
Fan Art - 12/13/01



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    New Art: 13 works
  Tutorials: SD Characters Pt2

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Atrophous Heart

"Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you."

          - Carl Jung

Welcome again to Fanart, my friends.

We've got another great collection of entries this week. Apologies for the column's delay - partially due to @home flopping over, their inferior quality cable modem dying violently under my desk, and partially due to things much less pleasant. You'll notice that I've added a Tutorials link to the archives section over on the right, so you can go back and check out past tutorials more conveniently. That page will be updated whenever we have a new tutorial.

Due to unfortunate circumstances, projects such as the artist icons and archive renovations are going to be postponed indefinitely. My sincere apologies for that; they will be implemented someday.

Part 2 of Felix's SD character tutorial can be seen this week, focusing on the SD character body. If you missed the first part of this tutorial series, posted a few weeks ago, you can find it under that Tutorials link I just mentioned. See, it's already making life more convenient!


New Fan Art


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"White Mage Lays the Smackdown"
Artwork by LadyChristelle
White Mage, Final Fantasy Tactics

Comments: I am immensely proud of this one! This is another PhotoDeluxe 3.0 production, so I do the best I can on it, not being able to manipulate layers and gradation and such as can be done on Photoshop or PaintShopPro. You know, you just don't see a lot of Tactics fanart nowadays! So I'm glad I can represent one of my favorite games!


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Artwork by Reiciel
Miang, Xenogears

Comments: My first fanart to be submitted, done rather spontaneously on a boring Friday night ^^;
Miang was my favorite character - so misunderstood! - so I wanted to do a fanart of her. Originally drawn in pencil - and i left the rough lines in b/c they looked more natural - and colored with watercolor pencil crayons (those things are fuuuun to use ^^). scanned and edited in photoshop. It looks a little rough overall, and that whole binary code drapery was supposed to be reminiscent of when deus took over the ship's screens in the intro fmv... but oh well, it was a nice first try ^^

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"Without Her"
Artwork by Optical Goddess
Squall, Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: I was inspired to do this by a piece of fanfiction, "Crimson Lies" by Ashbear at The fic has a very dark atmosphere and starts off with our forlorn hero in a silent monologue, standing out on his balcony puffing on a cigarette. It's a superb story and highly recommended. I used basic pen and ink. A lot of emotion and listening to angsty videogame soundtracks went into this.

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Artwork by Malice Shaw
Rinoa Heartilly, Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: Mostly a black and white piece, done with just a nifty 7mm mechanical pencil. Comments welcome :)

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"Final Fantasy X"
Artwork by Milweiss
Tidus and Yuna, Final Fantasy X

Comments: its the best work i ever did in a long time hope u fans of RPGs out there like it.

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Artwork by Ashbear
Odin and Sleipnir, Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: Odin has always been my sons favorite character; I wanted to draw something dedicated to him. This was my first attempt in drawing in ten years; Final Fantasy remains as special to me as it did was I 15. I'm glad I can share this with the next generation of gamers. My son taught me we should never grow up. We should all keep the magic with in us. Thank you, Aaron.

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"Dark Wings"
Artwork by Sakana
Yildun, SaGa Frontier

Comments: Another pic of Yildun, I was drawing this pic by counte-get request. A different style of coloring from my past CGs. And the top left corner's chinese characters is meaning "Lord of the Darkness".

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"Righteous Brothers"
Artwork by Teri Stearns
Father Duane and Father Grissom, Vagrant Story

Comments: A tribute to the two most incidental characters in Vagrant Story. 'Tis a shame there wasn't any interaction between the two. Oh well. It was still a great game. [Micron Pen/Watercolour]

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"Chasing a Rainbow"
Artwork by Vano
Mint, Threads of Fate

Comments: This piece of work was done in photoshop 6.0 and I used my somewhat new style of coloring. It was a little different sketching Mint because the characters are done in a style that is very close to SD (super deformed) figures. I personally love the game and the character designs in Dewprism and I've been wanting to do a pic for some time now. I'm horrible with bgs (backgrounds), so the bg is a little bland. I tried to give the idea of the actual dewprism. Hope you like the picture! ^_^

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Artwork by Sleipnir
Leah, Chrono Cross

Comments: I was mucking around with my watercolours when suddenly the idea of brushing fountain pen ink onto my picture came along. This picture was my 'trial' image. I had wanted to do Eiko FFIX, but after inkblotting my entire right hand I decided against it.

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"After the Storm.."
Artwork by Keishinkae
Seifer, Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: If you seen the opening to this game, you'd know what lead to this wasn't shown..but I decided to show it... :D he looks like he never expected that little attack that gave him that nifty scar.

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Artwork by Tommy Moo
Quistis and Zell, Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: I painstakingly retraced my lineart with the paintbrush tool instead of just coloring over the scan, but I think it led to a higher quality pic. This is the first of a four part series I'm eventually going to make. I'll bet you can guess what the other three will be titled ^_^

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Artwork by Ray Teo
Zidane, Final Fantasy IX

Comments: took me a few hours....and well, actually i was trying out my new wacom and the painter software...... everything here is digital actually. I look forward to comments and criticism.



