
Fan Art - 04/21/02



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In This Edition

    New Art: 11 works
  Feedback: Focal Point Pointers
  Tutorials: Bolt!

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Hotel Lutetia

"I can't go back to yesterday, because I was a different person then."

          - Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass

Welcome to Fanart.

By this point, you've most likely gotten a chance to check out RPGamer's new message boards. In case you haven't, be sure to head over that direction after you've traipsed through the RPGallery. While you're there, be sure to stop into the Artwork Forum for all your RPG chatting needs.

Hopefully all of you also got a chance to work on the Message Board Logo Contest as well. Submissions are due at midnight tonight (Sunday), so be sure to get yours in.

We've got another myriad collection this week, visiting artistic concepts from some of our more neglected titles. As well, Pierre has for us another effects tutorial. The art tutorial buffer is running thin, so be sure to email me, or bring it up on the message boards if you have an idea for an art tutorial of your own. Keep the great art coming, and enjoy this week's gallery.


New Fan Art


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Artwork by Lady Adema
Pyreflies, Final Fantasy X

Comments: I originally had a sort of life and death theme to this, and i drew hints of the things that connected the two from various final fantasies. But, it just kinda turned out like this. I colored it using photoshop 5 and used airbrushes to do the pyreflies. those things rock.


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"Arche - Storm Warning"
Artwork by Steven Eric
Arche Klaine, Tales of Phantasia

Comments:  Arche getting ready to cast the Thunderblade spell (thus the sparks on her finger). Took the liberty of modifying her costume a bit. I think she was what made Tales of Phantasia so much fun to play (Gotta love her when she's drunk) ^_^
Lineart done with plain 'ol 2B pencils, CG'ed in PS6.

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"Doyle's Claw"
Artwork by Aries Shion
Doyle, Shining the Holy Ark: This drawing represents Doyle, a werewolf ninja, that i've colored with Photoshop in a comics-like style. This was a long job but in this way you have brilliant colors and enough contrast.

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"So Innocent"
Artwork by Kitt
Edgar Roni Figaro and Terra Branford, Final Fantasy VI

Comments:  Because the world needs more Edgar/Terra pics, IMO. Lately I've been going for a style similar to Amano's, simply because his work is so beautiful and fairytale-like ^_^ 
And the title...well, the expression on Terra's face kinda says that, doesn't it? And she's *blond* in this!  Done in color pencil, with touch-ups in Paint Shop.

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"Rikku of the Al Bhed"
Artwork by AnEmeigurl
Rikku, Final Fantasy X

Comments:  Rikku is quite a pretty cool character!  She's always full of spirit!  And those eyes of hers are kinda dizzy....Anyway, here she is!  Hope u guys like!

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"Lapis Lazuli"
Artwork by Landale
Lapiz Lasuli, Ragnarök Online

Comments:  Ah, I was so happy to see that RO Made it to RPGamer^_^ (and I haven't contributed in YEARS O_O!!) and I know there's tons of fanart out there, so I decided to provide with some of my own stuff^_~ Lapis Lazuli is my TO BE Merchant. Merchants are ever so cool when they fight, AND they are good at making money (for my other characters, that is) I like this pic, because her expression turned out so well^_^ Done with markers!

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"Cut Your Strings"
Artwork by Shade
Cloud, Final Fantasy VII

Comments: Cloud is such a fun character to draw.  All the FF7 characters are, I guess that's why so many people still draw them...  This is the first in part of a series I'm doing, though I've only finished three so far.  Because there's nothing wrong with more fanart. :)

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"Squally Wally Dolly and Wittle Winoa"
Artwork by Optical Goddess
Squall and Rinoa, Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: One of my hobbies is scrapbooking, so one day I came up with the crazy idea to scrapbook my love of Final Fantasy VIII! These paper dolls are just one of the things that I'm going to include on a 2-page layout for the game. Materials used were misc. colored paper scraps, gel pens, markers, glue, and some more exotic types of paper like fuzzy mulberry paper for jacket collar, mirror paper for belt buckle and gunblade (not shown 'cause too reflective when scanning) and denim patch for skirt. I had a lot of fun customizing their outfits from paper.

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Artwork by Chikara
Rikku and Yuna, Final Fantasy X

Comments: I did this on a Paintchat with Vano. We discussed on what to do and ended up doing this. =) He did Yuna while I worked on Rikku. Our styles are different as you can tell. It turned out better than both of us had hoped! Hope you like the pic!

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"Black Waltz"
Artwork by Nita Hein / LobsterClaws
Black Waltz, Final Fantasy IX

Comments: My favorite character design in Final Fantasy IX is the Black Waltz, he conveys impending doom, while still remaining cute. This piece was made entirely on the computer (I can't draw at all) and I'm fairly pleased with how it turned out, although there are inconsistencies w/ the original character design. I watched FMV clips as references, but in the end I just got tired and my overall lack of artistic ability kicked in.


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"Skull Kid Wanna Be"
Artwork by Meowtwo
Fayth of Bahamut, Final Fantasy X

Comments: This kid in Final Fantasy 10 always creeped me out. Um, that really doesn't have anything to do with the picture . . . Well, this is a pic of that "kid" in the pose of the Skull Kid from Zelda: Majora's Mask. He kinda looks like the guy and is creepy all the same. Oh, and Bahamut's head and round floaty thing is in the background also. Done in colored pencils.

Director Comments: You've got a nice, very soft feel going on here. The colored pencils keep a low intensity, and low contrast. However, this works against you in one place: the shadow at the kid's feet. It's the darkest area of the image, and all in one large spot. This makes it a focal point, something you probably don't want his feet to be. Tone down your shadow areas in situations like this, and try using blue to indicate the shadow rather than a deep black. If you must have a dark spot, balance it out with a bright color elsewhere, to draw the eye away from the spot. Or, try using shadow strategically, to create a focal point somewhere else, like his face.




This is another of the quick and easy tutorials, this time on lightning bolts. There are only 3 steps to this lesson, and after reading it, you shouldn't have any problems with lightning bolts using The Gimp or Photoshop, or any other image manipulation programs.

Step One For this, start with an all black image. It doesn't really matter what the size is, but mine will be 256x256.

Step Two Now, using the airbrush, draw a pretty faint white jaggy line. If you want to, have little white branches coming out of it (kind of like lightning bolts tend to have =p). This step will be made much simpler if you have a tablet to draw with.
Step 1

Step Three Now get a brush that is much bigger than the one you used in part 1. Gently go over what you've already done. This new brush stroke should be very faint, and just barely visible, but it will make the previous bolt lighter (which is what we want).
Step 2

And we're done!



There's a topic over in the board's Artwork forum that I would definitely appreciate you all checking out. It's reagrding the Fanart column content, and what you consider to be your favorite parts. Letting me know will help me tailor the colum a little better. And while you're over there, go ahead and strike up some good artistic conversation. Good luck to all who entered the banner contest, and we'll be back with another edition of the Fanart Galleries next week.

Ta ta.

forgotten shade


Five years ago today, magic.


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