
Lorelai's RPGamer Fan Artwork Gallery
Prozac Cookie Surprise
  Artist of the Week
I'm pausing Artist of the Week this time because I'm several weeks behind in the archives, and I think that if I update the archives it will be fairer to our Artist of Honor. Hey, it ain't all art to work here! ^_^
  Mailbox Update
  0 works marked POST
22 works marked MAYBE
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  Sending Art to Lorelai
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 Getting Fanart Posted
 Artist of the Week Info

Sorry bout my week-long sabbatical. I've had several difficult situations...One of which concerns a high-school friend of mine who passed away in a car accident last week. I'll sorely miss her...But anyway, this is no way to start the Art column. Welcome back, I'm feeling refreshed, less than a month of school left, weee!

From The Heart

I've debated whether or not to say this...but I think the time has come for a heart-to-heart with all you wonderful fan-artists. I'd like to ask your opinion of something. I fervently hope you will respond as kindly as you all did when I was in my heart-to-heart crisis regarding Ask Lore, so those of you who are willing to hear me out, drop me a line at Thanks so much in advance. And please, don't spread and gossip what I tell you. If you want to know, ASK ME. I feel that this is an extremely sensitive issue and I don't want second-hand tellings to misinterpret my feelings.

Lorelai's Inspirational Notes

How about crossovers?

I've always wondered how Cloud and Aya Brea would get along, personally, since they seem to be brother/sister. Perhaps sharing a cup of tea or something =) Or just mixed realities... If you've seen Evangelion or Fushigi Yuugi, there are scenes in which main characters are envisioned in normal reality, doing normal things...

Instead of a lone SOLDIER, what about Cloud in a Japanese school uniform holding buckets of water with Tifa, in a modest schoolgirl uniform? One or the other blushing? Or if the Japanese cultural reference is lost, they could just be eating lunch or something.

Or Terra going shopping with Celes with Locke stuck in between, carrying all the bags?

I've always been interested in the more mundane lives of our favorite heroes. Anyway, good work as always!

- Louis

Cookies...I mean, Quickies

  • People, pleeeease hear me out here...when you submit fanart, in the BODY of your e-mail could you please include things like comments, title of fanart, e-mail, name, etc? Please, READ the FAQ and "How to get your Fanart posted," if everyone complied I'll bet I can get updates up faster!...

  • The Artist Archive is run by a Perl script, so if you change your e-mail, you MUST tell me. If you can, ALWAYS submit your fanart under the SAME e-mail.

  • The reason why this update references Prozac Cookies.

  • Xenogears' studly gunslinger Billy Lee Black has been suddenly ousted from Lorelai's Shrine and has been replaced by Sailor Uranus, the cross-dressing wonder of Sailor Moon S.

  • Send Lore more inspirational note suggestions! Please? ^_^ I know you've got them in your head, why not share them and inspire thousands of people?

  • LORE NEED MORE ARTISTS OF THE WEEK and some more boxes of Milano Cookies.

    Wei-Ling Lorelai Wu

    I wanna be like Sailor Uranus....cept for the cross dressing part.
  • Art and Lore last updated: 4/16/99 (Friday)
    Cookie Surprise! April 16th, 1999
    Have ya caught on why today's title has to do with cookies? =) Well, if not, don't worry, you can still enjoy the terrific fanart today. Don't forget to e-mail me. ^_^
    This Week's Extravaganza April 3rd, 1999
    In celebration of Lorelai (finally) finishing the best RPG on earth, today's update is solely dedicated to Xenogears (and in part, Billy Lee Black *drooool*)
    Next Week's Extravaganza March 26, 1999
    Next week's Theme is Xenogears...As you can tell, native German speaker not I am grammatically because I incorrect am.
    Lorelai updates again March 19, 1999
    The theme of this week was in Hebrew; some of you got it, gimme your address and I'll ship you a load of my Prozac Cookies...heh, right. I would, honestly, but it takes enough time just to put the update up.
    Lorelai empties the Maybe Box March 12, 1999
    Because of the steady accumulation of artwork piling up in my "Maybe" Mailbox, I decided to post them all together. They're really not supposed to be classified as Maybe at all; they're all marvelous,and so that's why I've pulled a late nighter today and posted them all. (Lookit all those portraits...^_^;;;) Enjoy!
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