
Fan Art - 11/13/01



News & Updates


The archives are now mostly up to date. Start thinking about an image or icon to personalize your work in the archives. (Don't send any in yet)

In Other News:
Our tutorial group will be returning in future weeks with further drawing lessons. Contact me if you wish to contribute to this.


In This Edition

    Contest Winners: 3 works
  Contest Submission Gallery: 19 works
  New Art: 7 works
  Feedback: Compositing
  Shards: Words of Praise

Fanart Information

  Submission Guidelines
Fanart FAQ

Mail the Fanart Director

  Fanart Submissions:


  Recent Columns:
  Ashen Inference
  Carmen Cancellatum

Fanart Archive:
 1999  -   2000  -   2001

Artist Listings

...this way comes

"The pictures I contemplate painting would constitute a halfway state and an attempt to point out the direction of the future - without arriving there completely."

          - Jackson Pollock

Greetings, and welcome to Fanart.

Today's column features the winners of the recently concluded Okage Wickedness contest. I want to thank all who entered for some wickedly beautiful work. It was a maddening ordeal to select only three contest winners from the entries, and there were far too many wonderful pieces to simply ignore. Thus, following the presentation of our contest winners, you will find a link to the Okage Wickedness Gallery. Make sure to click through and check out the rest of the work. Congratulations to the winners, and again, thank you to all who entered.

A few other small matters to cover: the archives are (mostly) up to date once again, and continue their renovation with some new features such as fanart page linking, and references to the column in which each work first appeared in. I do appreciate people mailing me when they hit a broken image or link. When I fix one problem, it tends to fix many others at the same time.

I will soon be offering an option for those artists who wish to personalize their space in the archives a little: you will be able to post a small image beside your name to represent you. I haven't worked the html out yet, but I will let you know soon what the image size and dimension requirements will be. Don't send anything in yet, but maybe think about making an icon for yourself, or cropping down one of your works for such a purpose.

And now, the entries from our Okage Wickedness contest. Be sure to also check out the gallery afterward, which contains some more great contest entries, including that one thing that I told you all not to do. And of course, the week's non-contest related fanart follows that, with even more fantastic work. Don't you just love these oversized post-contest editions?



Okage Wickedness Contest Winners


Grand Prize Winner

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"Best Villain of All Times"
Artwork by Nanami Yuki
Okage Wickedness Contest Winner: Sephiroth of Final Fantasy VII

Comments: The most evil villain? The first characters that appeared in my mind was Sephiroth from FFVII and Luca from Suikoden 2. In the end I decided that Sephiroth was an easier choice. Hope you'll enjoy this pic. ^_^


2nd Place Winner

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"Burns Like Fire"
Artwork by Laura
Okage Wickedness Contest Winner: Garland of Final Fantasy IX

Comments: Ok, I know that Garland is probably not the most evil of RPG villains...I had trouble finding any really evil quotes to put on this piece (he's definitely no Kefka). But, he's got such an evil character design that I decided that he should be the subject for my wickedness picture. Comparing this to my other paintings, it is by far the "darkest" thing I've ever painted. So, for that reason it was quite a challenge. Overall, I like the way it turned out, especially his eyes.


3rd Place Winner

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Artwork by David Lee
Okage Wickedness Contest Winner: Luka of Suikoden II

Comments: I decided to depict Prince/King Luka of Suikoden 2 because unlike most RPG god-like villains, he is incredibly real. There has been monarchs/political leaders throughout human history who would kill simply because of class/race/religion differences (e.g. Hitler), or kill for religious purposes (e.g. bin Laden). Luka killed not only grown men but also children, women, elders, anything that moved, and enjoyed listening to them "squeal like pigs." This scene can be interpreted as such, or if you'd like to be more specific, it can be the scene where he was going after Pilika and the possible outcome of it. I don't take games seriously, but Luka was one character that really touched my nerves.
Check out the rest of the entries here!

