
Fan Art - 09/29/01



News & Updates



The Okage Wickedness Contest has begun!
Click here for full contest details.

In Other News: It's not "eye-co" or "ick-o". The correct pronunciation is "ee-co". And now you know.

Some links to check out:
Amano's World
Final Fantasy Online: Amano Feature


In This Edition

    New Art: 13 works
  Feedback: Yestersoftware
  Shards: Advice from Nintendo

Fanart Information

  Submission Guidelines
Fanart FAQ

Mail the Fanart Director

  Fanart Submissions:


  Recent Columns:
  Dropped Frames

Fanart Archive:
 1999  -   2000  -   2001

Artist Listings

something wicked...

  a line of infinite ends finite finishing
  the one remains oblique and pure

  arching to the single point of

  find yourself
  starting back

          - Ne Cede Malis (Terminal 2)

Greetings, and welcome to Fanart.

Our recently concluded Ico contest went extremely well. I just want to let all the entrants from the Ico contest know that SCEA personally let us know that they were really impressed with the quality of your work, and that they were even going to include the art in their Ico wrap-up (a post-release writeup on how the title was received and how it sold). So on that note, here comes another opportunity for your artistic talents to impress them.

I present to you the Okage Wickedness Contest. This contest is for Sony's soon-to-be released title, Okage: Shadow King, a game which follows the story of a boy followed (and occasionally possessed) by his "pet" demon. The contest will feature the ones we love to hate, RPG villains. For complete contest details, including entry guidelines, head this way. I look forward to another flood of amazing work.

On to other matters, there are a few new art-related things to see around the web lately. As was recently reported by our news department, Yoshitaka Amano's official website (Amano's World) is asking for interest in a set of art books. "The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy" is currently available just in Japan, but it looks like they are considering an english version. You can see the whole set at the website under the "Weekly Amano" section, in this week's entry (September 25th). The set includes 3 hardcover books of artwork, 1 book about Amano, 2 postcards, 1 flipbook, and an acetate print. They want feedback, so if it sounds interesting to you, drop an email to

In further Amano news, Final Fantasy Online is featuring an extensive look at his art through the Final Fantasy series, which I definitely think is worth checking out. You can find that feature here.

Now that I'm finished plugging other sites, I'll just mention that we've got a great column today, and I've continued to stretch the "10 work" limit. Apologies to dialup users, but there's just too much nice work. It's the art section, we can let it become graphic-intensive. Lastly, before we get to this week's art, here is Optical Goddess, our first "O-named" art submitter, and the one who made our artist listing complete. And as such, she gets to say a few words here:

Hello, fellow artists! I am Optical Goddess, wife in her mid 20's and apparently the first "O" artist to coincidentally stumble across this site whilst surfing the 'net to submit my amateur work. No, I didn't make up this name just to get a chance to say something in a column (not like I have anything incredibly interesting to say). I am an optician and got this nickname, and decided a few years ago to use it as a handle on the internet because I thought it sounded catchy.

I dabbled with art in high school, nothing impressive. Now 6 years later, I attended a convention with my husband for a fantasy wrestling game (Champions of the Galaxy, anybody ever hear of it?) and it was filled with amateur artists and the air was flowing with creative juices. It got me into wanting to draw wrestling characters for my husband. Now that I've gotten some practice into drawing characters, I love sketching out what I really like, which is Final Fantasy. Also helps that my 7-yr-old step-daughter loves to draw. With having 3 other siblings in her other family, she said she likes to come here so she can, quote, "concentrate on her art" because it's peaceful and quiet. When we play school, "art class" predominates.

I wish I could offer some helpful tips or advice on techniques, but I'm pretty new at this and don't understand how to use programs like Photoshop or those others out there. Just give me a mechanical pencil, some paper, and I'm all set.

You can check out Optical Goddess' latest submitted work below, along with some other truly fantastic art. Enjoy.


