
Fan Art - 04/10/02



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    New Art: 16 works
  Feedback: Lense Flares
  Tutorials: SD Hair Pt.1

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"Everywhere I go I find that a poet has been there before me."

          - Sigmund Freud

Welcome once more to Fanart.

I have returned, my doppleganger vanquished by an overabundance of cuteness. Hopefully all the wicked artists in the audience got their fill last time, as our Fanart column reverts to a standard format of equal portions good and evil.

You will find today's column supersized for your viewing pleasure, with some truly fantastic work. Enjoy.


New Fan Art


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"King Figaro"
Artwork by GKSetzer
Edgar, Final Fantasy VI

Comments: Edgar was my favorite character from FFVI until the arrival of Setzer. He has royal grace, charm, and of course, can never get any women no matter how much he flaunts these traits. =P Also he is the only fictional male character who can wear bows in his hair and still maintain a sense of dignity.


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"Lion War Hero"
Artwork by Laura
Ramza, Final Fantasy Tactics

Comments:  I believe this is my first Final Fantasy Tactics fanart ever.  I was just sketching in Photoshop, when I came up with a sketch that looked remarkably Ramzaish, and many hours later I ended up with this.  I'm not quite sure why I added that smudge of blood on his cheek, guess I was just feeling a bit evil at the time.

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"Yuna's Smile"
Artwork by Ryuuzaki
Yuna, Final Fantasy X

Comments:  Yuna's face didn't turn out like I wanted it to. >.<;; I don't think she ever directly says that quote either. XD All I remember was that she said something to that effect. She's rather fun to draw. :3

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Artwork by David Lee
Sephiroth and Tifa, Final Fantasy VII

Comments:  This is the flashback scene where Sephiroth slashed Tifa in the Jenova lab.  I omitted the staircase for a better composition.

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Artwork by Black Rose
Terra Branford, Final Fantasy VI

Comments:  It was just a doodle I did in my spare time, but I really liked the way it turned out~! Done completely on the computer in Open Canvas 2.19. I'd love feedback on this!

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"White Mage"
Artwork by Young Wang
White Mage, Final Fantasy I

Comments:  This is the first in a series of artworks I plan to do of the various girls of the FF series in swimwear! I actually based this picture off my girlfriend =*.*= So cuute! Anyway, I eventually plan to do all the female characters in the FF series.. so with luck, you'll see them sometime in the future! =}

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"A White Mage Ponders"
Artwork by LadyChristelle
White Mage, Final Fantasy Tactics

Comments: Quite an interesting piece to do... it's actually really the first watercolor I have ever attempted. I touched it up a little with colored pencils, but really the vast majority of everything was done in watercolor. I think I'm in a perpetual Tactics rut....

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"Tifa's Prayer"
Artwork by Shiva of Ice
Tifa Lockheart, Final Fantasy VII

Comments: Started out as a sketch of another person but it shaped out to look like Tifa.. She's one of my favorite characters in a RPG and decided to draw her. I believe this came out good and can we all guess what she's praying for? I can..

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Artwork by Dao Yang
Squall Leonhart, Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: C'mon people, admit it, FF8 is awesome. There's no use in denying it. Squall is very original in my opinion, and he's one of my fav characters. Anyway, this piece was drawn in charcoal, scanned, and then colored in Photoshop 4.0.

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"The Party That Never Was"
Artwork by Ixis
Cloud, Squall, Zidane and Titus, Final Fantasy VII, VIII, IX, and X

Comments: I just thought it would be cool to do a hero party made of all the main character guys from the Final Fantasy game I've played. I have them just chilln' around a fire like they're resting for the night while traveling or something (kinda inspired by Breath of Fire III). I was going to do color but it just seemed better in pen and pencil. Hope everyone enjoys it! ^_^~*

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"Portrait of Justice"
Artwork by Crome
Zack, Final Fantasy VII

Comments: None.

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Artwork by Jagan
Luna, Lunar TSS

Comments: Wow. It's unusual for me to finish a drawing! Usually I prefer to do sketches but this time the subject deserved more than a simple pencil drawing. In my work I have portrayed Luna (or goddess Althena) just as a simple -and beautiful- country girl, as she appears at the beginning of the story. She is at the spring near Burg, singing and letting the wind spread her soft song, words of hope and life.

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"Yuf and Vince"
Artwork by ciab
Yuffie and Vincent, Final Fantasy VII

Comments: I took me forever to actually play this game all the way through (like last summer) but when I did I appreciated it much more than my first try way back when it was released. I also played most of the game with Yuffie and Vince along with Cloud as being my main party. I found this party to be great and loved watching the scenes with Yuffie and Vince making comments. The contrasting personalities of the two made for some hysterical situations. After playing I felt like drawing a fanart of the two together and this is the product. I have tried again and again to get it colored on the comp (it is slowly being colored by hand on the original paper it was drawn on) but have not had to time to do so, therefore I will just call the line drawing the finish product. But if anybody out there actually has the time and wants to try coloring it, then I say give me a message ( and we can see what we can arrange. But even after almost a year, I still feel that I did a good job on this image, though I don't plan on doing another fanart to this scale anytime soon.

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"For Love (or Hunger!)"
Artwork by Dennis Poon
Female Novice, Poring, assorted chibi male chars, Ragnarok Online

Comments: This was supposed to be a Valentine's Day pic, but due to a combination of several things, was not finished in time ;_; Anyhow, this pic features a scene much inspired by playing RO... If you play RO as a female character you will *definitely* understand why Miss Novice is sporting the big sweatdrop look XP

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"Blue Haired Elf"
Artwork by Jen Murphy
Stallion, Suikoden 1 & 2

Comments: It's been about 3 years since I've last submitted something to the fan-art section and decided it was finally time to do it again. I decided to draw Stallion from Suikoden 1 and 2. I haven't seen any pictures of him so took it upon myself to draw one. I drew him in pencil, outlined in pen, scanned it and did some coloring in Photoshop. I tried to make it look nice while keeping the background as simple as possible. If anybody has any feed back, feel free to e-mail me.


