
Fan Art - 10/16/01



News & Updates



The Okage Wickedness Contest has but two weeks remaining.
Click here for full contest details.

In Other News:
Moderately cataclysmic archive renovations are underway. Everyone should check out their information and links and report any errors.


In This Edition

    New Art: 10 works
  Revisions: 1 Revision
  Shards: Watermarking

Fanart Information

  Submission Guidelines
Fanart FAQ

Mail the Fanart Director

  Fanart Submissions:


  Recent Columns:
  The Fine Line
  something wicked...

Fanart Archive:
 1999  -   2000  -   2001

Artist Listings


"The universe does not have laws - it has habits, and habits may be broken."

          - unattributed

Greetings. Welcome to the Fanart galleries.

I'm taking on the semi-longterm project of renovating the artist archives. I'm content with the structural changes made a few weeks ago, but now I'm going to reorganize links and content a little. Once completed, game titles, which are listed beside each work, will lead to the appropriate game's fanart page, for easier navigation. As well, I would like to incorporate a way to link directly to whatever fanart column the work first appeared in. And a few other things, aimed at making the artist "profiles" more individual to the artists themselves. We'll see just how much I can get done and what is realistic without having to start from scratch. Just thought I would let you know. Comments and suggestions regarding the renovation are certainly appreciated. It's your archives page, feel free to tell me what you'd like to see. On an almost related note, I've revised some of the column's html code; it should now be a bit more readable for low-resolution readers.

Don't forget that the Okage Wickedness Contest only has two weeks remaining before its Halloween midnight deadline arrives. Wear your Halloween costume as you work, if that helps you get into the appropriate mood. You do all have Halloween costumes, don't you? I like Halloween. It's just... neat.

Lastly, I'm quite glad to say that I've added a new section to the column: Revisions. Should artists choose to revise their work (be it through the suggestions of the Feedback section or otherwise), they can always resubmit the art. While I may not be able to display every revised work that comes in, I will try to put up some every so often. This week, Lann has reworked his piece from last week's column, entitled The Sorceress Rinoa, greatly improving the overall composition. You can see the revised art below.

We seem to have another Square-shaped column this week, featuring the Final Fantasy crew and a few Chrono Trigger works. Enjoy, and have fun working on your contest entries.


New Fan Art


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Artwork by Isiael
Squall Leonhart of Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: Squall is in many ways, a dreamer in Final Fantasy VIII. Not in the sense that he had dreams for the future or that he was bright and hopeful... He has many dreams about the past. I really love that part about Squall and that inspired me to do this piece on him.


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Artwork by Sandara3
Flea and Slash from Chrono Trigger

Comments: i had done a picture like this once, but i had lost it and there are some people who are requesting it...
so... i re-drew it and here it is... again... :)


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Artwork by Maggie Sue
Celes from Final Fantasy VI

Comments: Awwwee... the coolest scene ever from ff6-Celes at the opera! I didn't know what the title should be, so I thought about the very last line of Celes's song, "I'll think of u 'always'." Nothin' much, just colored pencils and a little work in PhotoImpact Bundled Ed... I had a really fun time with the dress, and I thought the stained-glass window was a nice touch for the background. As you can see, I still need a lot of practice, so comments are always welcome, especially since I have plans to be part of the Okage Wickedness Contest.... hopefully... :)


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"Forever Fantasy"
Artwork by India
Zidane and Garnet from Final Fantasy IX

Comments: So sweet it makes your teeth hurt, no? Just Zidane and Garnet, being their ultra-cute lovey-dovey selves. This was done in graphite, sometime late last year. Quite proud of it, you betcha.


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"To Summon Holy"
Artwork by Megan Glosser
Princess Garnet of Final Fantasy IX

Comments: I think that a lot of people were unimpressed with Princess Garnet. She's the "typical" rebelling princess or whatever. But despite that, I really liked her. She's loyal, kind-hearted and determined. Plus, who else could get away with wearing an ORANGE jumpsuit? Hee. So this is my little tribute to her. I hope you like it.


