
Lorelai's RPGamer Fan Artwork Gallery
Thema der folgenden Woche ist Xenogears
  Artist of the Week
E-mail | Webpage

Now, what the hell is Lorelai doing, promoting herself like a shameless college student? I'm taking up space, that's what. I ran out of Artist of the Week people (well, maybe it's cuz I also don't have my desktop computer at home so I can't access any of my normal files) But I wanted this column to go I am. Hey, I am TOO an artist! Just so you know, I'm in second place for most contributed works here at RPGamer ^_^ (first place goes to Hanna Chang, with a whopping 49 works compared to my 15...Grrr....And I'm guessing third place will soon be either our own Amber Michelle, Wulfmune/Hydrachild, or the talented Sandara-3.)
  Mailbox Update
  1 work marked POST
10 works marked MAYBE
4 works marked XENO ^_^
Submit art to Lorelai
  Lore's Art-chives
  -> Omanut ma'aritzim hashavu'a
-> tante de personnes
-> Kanjo no shozo-ga
-> Art and Lore
-> Apassionato
-> Archive by Artist
  Sending Art to Lorelai
  Important Stuff to Read!
 Read the FAQ
 Getting Fanart Posted
 Artist of the Week Info

I'm late...for a very important date...with RPGamer! Yeah, I'm sorry that I'm doing this so late on Friday, but I'm stuck at home, away from ethernet, with my crappy laptop! (correction: my dad's crappy laptop that's so old IBM doesn't care if we take it home) Anyway...Look carefully at today's foreign language theme. It holds a vital hint as to next week's update. (Uh? Xenogears? What a dead giveaway...well unfortunately it wouldn't translate) Heh...Well, just so you know, I have some fabulous artwork from Jen M, Young Wang, Lacan, and some other RPGamer regulars, which are held back from this update for next week, for my little ... surprise... ^_^

From The Heart

(Rerun of Last week) We now have an exclusive mIRC guide, courtesy of John Zeitler! There are also help files in mIRC's software, but this is pretty much all you need to get started. Now, remember everyone, #rpgamer is a public chatroom, so show some respect. The rules are in the Topic, and abide by them, else Lorelai or some other staff member shall regretfully push the Smite Button and ban you forever! (mwaaahahahah!) Ok, j/k on that, but seriously folks, some unruly people have been banned already. We at RPGamer want to have fun and chat with everyone, but we can't chat if you pop in and mouth off or something. ^_^

Lorelai's Inspirational Notes

Turn on the music! For me personally, it really helps to have the music from the game you're doing a picture for playing in the background. Not only does it help in getting teh feel for the game itself, but also with giving your mind some ideas while you're drawing.

-- Yurimaru Blademoor

Cookies...I mean, Quickies

  • (Rerun of Last week) For those who liked my little anime portrait and asked for another one, well, here's a larger one for your well as the Anime Lore that I submitted to Thor's Archive of Hacks! Enjoy!
    Anime Lore | Lore's portrait | Another Lore portrait | Yet another portrait

  • A run-through of past RPGamer fanart theme titles:

    • Appassionato means passionate, with feeling. It pops up in many musical scores, but I couldn't pinpoint its language. I'd guess Italian...
    • Kanjo no Shozo-ga is Japanese. It means "Emotional portraits." Thanks to Amber Michelle for her skill in Japanese for this one.
    • Tant de personnes is French. (Many people got this one, for some reason) It means "So many People!" Thanks to Babelfish for this one ^_^
    • Omanut ma'aritzim hashavu'a is Hebrew. It means something along the lines of "Fanart This Week" Ai ya, I've already forgotten. I can't credit the person who gave it to me cuz I'm not at my regular computer, so I can't find the e-mail! So sorry ^_^;;;

  • Send Lore more inspirational note suggestions! (And Artist of the Week applications)

    Wei-Ling Lorelai Wu

    You can always send me fanart titles in other languages, I don't speak anything but AP spanish, chinese and english ya know! ^_^

Art and Lore last updated: 3/26/99 (Friday)
Lorelai FINALLY Updates March 26, 1999
Summary of today's update: I am lacking frames on the thumbnails because all my frames are back at Berkeley. Sorry. Other than's a regular update. (Regular at RPGamer meaning AWESOME, STUPENDOUS, WOWZER, TOTALLY PEACHY update.) BTW, Today's update was physically done by Nigel's far more powerful laptop. (In return, I let him play Xenogears.) Thanx Nigel!
Lorelai FINALLY Updates March 19, 1999
Finally got the update this week up! Sorry it took longer than usual. Professors have a bad habit of loading students with work a few days before vacation...
Lorelai empties the Maybe Box March 12, 1999
Because of the steady accumulation of artwork piling up in my "=Maybe" Mailbox, I decided to post them all together. They're really not supposed to be classified as Maybe at all; they're all marvelous,and so that's why I've pulled a late nighter today and posted them all. (Lookit all those portraits...^_^;;;) Enjoy!
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