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Artwork by Felix Leong
Lufia, Lufia: The Fortress of Doom

Comments: Just wanted a change, so I draw Lufia instead (since I'm playing it recently, through an emulator, though :P). Having no references but the in-game sprites, this is what I came up with. But something tells me that it looks awfully like Rinoa -_-||...
P/S: I might use this picture as material in my future tutorial in CG'ing. :)

Director Comments: I just wanted to point this work out as a really nice, subtle use of (what I guess to be) photoshop's lense flare filter. Most Photoshop users have played with this filter, but far too often I see fanart submissions containing a huge superdramatic lense flare that simply becomes the focal point of the image. When you use a lens flare, keep it subdued, keep it low opacity, and most of all, keep it from interfering with your art. If your lens flare is brighter than its surroundings, or if your eye moves directly to it, then you've gone too far. Gentle effects can be far more powerful in setting an atmosphere.



More on SD Character Drawing
Drawing Hair (Part I)

You read the last series on SD character drawing, and you wanted more, didn't you? Well, here is my new tutorial series covering more of the in-depth topics you need to know!

Let's get started!
(If you missed out on my last three tutorials, you can access them through the Tutorial Archive link on this page)

Introduction Many have told me that the hair is the toughest part to draw, just because the final result doesn't look like hair. But in my point of view, hair only ranks second on the difficulty list. (1st for eyes, because they have to be symmetric and have to convey emotions at the same time) Yeah, I know hair is quite complex to draw, especially when you're handling tiny strands of hair to add detail to the hair.
Actually, hair is quite easy and fun to draw when you keep these things in mind:

  • Point 1: The overall shape of the hair.
  • Point 2: The characteristics of the hair. (e.g. Long hair, short hair, ponytails, braids etc.)
  • Point 3: The force applied to the hair (i.e. Movement, gravity or wind etc.)
Keep these three things in mind, and it will make your life simpler when you draw hair. This series will explain these points in further detail.

Point 1: Overall Shape Knowing the shape of the hair (without the details) is crucial in drawing hair.Most artists get lost when they keep paying attention to all the details of the hair without focusing on the overall shape first. This usually ends up causing lots of surprises, and the hair came out different than what is expected. Remember, keep things simple: just focus on the shape first, then go for the details once the outline is perfect. This will save you lots of time, and prevent you from having to go back and make too many changes afterward.

The shape of the hair itself doesn't need to be complex at all. Just keep it simple enough to manage.

To draw hair, follow these steps: (I'll use Aeris as an example)
(Note that this technique can be applied to any art form, and is not limited to SD art)

    Step 1
  1. As usual, draw a draft of the face.
  2. Step 2
  3. For this step, let me introduce you to another draft line - the "Hair Line." This is the line which separates the forehead and the hair. This is important because most people tend to forget to leave space for the forehead, making the character look odd (One pitfall that will happen often). So, remember this fact while you are starting off your drawing.

    Do you notice the red triangle on the image? Well, that is also another important marker while drawing. It is called the "Hair Partition Marker." This is the point where the hair partitions. It can be on the left (Cloud, Tifa), right, center (Aeris), or not exist at all (Barret). This triangle acts as a reference for you when you are drawing hair with partitions.

  4. Step 3
  5. Now, draft the basic shape of the hair. Do take note that the hair doesn't stick to the head (Pitfall No. 2), as shown in the image. Since hair sprouts out from your scalp and then bends to a certain direction (usually down), the hair does not "stick" firmly upwards from the head.

    While you draw the hair, keep a smooth flow so that the hair looks natural (Always remind yourself of this fact). Even pointy hair like Cloud's has to maintain a smooth look so that he doesn't looked like he's having a "bad hair day" :). At the same time, I only draft simple lines for the curly hair in front (for review purposes). And I draw out the ribbon to remind me that her hair is tied up together. Since the braid is hidden from this viewpoint, it's OK to omit that.

  6. Step 4
  7. At this point, you can draw out the details for the hair. Notice that the fine and uniformed lines are drawn towards the back where the hair is tied. This is because there is a force (the ribbon) which "pulls" the hair towards the back (I'll explain that in further detail in my next tutorial).
Finished Result
Results: There! Now draw the details of the face and you're done! Just keep practicing and you'll find out that hair wasn't really that hard to draw.
So that wraps up this tutorial. I'll explain the other two points in my next tutorials. Hope this will help you in your drawings. Questions, suggestions, and feedback are always welcomed, just send them in to Till then, keep on practicing and happy drawing!
(PS: There is some problem with Yahoo Mail recently and I can't access my mail sometimes, so please send them to the address above for the time being, OK?)
About the Author
Signature banner for Felix Leong ^^
Felix Leong, currently a college student in Computer Science, but takes anime drawing as a serious hobby. Prize winner in some local art/cartoon competitions and a contributor to some RPGamer fanarts.
Favorite medium: Mixed medium (color pencils and crayons) or computer graphics, uses a 0.6 Artline 210 felt-tip pen.



That's all. Hope you enjoyed the onslaught, expect more to come your way soon.

I'm off to do whatever it is we shadows do at night.

forgotten shade


This column brought to you by lack of sleep.


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