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Artwork by Shadow Nexus
Frog of Chrono Trigger

Comments: This is a piece of gift art I did for my online friend Vee. He is obsessed with Chrono Trigger ^_^. Oh, sorry about the title, couldn't think of anything better. But I'm happy with the result anyway. This is the first pic I have done where the results are actually better than the original idea.
Done in Adobe Photoshop 5.5. I love the natural brushes option ^____^


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"Kimahri Posing"
Artwork by Dogglife
Kimahri of Final Fantasy X

Comments: Just a sketch of Kimahri posing. I apologize that I left out a few details and that I was too lazy to make a full background.
That is all.


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"Leader of the Black Sheep"
Artwork by Capristo Havlovich
Delita of Final Fantasy Tactics

Comments: I consider myself a little foolish, because I´ve been drawing ff fanart for quite a while and I also consider myself a fan of FF tactics and, in all this time I´ve never done a Delita pic. So here he is. I can rest easy now.


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"Quistis Mocking Rinoa"
Artwork by Optical Goddess
Quistis of Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: A little spin-off on our beloved heroine. Don't get me wrong, I love Rinoa, but I always suspected Quistis to be harboring a little resentment. I dressed her up in Rinoa's signature outfit, even down to the wings (my fav touch is the price tag!) I exaggerated some areas, like the length of the coat and if you look really close, she has way more than just 2 rings around her necklace. Done in colored pencil, text with some older version of Adobe Photodeluxe.


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"Best Friends"
Artwork by Peggy
Janus and Alfador from Chrono Trigger

Comments: Oh gosh, I'm submitting something! This is Janus sitting and looking sad as usual, with Alfador resting on his leg. I did it in colored pencils, and .. that's all. =)



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"The Sorceress Rinoa"
Artwork by Lann
Rinoa Heartilly of Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: I took your advice and darkened part of the drawing using charcoal and also softened the background shading to give it a more finished look. I also blurred it slightly to soften the whole drawing. Thanks for the advice, hope you like the changes!

Director Comments: Definitely an improvement. The additional work put into this makes the piece feel much more finished. As well, blurring the background was another great way to add depth to the picture. Nicely done!



Someone sent me a question! A chance to be useful! Yay!

... I gotta start sleeping again.

Thanks for revising the archive listing pages. explorer always used to crash, and I couldn't even see my own work! :(
I also have a question - what is a watermark? My friend told me I should use it before putting any of my work on the web, or it will get stolen. Have you heard of this?

Indeed I have. When you put your work on the web, it is impossible to prevent your viewers from downloading it, and possibly doing things with it that you do not wish. As an artist, you hold all the rights to your own work, and it is a very good idea to do what you can to make sure that work can be identified as yours.

A watermark actually imbeds a special code into your work. It does this by slightly altering the shade and tone of certain pixels. If you look very closely, you can find evidence of a watermark, but it is generally invisible, existing within your image. Should this work be used elsewhere, it will retain the watermarking, and will be definitively identifiable as your property. Watermarks have advanced to the point that they will endure through image blurring, cropping or tampering, and they will even show up if someone tries to print and then re-scan your picture. Pretty much the only way to get rid of a watermark is to delete every pixel.

In order to accomplish this watermarking, you need to register your name and information with a watermarking service. I recommend They offer a completely free registration for amateur artists, and also have some more advanced features, such as a web spider that will search web pages for potentially stolen images (though such services do cost money). After you register, all you have to do is download a plugin for your graphics software. I know this plugin works with Photoshop, but I'm not positive what other applications are supported. When you run the plugin, it will imbed your code and a copyright year into the image, making it just about as secure as a web graphic can possibly be.

Further, for the historically inclined, a watermark was originally invented at one of the Fabriano Mills in Tuscany during the second half of the 13th century. Originally, the watermark was implemented to give products a branded trademark of superior quality. There exists a remarkable archive of Fabriano watermarks going back to the first one in 1276, showing a mark for each year until modern times. Watermarks were first used in Italy in 1282, consisting of simple crosses and circles. They were being used in England by 1495.

Whoah. Fanart got all educational for a minute there.

So concludes another 100% Squaresoft-inspired column. Nicely done. I hope your Okage Contest entries are coming along well, and I can already tell that it's going to be another round of tough judging.

The sky is all dark tonight, swept like teardrops through the clouds...

forgotten shade


No animals were harmed in the making of this column.


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