
Fan Art - 09/21/01



News & Updates


The Ico Distant View contest has come to an end. Thanks to all who entered.

In Other News: The Fanart Archives have been renovated into alphabetical pages; now is a good time to report any erroneous links or information. As well, we got someone for our "O" Page. And there was much rejoicing.


In This Edition

    Contest Submissions: 8 works
  New Art: 11 works
  Feedback: Anti-Aliasing
  Shards: Something Arbitrary

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"I don't paint things. I only paint the difference between things."

          - Henri Matisse

Greetings, and welcome to Fanart. This week we have a gargantuan installment. So big, dialup readers have been known to flee at the mere mention of it. So massive, the internet itself cries out at the damnable weight of the thing!

Okay, it's not quite that big. However, as our contest has come to a close, it is considerably larger than is typical. Preceding this week's new art, we have for you the winning contest entries, as well as some of the other truly beautiful works that I received. The good news: I was able to acquire a second copy of the game, bringing our prize total to three. The bad news: it was hell trying to select a winner. I speak on behalf of the entire RPGamer staff when I say that the quality of submitted work was extremely impressive. All who entered deserve massive congratulations. If you are one of the three winners, you will be contacted shortly.

I have no doubt that our readers will enjoy the distant views within these fantastic submissions. They are worlds of rolling hills, golden sunsets and forgotten castles, as well as one really fantastic abstraction on the entire concept. I also threw something of my own into the contest work. (Being director means you can enter, you just can't win.)

Following all that, you'll find some really nice additions to the Fanart Galleries, including some very nice hand-drawn work, a little animated Mel, and a 3D rendering of Link that, quite frankly, puts the upcoming Gamecube Zelda title to shame.

I present to you the winners and several other particularly exceptional entries from the Ico Distant View Contest. Enjoy.



Ico Distant View Contest Submissions


Grand Prize Winner

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"Scenic Solace"
Artwork by Laura
Ico Distant View Contest Winner

Comments: This little project has been in the works for quite some time...I actually started this painting using a photo of the French Alps for a reference and (as you might guess from the appearance) the final picture ended up very different than the reference. The waterfall was one of the last things I put in the picture and I really think it added something to the piece. I'm pretty pleased with the appearance of the final picture because it comes close to the scene I was envisioning. Oh, and I'd like to thank Merripen for the nice "levels" lesson a couple of fanart updates ago, it's amazing what a little level tweaking can do for a picture =)


2nd Place Winner

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Artwork by Nanami Yuki
Ico Distant View Contest Winner

Comments: HI! This is a fanart of ICO. I drew the pale girl of ICO enjoying the sunset. This is probably the first time I drew a picture that doesn't have the character as the main feature. ^__^
Any comments will be appreciated.


3rd Place Winner

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"Out of the Darkness"
Artwork by Crystal Gronnestad
Ico Distant View Contest Winner

Comments: This piece is done in acrylic on paper. I wanted to capture the Impressionist feel of the game so I painted it free-hand without sketching it first. Since the characters aren't meant to be the focus I tried to play up the contrast between light and dark.


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Artwork by Kristof Darmawikarta
Ico Distant View Contest Entry

Comments: Ico stunned me when I first saw it, and I was determined to create a stunning art piece for this contest. This picture shows Ico coming out of a castle, which I think is appropriate because the story is about freedom. I hope you all enjoy it.


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"Escaping to Freedom"
Artwork by BeatrixFFIX
Ico Distant View Contest Entry

Comments: This is my first time drawing a background and coloring the whole thing with watercolor and colored pencils (with out paint shop pro or photoshop etc.). This was also my imagination, and I hope you enjoy.


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Artwork by Wei-Ling Lorelai Wu
Ico Distant View Contest Entry

Comments: This piece was abnormal; the sketch took me a week to complete, whereas I finished the coloring in about a day. (granted, I was up til 4 AM..but..still..) I'd never done architecture before this, and when i got wind of the Ico contest i figured it was as good a time as any to pick up a new art subject :) Colored entirely in Painter, a few special effects done in Photoshop.