How to Draw SD Characters
Part 2: The Body
by Felix Leong 0. Introduction and Some Reminders

In our last tutorial, we learned how to draw a simple SD face, using Cloud as our example. As you know, the head alone doesn't make the character complete (unless he or she has been beheaded by a guillotine, but that's another story). So in this tutorial you'll learn about drawing the body of a SD character. No, don't tell me you can't do it! It wasn't that hard! I'll teach you some techniques in drawing them!

Interested? Read on!

Blue Text = good tips, tricks and techniques
Red Text = common pitfalls

1. Ahh.. That "Boring but Important" Stuff Again...

Before I start (again), I have to tell you some guidelines on drawing the body. Basically, in art, we measure the height of a character not by inches or centimeters, but how many "heads" (i.e. the ratio between the head and the entire character's height),. A usual anime hero will have a ratio of 7-8, but in SD characters, there are two common conventions: A ratio of 2 or a ratio of 3.
2 head ratio3 head ratio

As you can see, both of them are cute; but I'll only concentrate on one in this tutorial: the 3 "headed" one. (The other one needs extra practice because you have to "squeeze" or "compress" the body without making the character odd-looking) After you have mastered the techniques, just use any convention as you please.

Not only that, a SD character also has the following features:

  • They look shorter... (Ah ~ That's so cliché)
  • Joints and muscles are not emphasized, most of the time.
  • Fingers are simplified or omitted.
  • Hands are usually represented by using a circle.
  • You can hardly see the neck! (sometimes)
Remember that you don't have to follow these exact features; add some or trash some to suit your needs.

2. How to Draw the Body

To make things simple, I'll use Cloud again as an example (I don't know why, but I seem to be TOO attached to him ^^). Finally, I got these pictures scanned in for you (I got a scanner in my hometown)! Hope you'll like them.

Please Take Note: the techniques you've learned here can be applied to any form of art.

Note: You don't have to erase the lines for every step, I purposely do that so that you can see clearly what I've drawn.

    Step 1
  1. Now you know that you have to sketch a circle for the head, but let's add some more. Remember those "stick-man figures" you drew in kindergarten? Yeah, they look childish, but you need to use them now. But let's modify that technique a little-- use some circles and ovals to represent the joints. Your character carries a prop (sword, weapon, etc.)? Sketch the shape of it. If your character bends their hands, draw a curve instead of joints.

    Take note that this step is crucial, and will help you in reviewing the shape and pose of your character. Most anime "sensei" or gurus perform this step beforehand. If you don't, you will find yourself trapped into the "Endless loop of drawing and erasing (until eternity... just joking ^^), without knowing why your character looked odd.

  2. Step 2
  3. Next, draw out the shape of the overall body. Use ovals and circles sparingly. Now draw the eye-position cross/ lines and a centerline on the body, just to make them well balanced afterwards. Oh! Don't forget the line to show where the waist is.
  4. Draw the face, as usual. (Refer to my last tutorial if you forgot how)
  5. Step 4
  6. Next, draw out the basic costume of the characters. Add some wrinkles to the costume (If it is made of cloth) if you want to, but not too much, they will make your picture messy. And DON'T draw costumes that "stick" on the character's body.Even it is tight, the costume has some thickness, so they don't stick on the body too closely.

    We do this so you can review the costume before you add any details to it. Then you won't have to pull out your hair (because of frustration) after wasting most of your time designing your costume and finding out the there's something wrong with the entire costume.

  7. Step 5
  8. Then, draw out the arms, legs, and hands (or any exposed flesh).

    Some may argue that you should draw the flesh first, but since we have the sketch beforehand, why bother (IMHO, of course).

    About the hands, don't draw the fingers one by one; frankly speaking, they'll looked ugly if you don't draw them right. Instead, draw the hand and fingers as a whole, and add lines for fingers afterwards.

  9. Step 6
  10. For the last step, draw out the details of the costume.

Finished art
So there you have it! The complete SD Cloud!(*Note: The face looked a little bit flat, hope you won't mind ^^) At this point, do ink out the lines for your image and erase those pencil marks. This is one important skill to train as pencil sketch is not accepted in most printed media and your image will look much cleaner.

So this wraps up my second tutorial. In the next tutorial, I'll cover more about details in drawing the face (eyes and facial expressions). If you encountered any problems, or have any suggestions and feedback, don't hesitate to e-mail me at

Remember, practice is the key to success!

About the Author
Felix Leong, currently a college student in Computer Science, but takes anime drawing as a serious hobby. Prize winner in some local art/cartoon competitions and a contributor to some RPGamer fanarts.

Favorite medium: Mixed medium (color pencils and crayons) or computer graphics, uses a 0.6 Artline 210 felt-tip pen. Signature banner for Felix Leong ^^



Eight days from right now, I will be a college graduate. This is the second most frightening prospect I have ever encountered.

forgotten shade


I miss you so much.


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