
Art and Lore - March 26th, 1999
aeris and cloud
Aeris Gainsborough and Cloud Strife in Final Fantasy VII
"Memories that Won't Fade Away"
done in graphic watercolor effect
Art by Richard Abril

Richisan Says: This one is of Aerith and Cloud in the Golden Saucer. I did the watercolor effect again, and what I wanted to achieve in this pic is a sense of reminiscence. The title is "Memories That Won't Fade Away" And what I mean by this is that Cloud remembers his date with Aerith, and he's just thinking about it in the picture. Aerith is already dead, but her spirit is embracing him, hence her dissolving luminosity.
Maria Renard from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
"The Irony of Appearance"
done in Prismacolors
Art by Annie Felis

AnnMage says: This isn't one of my newer pics, but I really like it. It's Maria Renard looking all cute and demure, and obviously acting opposite of her nature (heh). While I stuck to my plain Prismacolors for this pic, I put in an interesting background for the heck of it. Would you believe that the background is wrapping paper that I scanned? Anyway, I'd like to get other artists' input on my own art.
Rinoa Heartilly in Final Fantasy VIII
"I'll be Waiting for You"
done in unspecified medium
Art by Wulfmune

Wulfmune's been around RPGamer for eons, it seems. I think it's most interesting to follow regular artists around and observe their art because it evolves with time. You can always tell what game they're obsessed with because the amount of fanart from that particular game skyrockets. Well...this ain't true of Wulfmune, cuz FF8 is only ONE of the games on her list. Expect a wide variety of art soon from this talented artist, witheld for today only because I can't make this a pure Wulfmune Gallery ^_^
Terra Branford in Final Fantasy VI (III US)
"The Wind of Change"
done in digital medium
Art by Blademoor

Blademoor says: I have always loved ribbons in pictures. I thought I'd put Terra in a somwhat classical composition, as befitting the masterpiece that is Final Fantasy 6. Pensive and sad, Terra reflects on the changes in her life. As the inner beast that is her lurks in a dark corner of her being. The Wind of Change beckons her.
Leon from Tales of Destiny
done in unspecified medium
Art by Hydrachild

For once I'm at a loss for words for Hydrachild's pictures. First off, I've never played Tales of Destiny. Second off, Hydrachild's e-mail was nearly blank save for her return address and the URL's for this picture. ^_^ Speak up, ye artistes, Lorelai cannot always cover for ya! Anyway. Great work...but then the world expects no less from the talented Hydrachild.
Tifa, Cloud, Red XIII and Vincent from Final Fantasy VII
"Meeting Vincent"
done in ink and Photoshop
Art by Sandara-3

What an awesome scene to illustrate! I love Sandara's choice of sepia coloring. It seems that a meeting with the moody Vincent would call for no other colors than black, brown and shades of appropriate! Sandara has this style that makes her work look like it came right out of a professional comic book! O_O
meeting vincent
phoenix materia
Phoenix in Final Fantasy VII
"The Phoenix Materia"
done in colored pencil, PSP 5
Art by SulaMoon

SulaMoon Says: I got myself wondering how would look if we cold see inside a materia, a sumon materia. Alright, I know a sumon materia isn't blue, but if I use red here the Phoenix would disapear (=P) since I'm not using lines for this pic; I would really enjoy if ya mail-me to say what you think 'bout not using lines...
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