
Fan Art - 10/30/01



News & Updates



Wednesday at midnight marks the deadline of our Okage Wickedness Contest.
Click here for full contest details.

In Other News:
I've gotten LOTS of great responses regarding drawing tutorials. Continue to let me know if you are interested in helping out with this.


In This Edition

    New Art: 12 works
  Tutorials: Basic Anime Face

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"God is really only another artist. He invented the giraffe, the elephant, and the cat. He has no real style. He just keeps on trying other things."

          - Pablo Picasso

Merry Samhain one and all, and welcome to Fanart.

I received a great response to last week's request. I'm happy to say that we should have tutorials on a regular basis, beginning with today's step-by-step walkthrough of a basic anime-style face by Aurora. I will certainly do my best to provide additional information, but these are tutorials will be almost exclusively created by your fellow column artists and readers. I hope this first one is a good building block for those of you who are interested in art, but may not have practiced or studied much (or at all).

Future tutorials will go much more in-depth, and we will focus on a myriad number of other areas and aspects of artistic design and theory in columns to come. If you wish to be a part of this, or if you have a specific tutorial you'd like to contribute, please let me know.

And of course, the Okage Wickedness Contest ends at midnight Wednesday evening. Good luck to all who enter.

As always, we've got some fantastic artwork this week, including the ever-so-rare PC-RPG fanart. Further, we have an entry from out very own question-answering slime, Googleshng, featuring none other than the fun-loving slimes of the Dragon Warrior series. Enjoy this week's art, and be sure to check out the tutorial following it.


New Fan Art


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Artwork by Darkhalo
Amazon of Diablo II

Comments: Though I originally intended to, I didn't completely model her with all the equipment on that I finished the game with on hell difficulty. Originally it was supposed to be the "Iron Pelt" trellised armor, but it looks more like ornate armor with thorns. I did however copy the gloves ("Magnus' Skin"), bow ("Fool's Matriarchal Bow"), and boots ("Natalya's Soul"), sort of. The rings, belt, amulet, and Hydraskull wouldn't really look right, though, so I put on a coronet (as they show in the select-a-character animation). If you haven't played the game, it might look weird that she's just wearing a cloth shirt with armor everywhere else, but that's actually how the amazon looks a lot of the time, even with armor on. I ended up making the shirt a little darker than the bright red from the game though to fit with the rest of my fairly desaturated color scheme.
Anyways, she's supposed to be getting ready to shoot a freezing arrow in the sewers in act 2, hence the glow on the arrow, dead ghoul on the ground leaking poisonous gas, rats on the floor, and the shadows of the ghoul and unraveler/greater mummy/horadrim ancient/etc. To excuse the obvious spotlight area on the ground, I'm going to say it's her light radius ;)


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"Vivi during Halloween"
Artwork by Psycho Kiwi
Vivi of Final Fantasy IX

Comments: Happy Halloween to all of you!!! Here's a fanart of Vivi with a pumpkin stuck on his head while searching his way in the dark. I thought of this one because he is so clumsy, he always trip on something and fall down on the ground, so now he has a good reason.

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Artwork by Wendell A Gulfan
Alucard and Dracula of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Comments: Inspired by the stories of the medieval times and a touch of Romanian folklore, this artwork has come into my vision driven by the game of castlevania 'Symphony of the Night', I have drawn my interpretation of 'The legendary battle of Alucard and his father' to give meaning to the word 'Conflict'.

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Artwork by Laura
Cloud from Final Fantasy VII

Comments: I was kind of in a wintery mood when I was working on this picture. Poor Cloud just happened to be the guy I stuck in the snowstorm. A big thanks to the kind people at TAC message board for critiquing this...which allowed me to make some needed corrections. Well, I hope you enjoy. Don't get too cold looking at it. =)

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Artwork by Marie Lu
Jowy and Jillia from Suikoden II

Comments: Just an experiment with traditional media on larger paper (12x18")...isn't Jowy the most lovable guy? :) Too bad I can't draw him the way he's supposed to look~ ^^;

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"Hidden Darkness"
Artwork by Raincrystal
Rydia of Final Fantasy IV

Comments: I actually began work on this picture about a year ago, and it sat on my hard drive 80 percent finished for all that time. ^^;;; Anyway, it was drawn and inked by hand, but the coloring is Photoshop.
My idea of Rydia is that she is a very lonely and uncertain person, far from the brave front she puts up. Notice how, although she's devoted to her adopted parents, she seems to have few close friends... she gives up the life she has to go out and help this guy that she knew when she was a little kid... and, saving the world or no, that is a very big thing to do. My guess is that she hasn't had a lot of meaning in her life, back in the summoned monsters' land. I could go on, but suffice it to say that I think she's much more dark and frightened than most people give her credit for... and this picture reflects that, I think.

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"Last Day"
Artwork by Ray Teo
Terra's parents, inspired by Final Fantasy VI

Comments: i am a fan of Amano (the artist for final fantasy) and basically, this piece is inspired by him. i did tis about 1 year ago and took a few hours. the coloring isn't good........ i just started learning photoshop at that time so it was a shame. Still, i hope someone will like it and i did like to hear comments, thanks^_^

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"Destructive Angel"
Artwork by Ixis
Sephiroth of Final Fantasy VII

Comments: I told you I'd be back. This is Sephiroth as an angel, wreaking havoc on something. (Does that look anything like fire down there?) Anyway I just wanted to do Sephiroth as an angel, but he just didn't seem the peaceful type. This is what I came up with. Hope everyone likes it!

