
Fan Art - 05/26/02



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A Very Merry Unbirthday

"Curiouser and curiouser!"

          - Lewis Carroll, Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Welcome once more to Fanart.

Several new jobs, graduation commencements, relocation of residence, etc etc. These things happen, my free time is growing unfortunately sparse. So here is your column, and a very merry unbirthday to you all. But not to me, as today is that one day a year that an unbirthday becomes unlikely to the point of bordering impossibility.

Hopefully you all noticed our current Fanart contest on the main page some time ago. The deadline draws near, but you certainly still have time to enter.

Now, this week's artwork, as well as the second fantastic installment of Felix's hair tutorial, for your artistic learning pleasure.


New Fan Art


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"Aboard the Black Jack"
Artwork by Pamela Ramali
Terra & Celes, Final Fantasy VI

Comments: FF VI is my favorite out of the series~ ^^ I like the overall composition of this pic, but am very sad because I wasted so much time on the tiny details that practically disappeared once the pic was shrunk ><;;; Celes is my favourite FF female character, BTW~


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"The Atoning Seven"
Artwork by Tommy Moo
The Cast, Final Fantasy X

Comments: Remember when we could draw anything male and blonde and call it Cecil? Fanart is getting tougher now that characters are rendered, and have actual facial features. Making these drawings resemble the characters was a challenge. You might not have noticed, but I also tinged each of them with their sphere grid color.

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"Bishounen Cid"
Artwork by DarkMutatedBrock
Cid Highwind, Final Fantasy VII: I've come to the conclusion that I'm one of the only rabid Cid Highwind fangirls on the planet, and with that comes the huge problem of trying to find good fanart of him. Most of the art I've come across either depicts him as old, ugly, or both--if I can even *find* any art at all. And so, one day after looking through sites full of [censored] doujinshis in vain, I came to the conclusion that I'd defy all FFVII stereotypes and draw Cid as a hot, young BISHIE! I mean, he's ONLY two or three years older than SEPHIROTH, for cryin' out loud!!! ......Long explanation for a small fanart, but yeah. O_o;; Done with Photoshop 5.0 and Paint. The first pic that I've done completely with my graphic tablet. Enjoy.

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"Bring It On, Whelp!"
Artwork by Claireon
Saturos, Menardi, Isaac, Garet, Mia, Ivan, Golden Sun

Comments: I've really been getting into Golden Sun recently. I know the characters are all pretty basic archetypes, but I love them all. They do actually have some personality, if you look for it. The title of this piece is from my favorite line in the game, where hothead Garet finally gets a rise out of cool, collected Saturos. I tried to give everyone here distinct, more realistic appearances, instead of the more generic anime look. I guess it's still pretty comic-booky, but I was really going for a "What would they look like in real life?" look, trying at least to give everyone an individual face. Anyway, enjoy. =^_^=

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"Wings of Destruction"
Artwork by Chibi Selphie
Millenia, Grandia 2

Comments: This is my first attempt at drawing a character from Grandia 2. I kinda like the way it came out although Millenia's neck is a bit long ^_^;; The idea of giving the picture a background of lightening came from my need to express Millenia's evil side along with her caring, cuddly side... For me the wings in the original version of this picture didn't portray the evil side to her as much as I wanted...

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"Link's battle"
Artwork by Nirvana
Link, The Ocarina of Time

Comments: Link - after beating Ganondorf and running down the tower. He feels safe - he won and saved hyrule! Or didn't he? Nope - he didn't.. ..yet. ^.~ Ganon strikes back - and this pic shows the scene one moment before Link realizes, that the battle should go on. ^_^; Liiink - go for it! ^0^

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Artwork by rye
Lulu, Final Fantasy X

Comments: i was supposed to draw her full body, but i got lazy on drawing lots of belts on her dress. that's why i placed her moogle doll on front instead to cover those belts. colored entirely in ps 6.

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Artwork by Nettie Pendragon
Luna, Lunar Silver Star Story

Comments: This picture is of Luna right before you see the Black Dragin. No, I don't like coloring my art.

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"Magus and Alfador"
Artwork by Algaea
Magus and Alfador, Chrono Trigger

Comments: Hi. My name is Jenny, long-time viewer and first-time submitor. I did this artwork of Magus because I always had a strange liking to the bad boys of many rpgs and animes. Plus I loved this one scene in the game involving Magus, but that's for you guys/gals to find out. It started as a drawing on paper by pencil, then clean-up and illustrated by Photoshop 6. I hope you enjoy it.

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"Mako Eyes"
Artwork by India
Sephiroth, Final Fantasy VII

Comments: Just a simple Sephiroth sketch, graphite with mako-color added in PSP. I'm quite happy with how this came out.. He looks quite sexy, if I may say so myself ^_^ The shading was degraded a bit in the scan, so do keep that in mind, please.


