
Fan Art - 02/13/02



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    New Art: 11 works
  Feedback: More antialiasing
  Tutorials: SD Characters Pt3

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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

          - Eleanor Roosevelt

Welcome to Fanart.

Today's column features a myriad assortment from the Final Fantasy series, as well as a couple other titles... some of which weren't even brought to us by Square! Oooh, treasured rarities.

We've also got the conclusion of our SD Characters tutorials this week. The first parts can of course be found in the Tutorial Archives, along with all our other instructional sessions.


New Fan Art


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Artwork by Young Wang
Mullenkamp, Vagrant Story

Comments: I actually finished drawing this about.. a year and a half ago.  I was just too lazy to put a background on it... so I decided while I was in the process of updating my own web page, I decided to touch up some things, add the Rood in the foreground in the flames, as well as the flames in the background. 


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"Beautiful Rikku"
Artwork by Kayin Vanderkill
Rikku, Final Fantasy X

Comments:  This was my very first Rikku fan art that I got fulled colored. I only had the wallpaper of Rikku to go by with the pic, so she's not exactly like she is in her character design. Anyway, I did this all in photoshop 5.0, and used pencils to darken the lines, which helped make them a little more smooth. Hope you like it. :)

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"Squall Kitty"
Artwork by Nachtwulf
Squall Leonhart, Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: Well..what if he -was- a lion...? ^_^

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Artwork by Tommy Moo
Selphie and Irvine, Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: This is the third of my four part FFVIII series... and also the brightest. I don't know why, but I had to sketch these two about four times before I got a decent looking ink. Selphie's dress was both easy and fun to color. I did Irvine's furry collar entirely with varying sizes and intensities of the dodge and burn tools. Next update: Spades?

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Artwork by Maggie Sue
Beatrix, Final Fantasy IX

Comments: Lol, it's been a while. Here, I have a picture of Beatrix. I've never seen any fanart of her, nor have I seen any pics of her, so I went by screenshots and used my imagination! I really like the hair the best, and the hands are a little, don't look at them!!! Hope you all enjoy!!!

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Artwork by Travis
Monk, Final Fantasy Tactics

Comments: It is just in pencil

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"On the Run"
Artwork by Rina Cat
Rei and Momo, Breath of Fire 3

Comments: I know these two argue a few times in the game. It's just that I like to see more of them in a... err, romantic way.

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"Portrait of Justice"
Artwork by Tookyrlolipop
White Knight Leo, Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete

Comments: Leo is my favorite character from Lunar 2.  His complex and unpredictable personality inspired me to do this.  I thought a callage portrait would better express him in order to show the many sides of his personality.  It was done with water color, pastel, ink and a little photo shop. 

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"Rydia in Green"
Artwork by Sara Sessler
Rydia, Final Fantasy IV

Comments: Well this is the second edition of a picture I currently have in the gallery, entitled 'Rydia in Green'  This is about a year old now, but not nearly as old as the last one! (Four years, yikes)... Thanks for taking a look at it ^.^

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Artwork by Wes Genji
Rinoa Heartily, Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: This was an illustration I did for fun to place on my website. It of course is Rinoa from FF8, a rough look is pretty fun to do :P



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"The ice-elemental magitek girl"
Artwork by Nephalim CelesTerra
Celes Chere, Final Fantasy VI

Comments: I made this with the drawing programme Paint Shop Pro.  I have not much experience with drawing programmes but I do my best. It took me a lot of time to draw Celes, I find her rather hard to draw.  I love Final Fantasy 6, it's my favourite Final Fantasy and Celes is one of my favourite characters.  I will surely make more FF6 fanarts in the future. In my fanart Celes wears the soldier outfit which she wears in the Final Fantasy Anthology FMV's.

Director Comments: Very nice work here - my only advice is on antialiasing. This is something I've covered before, but it's important to remember. Certain tools in PSP will allow you to antialias (or blur) the edge of your brush, making a smoother drawing line. This avoids the jaggy edges that you can slightly see here, and generally gives the work a softer and cleaner feel. If you are not using a tool which can do this, sometimes a slight blur applied over the entire image will create a similar effect.



How to Draw SD Characters
Part 3: Eyes and Facial Expression
by Felix Leong

0. Introduction and Some Reminders

Well, this is the last part of this three-part tutorial. In this section, I'll put more emphasis on eyes, which I think is the hardest part of a character drawing to master (the hair comes second ^^). After practicing what you've already learned, you'll be able to draw characters that will impress your friends (at least some of them)!

So, let's get started!