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"#1" (Sex on the Beach)
Artwork by Karen Lambey
Ico Distant View Contest Entry

Comments: I was inspired primarily by images of a rocky shoreline, with fierce waves crashing against the cliffs. The concept of an unrestrained entity also was running through my mind, as was the idea of humans encroaching on the unknown. 18"x24", mixed media.


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"Another Place, Another Time"
Artwork by Merripen
Ico Distant View Contest - Director Art Entry

Comments: This is a composite of some Bryce landscaping and Photoshop elements. While the methods used to create this piece were rather rudimentary, the end result was not far from what I wanted. One knows not who he is nor where he is going, but must fill in such ideas to complete the scene outside of the work, to form a world within it.


New Fan Art - 09/21/01


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Artwork by Young Wang
Harle of Chrono Cross

Comments: Woo! I haven't submitted anything here for like.. a year =} Now that I'm back, I dunno how prolific I'll be, but I do love RPGs, so hopefully I can keep art like this coming =} The most ANNOYING thing about Harle.. despite transparent pants (woo! Go transparent pants!) is that.. well.. in some pictures, she has a blue tear drop with a red star on her face.. and in others, it's a RED tear drop with a BLUE star. ?!?!? Anyone think this is a little.. well.. ODD? Anyway.. =}


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"Child of the Stars"
Artwork by Arasir
Terra / Tina Branford of Final Fantasy VI

Comments: I've always loved the atmosphere that Terra / Tina has around her. Here I've tried to capture the very essence of that. She is the child of the stars, the Esper child. This was a quick doodle on copy paper at school with a horrible headache. Still, with Paintshop Pro 7 and Photoshop 5.5, I was able to save her.


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"Forest Temple - Main Halls"
Artwork by Andreas Rufus Rödig
Link from the Zelda Series

Comments: This pic shows how link is walking through the giant main hall of my "generated" Forest Temple... Okay it's not that amazing like the N64 ForestTemples, I know *sigh*


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"Battle-Hardened Belle"
Artwork by John Beavers/Foo Fanatic
Tifa Lockheart of Final Fantasy VII

Comments: "Don Corneo started hitting on me. So I started hitting back." ^_^ I wanted to give this one a post-scuffle feel after I determined who I was drawing - I usually just draw out of my mind for the first part and later model the partially finished character after who I want it to look like. (I decide halfway through) I find that if I start out trying to draw a specific character, I end up focusing on their outfits and such when I should be worrying about curves and proportions, etc. Let me know what you think!


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"Drawing Lesson"
Artwork by OnMyMind
Squall, Quistis and Ifrit from Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: Hello, everyone! This is my first piece I'm submitting to RPG Gamer... and the first time I'm submitting ANYTHING to a website. I'm very excited about this, I want to draw lots of amusing pics (I'm sure you'll see more of me later). This guy took me about 5 straight hours to do on the computer, so please excuse me if I sound a little brain-fried. If anyone can manage to read the URLs in the bottom left corner, use the one on the bottom. The top one isn't working at the moment. PLEEEAAASSEEEE tell me what you think!


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"Ice Needle"
Artwork by Cyllya
Mel of Tales of Phantasia

Comments: This is Mel from Tales of Phantasia Narikiri Dungeon, the Tales' cute little GBC gaiden. I wanted to practice my animation skills, so I picked Mel and her witch costume. She's casting the Ice Needle spell, but I'm not sure if she can actually use it with that costume. ^_^; Oh, well.


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"Rinoa After a Night Out"
Artwork by Optical Goddess
Rinoa of Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: I originally drew this to be a theme pic to a piece of fanfiction I wrote. It's supposed to be Rinoa, hair up, exhausted after an evening out and getting ready to call it a night. I like to keep pics in simple black and white, I think gives them a more classic look.