Okage Wickedness Contest Gallery


New Fan Art - 11/13/01


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Artwork by Deus
Valkyrie of Valkyrie Profile

Comments: This is an print that I did last summer. It was my first attempt at traditional printmaking. The background is aquatint and the foreground is something else (I forgot what the technique is called).


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"My Very Own"
Artwork by Maggie Sue
Crono and Marle from Chrono Trigger

Comments: Heck yeah, I think I'm actually getting better at CG-ing... I had a lot of fun with this pic. Crono and Marle make such a cute couple, and they deserve a cute moment like this one. I like how Crono is holding Marle protectively, yet sweetly, kinda like he wants to keep her safe and be with her (aweee). That's where the title for the pic kinda kicked in... I couldn't think of anything better to call it. I know I keep doing artwork for these old-school games, but everyone loves a classic, plus Chrono Trigger was and still is my favorite RPG. As always, comments are always welcome! Lata!

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"Through the Fire"
Artwork by Yapi
Shiek of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Comments: Sorry about the cheesy title... It was just that I was wondering what to do with the background then that cheesy song that goes "through the fiiiire..." sprang into my head... and there you go >_< I did this little number with Copic Markers and Caran D'Ache watercolors for that really lame fire rendering over there. Ahahaha. I do love Shiek, though! And I refuse to accept that he is --------- (just in case someone hasn't played it and doesn't want to know). I based this on the manga version of Shiek, not the game version. Of course, I wasn't carrying my manga with me while I was inking, which explains the inaccurate design on his chest. Oh well.

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"Fun Loving"
Artwork by Teisetsu
Alex and Nall from Lunar: The Silver Star

Comments: This is not the first Cg art. In fact, I think I did this last month. I really like Nall (not to mention his good use in battle), plus he and alex make a good team.

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"The Turks"
Artwork by Voodookanaka
The Turks from Final Fantasy VII

Comments: This is my first piece of fan art, I used watercolours for it, if I knew what I was doing computer wise it would prolly look better.

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Artwork by RedChocobo
Behemoth of the Final Fantasy Series

Comments: This is my first submission...ever. I drew this one day for know reason really, I drew it from memory, so it's not perfect, and the color isn't the best but I'm pleased with it.



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"Confident Einherjar"
Artwork by Wind Walker
Aelia of Valkyrie Profile

Comments: I wanted to draw something in a more anime style than usual, so here is my take on Aelia of Valkyrie Profile. I tried to emulate the style of Satoshi Urushihara (the artist for the Langrisser games), particularly the ususual suit of armor and method of shading. This style is just about the opposite of the art and mood of Valkyrie Profile, but drastically changing the style while making Aelia look familiar was an intersting challenge. I think the whole picture turned out well despite my lack of experience with graphics editors.

Director Comments: Just a word of advice when compositing 2d art and photo images - try to soften or even blur the edges of your art just a little, and you can avoid having the character stand so harshly out from the background. It creates the illusion that of the two images blending smoothly together.



The Okage Contest Gallery will always be available, linked from this page, but it is also linked from the Okage game page itself, so it can be found easily without having to check back at this column. Thanks again, and congratulations to all of you on some most excellently wicked work.

Hopefully you can look forward to some continued tutorials beginning next week. In the mean time, a reader notified me of the following site:, which also provides anime-style drawing tutorials. I haven't had time to check it out extensively, but it might be worth looking through.

Lastly, I received the following email from a reader, and thought I would post it in closing for all of our artists to read. Know that you are appreciated.

Hello, I'm Jess, an avid fan of your webpage (Yes, a fan of fanart) and I would just like to thank all the people who submitted fanart for the Fanart section of your page. The drawings are awesome, a lot better than I can to at the moment, and they had the bravery to put it up on a public website where millions of people could see them... Anyways, in total, congratulations on the success of a spectacular webpage.

Sincerely, Jess

forgotten shade
Is this a zen state of mind or am I just tired again?


Inside sleeping, my heart beating


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