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"Portrait of Zemus"
Artwork by Keith Fact
Zemus from Final Fantasy IV

Comments: An icy portrait of the Lunarian Zemus.

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"Help Me, I'm Lost"
Artwork by Cyllya
Magus and Schala of Chrono Trigger

Comments: Well, this pic looked a lot my head. Oh well, gotta start somewhere, right? I just wish I knew what to do to make my art look incredible like some wonderful pieces I've seen here. Anyway, I still need a lot of practice, but I'm getting better. I hope you all enjoy, and comments are always welcome, so feel free to email me, k?

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"Fluffy White Death"
Artwork by Googleshng
Slimes from Dragon Warrior VII

Comments: I've never drawn any sort of fan art before, mainly because of a complete lack of talent. Somehow after summoning a stampede of sheep to kill my 60th batch of slimes though, something snapped and I did this. I'm actually pretty proud of how it turned out, especially considering that aside from the sheeps' eyelids, the whole thing was done with nothing but Graphic Converter's ellipse tool.

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"Heart of Gold"
Artwork by Moonlight Reflections
Rinoa of Final Fantasy VIII
Media: Pencil

Comments: The thing that always impressed me about Rinoa was that despite her puerile behavior, she still had an extremely strong sense of decorum, of propriety. It's something that's difficult to find in people of her nature--more often than not they turn out like Selphie. And while that type can be cute, they tend to grow tremendously annoying after a while.
What I wanted to do with her eyes in this picture was make them seem as if they were squinting, and I wanted to add a couple wrinkles to her cheekbones to emphasize the smile. But you have to be insane to add that amount of detail to a drawing without making the character seem incredibly old; that type of thing requires talent that I don't have.
So she came out looking a bit oriental, and the smile isn't as wide as I would have liked it to be. But I think it's passable... Let me know your opinion on this piece, if you wouldn't mind, whether you think this is desecration or otherwise. Thanks!



Aurora's first anime face tutorial

This isn't so much a how-to-draw anime faces tutorial as a basics of facial proportions, and some distinguishing sex characteristics of faces. The faces are vaguely anime, mostly because of the size of the eyes, and a bit because of the hair.

Disclaimer: I'm not too proud of the eyes in these pictures. They're uninspiring. However, eyes in small faces can be very easy to fake (as I believe I've done here.) and I'll try to write up a tutorial on how to do eyes, and how to fake them, later.

So this is where I start my faces. It's an imperfect oval. The eyes will be set about halfway down the face. The nose is halfway between the eyes and the chin, and the mouth is halfway between the nose and the chin.

Generally, the more oval a face, the more childlike the character will appear. Many anime characters look like they're drawn based on a circle instead of an oval, but I prefer using an oval to start, because it gives a more realistic feel to the face.

Here I've added in the eyes as blank circles with a concave curve as eyelids, shaped the nose a bit, and put in a place for eyebrows, hairline, and ears. Traditionally, the ears are supposed to be even at the top with the eyes, and even at the bottom with the nose. However, this is an easily broken rule. If your ears look funny, try moving them closer to the place shown on the diagram.
Ok, this guy now has hair (short -- if it's long, it's tied back) a nose, and pupils. The face is expressionless, and the gender is indeterminable. It is a very young face, mostly because of the curve of the chin.

At this point, small alteration give the face gender and age. I have three directions the face might take, most of the changes coming from the lines of the chin, and a little from the eyes and nose. Hair was added for fun.

This is a male face. Why?

* The eyes are slightly smaller.

* The eyebrows are heavier.

* The neck is wide (well, sort of. Wider than I'd make a female neck. See below)

*The chin is angular. Here is a diagram of the change made to the chin:

This is a female face. Why?

* There are (or, well, used to be, before I smudged them) eyelashes.

* The eyebrows are fine and slightly raised.

* The lips are better defined.

*The neck is slender.

*The nose is small and unobtrusive (read: barely drawn at all.)

* The chin is curved and small. Here is a (blurry) diagram of the change made to the chin:

This is a ... well, I'm not sure what gender to give this person.

* The eyes are a little smaller.

* The nose is better defined than the female face.

* The neck is fairly wide.

* The chin does a classic-anime triangle thing. It's smaller and higher than the original drawing. Here's another diagram:

All things considered, it's probably male. (It's probably Kenshin, but I left out the scars and the ponytail.)

This is a very short tutorial, to be sure. I've tried to show some of the distinguishing characteristics that make faces male or female. However, like real people, anime characters come in all sorts of sizes. Some of these guidelines will help if you're having trouble, but they probably won't teach you anything new.

- Aurora, from TechStyle Engineers



Hopefully that tutorial will give you something to work with and practice, or at least let you think about your own drawing style. Next week we will go a little further in-depth with the anime character. We're intentionally starting with the basics for the benefit of those who may be less artistically inclined, so just do a little sketching this week, even if you haven't drawn anything before. You might surprise yourself.

Have a safe and merry Samhain, and don't forget about your contest entries.

forgotten shade


So very tired.


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