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"SD Terra"
Artwork by Murasaki
Terra Branford of Final Fantasy VI

Comments: Now that's my second FFVI SC-Pic, after I finished my SD Locke I began drawing a Superdeformed Terra, but I don't know why she's looking that surprised ^_^;; Now feel free to send me critique, praise, or suggestions about my Fanart (or my english, I know it's not perfect ^_~) to


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"A Vision of Schala"
Artwork by Nicole M. N.
Schala Zeal of Chrono Trigger

Comments: It all started with my obsession with Zeal Kingdom. I was listening to a song that reminded me of Schala. Thus, 24 hours of drawing, coloring with prismacolors and toying with different effects (I had to get my mind off the New York Tragedy...may those souls rest in peace). The result was actually all right...


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"Suikoden 3 Hero"
Artwork by Hawke440
The "Hero" of Suikoden 3

Comments: Well, although the details on the latest Suikoden game a sketchy at best, I still loved the new character designs for the supposed Hero of the game. Is it just me, or does he look like he could be Master McDohl all grown up? (Since the game takes place 15 years later.) That's just my speculation, but I like the character anyways.



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"The Tonberry God"
Artwork by Phill Haymes
Tonberry from the Final Fantasy series

Comments: Where to start?? Well I think that Tonberries are the BEST monsters in any game ever. They just keep getting more tough with each FF game released. I wanted to make an even better tonberry than the Tonberry King GF from FFVIII so I thought they should have a Tonberry God........ HE has a bigger chefs knife, HE also has no lantern........... well he doesn't need one! HE can create his own lightsource. (clever guy) Anyway, I created it using Paintshop Pro and Photoshop, a scanner and a black fineliner.

Director Comments: Nice work on one of the oddest fragments of the Final Fantasy world. Something you could do to make this look a bit more finished is soften up the black edges around the character. Both Photoshop and Paint Shop Pro have features that will give an anti-aliased, or softened edge to your brushes. That way, it won't feel quite so much as though he was placed on top of that soft background, but will seem more like he is in the scene. This is also a good example of why you should always work in layers, and keep layered versions of your work after you finish. If you have this image still in layers, you could go back and soften those edges pretty easily. If not, it would take quite a bit of work.





Again, thanks for all the fantastic work. Maybe we'll have to have another contest again soon. To conclude, and in the interest of not adding too many more miles to this week's column, Shards will be kept brief and completely irrelevant. Provided now, for your reading pleasure, I present:

"The Top 15 ways to confuse, worry, or just scare the bejeezus out of people in the computer lab"

1. Log on, wait a sec, then get a frightened look on your face and scream "Oh my God! They've found me!" and bolt.

2. With the monitor turned off, complain to the lab tech on duty that you can't get the damn thing to work. After he/she's turned it on, wait 5 minutes, turn it off again, and repeat the process for a good half hour.

3. Before anyone else is in the lab, connect each computer to different monitor than the one it's set up with.

4. Bring a chainsaw, but don't use it. If anyone asks why you have it, say "Just in case..." mysteriously.

5. Light candles in a pentagram around your computer before starting.

6. Every time you press Return and there is processing time required, pray "Ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease," and scream "YES!" when it finishes.

7. Two words: Disk Fight!

8. Type a page full of random characters. Then insist that the world as we know it is not real, but that the true world can be seen on your monitor. Mention spoons.

9. Try to stick a Nintendo cartridge into the disc drive. When it doesn't work, get the supervisor.

10. If you are on a PC, ask loudly where the smiling Apple face is when you turn it on. Get frantic. (Note: some of us do this anyhow.)

11. Bring some dry ice and "install" it into your computer.

12. Bring in a bunch of magnets and have fun.

13. Play Pong for hours on the most powerful computer in the lab.

14. Remove your disk from the drive and hide it. Go to the lab monitor and complain that your computer ate your disk. (For special effects, put some Elmer's Glue on or around the disk drive. Claim that the computer is drooling.)

15. Pick up the mouse and speak into it, a la Scotty in Star Trek IV, saying, "Hellooooooo, computer!" Do this often.

Did I mention the extent to which I am easily amused? Those seemed a bit funnier the first time I read them. Ah well, I can't think of anything to replace them with. Note that I don't suggest trying all/any of those. I hope you all enjoyed this week's selections, as well as the great contest entries. And I hope I don't have to do another update of such proportions again any time soon. I'm gonna go fade in shadow a while. Seeya next week.



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