I'll give out good practices and tips in BLUE.
And warn you about common "boo-boo"s in RED.
(P/S: In my last tutorial, I did a mistake on drawing an example which didn't conform to the ratio I mentioned. I would like to apologize for the confusion caused)

1. Some theories about eyes

In this tutorial, I'll touch more on important theories and basic art concepts. So be prepared and take note on these details, they will prove useful in drawing characters in any art form.

Difference between normal and SD eyes
The difference between a realistic character and an SD character is that SD characters have larger eyes (about 1/2 of the face). And the eyes can have many shapes and sizes; here are some examples:
Different shapes of eyes
[Note: I'm drawing these eyes in a normal anime style, NOT in an SD style, but the concept is almost the same]

Notice that I've drawn an outline around the eyes, and you'll be surprised that these shapes looks awfully like polygons! They can range from circles to hexagons, but anything that has more sides than a hexagon is uncommon in anime drawing.

Even eyebrows can have different appearances; look at these examples:
Different styles of eyebrows

Basically, there are two kinds of eyebrows.
1. Streamlined eyebrows, 2. Jagged eyebrows

  1. The "Streamlined" eyebrow: The most commonly used. It can be a straight line, a "hill", or a "small wave" (like this one).
  2. The "Jagged" eyebrow: Usually these kind of eyebrows are used for characters who have an exceptional personality. Many villains have these kind of eyebrows, but usually not females!
Here's also a point to note when drawing eyes for different gender:
Male For males: Eyebrows are thicker, no eye lashes.
Female For females: Thin eyebrows, eye lashes are thicker, and the eyes are bigger
[Note: You can't really notice the difference in terms of size in these examples. Check the Fanart archieves for SD art and see it for yourself.]

These rules aren't fixed as different characters have different personalities and you'll have to break some rules for that. An adventurous woman (e.g. Lara Croft) will have thicker eyebrows.

2. Drawing Eyes: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Step 1
  1. Draw out the overall shape of the eyeball, and don't forget the center line.
  2. Step 2
  3. Next, sketch out the shape of the eyelids and the eyebrows. Take note that your eyebrow should match the eyes drawn, your instinct can be a good judge for this ;).
  4. Step 3
  5. Then, sketch where the eyes are looking at. Below are examples how the eyes look like at different directions. Take note that the eyes follow the direction in which the character is looking, so be extra careful. Otherwise you'll have a character who is not paying attention :).

  6. Step 4
  7. Now, clearly draw out the eyes.
  8. Step 5
  9. You've finished drawing the eyes, but they still look lifeless and still. They need more details. So sketch out the pupils, and the dark and light areas of the eyes.
    (Note: You'll need some understanding about "light sources" before determining the dark and light areas. If you're clueless about this, just trace out my examples for the time being, or refer to a book on art.)
  10. Step 6
  11. For the final touch, just shade the dark areas and there you've it!
3. Connection Between Eyes and Facial Expression

At this point, I'm sure that you can draw great characters (Good for you!). And I'm also sure that you'd like to add some emotion to your characters, right? But you'll soon find out that facial expressions aren't always easy (especially the first time). And I would like to tell you that:
The eyes and facial expressions are closely related!

I know that was common sense, but more than often we forget about this rule. So, is there a simple way to draw facial expression? Unfortunately, no - it requires some practice to actually master this skill.

But there IS a way to practice this! Remember those "Smiley"s that you always used to draw? Well, that is a GREAT way to practice without much hassle! Look at some examples below:
Emotion Smileys
[Note: We'll be learning about facial expression in greater detail in the future, so stay tuned!]

The Epilogue

So, there you have it. From now on, you'll be able to draw great eyes, and this wraps up the SD Character tutorial series. From now on, you should be able to draw basic SD characters, and hopefully your art skills have risen to a greater level.

Well, keep practicing and happy drawing! Comments, suggestions and questions from you are always welcome, so send them in to my usual e-mail address:

(P.S. While you are practicing, why not submit some art to this fanart column?)

About the Author
Felix Leong, currently a college student in Computer Science, but takes anime drawing as a serious hobby. Prize winner in some local art/cartoon competitions and a contributor to some RPGamer fanarts.

Favorite medium: Mixed medium (color pencils and crayons) or computer graphics, uses a 0.6 Artline 210 felt-tip pen. Signature banner for Felix Leong ^^



Massive thanks to Felix for this very useful series of tutorials. We'll be having many more tutorial segments from him and other members of the group in future columns. If you've got a tutorial idea, drop me an email and contribute to the ever-expanding knowledge base.

In case anyone was wondering, the length of a stretched out slinky is just under 87 feet. It was a slow weekend.

forgotten shade


In dreams all is real unless one dreams it is not.


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