ^_^) *LOL* anyway...BTW in the pic, Gremio IS NOT smiling!
Aeris and Cloud from Final Fantasy VII
" Journey of Nostalgia "
done in 0.3 and 0.5 mechanical pencil (WOO HOO!)
Art by Michael Tam

Mechafreq: I made this over the course of 3 months... but the actual time I spent drawing it is only... hehe, maybe 3-4 hours. Yah yah, I'm a lazy punk. :P I did some PhotoShop "enhancing" but not very much, at least not nearly as much as some of my pics. I guess the CG makes up 10% of the pic. I had to use it mostly cause my crap scanner messed up the pic a lot. Dust particles here and there, smudge marks, the works. :( Part of the fault was the paper I used, which has a nice parchment like feel and look. When I scanned it in, it turned all splotchy. The paper likes to smear pencil like crazy too.
aeris and cloud
Marle from ChronoTrigger
" Valkyrie Goddess"
done in pencil and black ink
Art by Misao

Misao: This is an image I did a long, long time ago... but at the time I was really obsessed with ChronoTrigger; I thought Marle needed a slight makeover... I don't really know much about crossbows, but this is how I envision her Valkyrie bow to appear. Redid the hair, tweaked the outfit.
Ifrit from Final Fantasy
" Ifrit's Rage "
done in pen, Photoshop & Bryce 2
Art by Rydia X

Rydia X is back with yet another piece of eye candy...I especially admire artists who not only can depict the bishonen and kawaii people in bishonen/kawaii ways, but also depict less-eyecandy-filled, different, and unique characters in equally pleasing ways. I won't react to Ifrit the same way I react to Billy, but I WILL stop, gawk and drool nevertheless. ^_^ Kudos Rydia!
Kelvina from Xenogears
" Elemental "
done in CG
Art by Beeho aka Keiiii

This pic was supposed to go up with my Xenogears Fest, but it quietly eluded me. Hmph, figures it'd be Kelvina that slips like water through my fingers. (Lorelai reminisces of how she got her gear-butt bashed by Kelvina) Owch. Well, it's a great picture still...Hmm...Ramsus and Kelvina woulda made a better couple. ^_^
Rei from Breath of Fire III
" Relaxing "
medium unknown
Art by Petra Rödig

Woaaa...Is that how Rei looks when he's on vacation? Hehehe...rowr. Uh, right. Long time no see, Petra! Glad you're back with your fanart. My sister is the one playing Breath of Fire III right now, not I...I do Xenogears...but I do know that Rei just beats all when it comes to coolest character!
Rydia from Final fantasy IV
" Mists of Love "
photoshop, watercolor
Art by Sandara-3

Welcome back Sandara, sorry you had to take a sabbatical because I went all Xenogears! ^_^;;; Anyway, I love this pic, I think it's one of your best. You really captured the love between Rydia and her mother...It's simply beautiful and serene, full of joy, tenderness, love...oh, bah, I need a tissue...
Selan from Lufia II
" Selan "
ink, watercolor, photoshop
Art by Ryuuzaki

Ryuuzaki: I looked into the archives and...oh my gosh! There's no fanart whatsoever for Lufia II! Probably cuz it wasn't that popular of a game, but I sorta liked's an RPG that forces you to use a buncha problem solving and strategy with tools and stuff (hehe, I love the fire arrows and the bombs!). So you can play it and argue that it doesn't rot your brain! Anyhoo, I drew my fav chara, Selan...(all spoilers blipped)
xeno cast
the Cast from Xenogears
" Group Hug! Group Hug! "
Photoshop, pencil
Art by D. Kartoon

Yahooo! More Xenogears! (Droool) Guess which character my eyes first went to., he looks dazed. For some reason I really dig the portrayal of Citan (way on top). He looks...mysterious. Like he should be... ^_^ H..Hey!!! Where's Ramsus!? Even Primera's here and there's no Ramsus!? (gasp *die*) Just kidding. Marvelous artwork, and I wish you a huge, hearty welcome to RPGamer, D. Kartoon!
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