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"My Valkyrie"
Artwork by Chi K. Ha
Valkyrie Profile

Comments: Hiya! This is my first fanart submission to RPGamer. So, what do you all think? I don't have PhotoShop or whatever so I couldn't fix up my pic. It's a little too bright as you can see. Besides, even if I do have PhotoShop, I doubt that I could use it since I'm pretty unfamiliar to the world of computer. Anyway, Valkyrie Profile is one of my favorite game. You all should try it if you haven't already. So, enjoy!

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Director Comments: I know you said you don't have Photoshop, but you can always use free graphic programs to clean up scanned line art. Here is just an example of what you can do, particularly when you use pencil that is a bright color, or difficult to see. Bright yellows and blues tend to not scan well, but you can select those colors in your graphics program and change their hue and luminosity level, and perhaps drop the saturation. This gives the work a different feel, and clarifies the detail in your drawing.



More on SD Character Drawing
Drawing Hair (Part 2)

In this tutorial, there won't be any step-by-step guide (read my last tutorial in the Tutorial Archive if you missed that). Instead, we'll proceed to the second point of learning how to draw great hair: Knowing the hairstyle.

Why is this important, you might ask? We all know that keeping a smooth flow will help you in drawing great hair. So, getting to know all the characteristics of a hairstyle will be an added advantage. These details will give you a guideline to visualize how the hair will look, and what will make it look nice.

Enough talking, let's get to work.

6 Types of Hair
Although there are many looks and style of hair, there are actually only six basic hairstyles you need to keep in mind (excluding hair which is tied back, which will be covered in my next tutorial). With these six basic types of hair, you can come up with many different variations of hairstyle.

[*Note: Actually, hair can be categorize as 4 different characteristics, but I feel that this 6-type approach is better at simplifying the task of designing hair.]

Now, the six types of hair are:

Short Hair Short hair
This is the easiest style to design, draw and manage. And since game characters these days generally have short hair, it is easy to grab some character art you like and practice with it.

One disadvantage of short hair is that there are not many variations to it, making it tend to be quite dull. So when you try to draw short hair, add some hair accessories, different front hair partitions and some hair movement to make it more interesting and lively.

Long Hair Long hair
Ahh... this is one style that would show the natural beauty of a woman (or even men, like Sephiroth!).

But to beginners, long hair can certainly become a pain. It's long, so drawing it is quite a challenge, particularly when it comes to hair movement. And making it more natural requires a hell of a lot of practice to master the art. But once you master this, the variations and beauty will certainly make your art look professional and your skills will shine.

Curly Hair Curly hair
Unlike its straight counterparts, this hairstyle's flow is quite different from others. This is another hairstyle that might challenge some artist.

But take a closer look; you'll notice that curly hair usually has the curl at the end of the hair. So this makes drawing this style almost no different from straight hair, with the exception that you need to know the direction of the curl. With this knowledge, drawing curly hair is quite simple.

Pointy Hair Pointy hair
This kind of hair surely defies gravity, and usually makes the character more dynamic in looks.

This kind of hair looks kind of stiff compared to normal hair, and that make it ideal for those who are trying to learn how to draw hair. But this kind of style doesn't suit some situations, so be extra careful. Oh! Be sure to make the flow of hair drawn towards the top.

Combed to the Back "Combed to the back" hair
This kind of hairstyle is also simple to draw, you just need to observe the forehead hair line and make sure you make it extra defined. These kinds of hair look a little dull, so remember to add some extra hair sticking out from the front (like the one shown in the image), or use it to mix with tied-up hair.
Untidy Hair Untidy hair (Sorry, but I really can't draw this well)
This is the hardest one to design, yet it is quite expressive in some ways. I can't give guidelines on this (since it is *UNTIDY* ^_^), but just try to give it a bedhead look. Don't worry, this style is uncommon, so you can leave it for that "just out of bed" look. :)


Now, knowing these characteristics, you should be able to start mixing and matching these hairstyles to recreate new variations. Observations (especially from fashion magazines) and practice will help you a lot in identifying the characteristics of hair and improving your art skills at the same time.

In my next tutorial, I'll touch on Point 3: Motion, forces and hair. So, for the time being, keep practicing. If you have any questions, just drop me a line at

Till then, happy drawing!

About the Author
Felix Leong, a computer science college student, yet taking drawing as a serious hobby. Artwork and tutorial contributor for RPGamer Fanart and a prizewinner in some local art competition.

Favorite medium: Artline 210 felt tip pen, mixed medium (color pencils and crayon), GIMP for CGing, and a new toy: manga pens!

Signature Banner :)

[P/S: ARGH~~ Those unbalanced eyes problem again!]



Have some birthday cake. Or light some birthday cake candles. At least light something on fire for me, will ya?

forgotten shade


This column delayed to you by life and it's little quirks.


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