New Fan Art - 09/29/01


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"A Moment"
Artwork by Kristin Bergh
Link and Zelda of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Comments: Link and Zelda are my fave pairing in the LoZ series. I'm a hopeless romantic, so that pretty much explains the pic. Done with Photoshop... comments are welcome! : )


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Artwork by Kaitlin Kubilius
Celes and Terra of Final Fantasy VI

Comments: For me, Celes and Terra are simply the most fun female characters to draw. I like interpreting their personalities through line art, especially. One thing I really wish I saw more in fan art is action pieces. Something along the lines of an American comic book-feel. Portraits are lovely, but it's fun to see some movement now and then. I know there are some anatomical errors in this piece (as always) but I like the overall flow, and I'm especially proud of the linework.


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"Into the Light"
Artwork by Laura
Ico from Ico

Comments: I just got through playing the demo of Ico and I think it's really spiffy...Anyway, here's a little portrait of the main character, Ico. He looks maybe a little older than he's supposed to, and he doesn't have quite the same hair style as the guy in the game. Oh well, this is how I see him. =)


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"Blood Sin"
Artwork by Tommy Moo
Guildenstern from Vagrant Story

Comments: I've seen scads of Ashley and Sydney art, and every now and then a Rozencrantz, but never Guildenstern. I thought it was time to make one. I airbrushed and smudged an authentic-looking VS background, then radial blurred it to dissolve the mistakes ^_^ I like how the texture turned out in the armor.


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"Atma Weapon"
Artwork by Chi
Celes Chere from Final Fantasy VI

Comments: God bless the Color Dodge tool... I couldn't have made the sword look like that with out it ^^;;; It's been a while since I submitted, so why not get back on track with one of my favorite characters? After coloring, I saw how many flaws I made with her arms and hands... The file resize took away all the nice details, and the extra shine to the hair, but I'm over all pleased with this piece... and the Back Ground =^.^=


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"Robo Combo"
Artwork by David Lee
Ershin and Robo of Breath of Fire IV and Chrono Trigger

Comments: I've been wanting to draw Ershin since I started playing Breath of Fire 4. He reminds me of Robo from Chrono Trigger so I decided to draw them together. I also did a colored version but I like the classical feel of the pencil better.


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Artwork by Ixis
Harle from Chrono Cross

Comments: Well, this is my first submission to RPGamer, I hope everyone likes it. I would have to say that Harle is, by far, my favorite character in Chrono Cross. Isn't the outfit great? I love the jester thing! I sketched this out in pencil, penned it in, and colored it on Photoshop. This one just turned out pretty nice, so I thought I'd share it ( that and I noticed that there were hardly any pics of Harle *sigh*) With any luck this won't be the last you guys see of me!


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"Good Morning Hide"
Artwork by Julie Zhuo
Seed from Genso Suikoden II

Comments: Lately, I've been influenced by digital "realistic" artwork, and here's the result. ^^ Seed is my favorite character in Suikoden... I'm not really sure how well this reflects what he really looks like, but translating a anime-styled character to a more realistic one gives me a bit of leeway, so... >=D
The title is from a L'arc song I drew inspiration from. >=D


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Artwork by Ami
Cloud Strife and Sephiroth of Final Fantasy VII

Comments: This is the first fanart I've submitted to RPGamer, even though I have been drawing RPG characters for years. I wanted to portray in art, the background music, "Anxious Hearts." Any comments or critiques are welcomed!


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"Relaxing in Balamb"
Artwork by Optical Goddess
Rinoa from Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: Rinoa leaning against the pier on a nice day, wearing a comfy denim dress and sandals. This is the first piece of fanart I did a few months ago. I must have practiced on her face 15 times and it took me a week to finish because I was trying to be too picky. The only computer touch-up I added was her name in pretty green letters (which is the only thing I understand how to do with graphics programs!)


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"Portrait of the Nisan Mother"
Artwork by Megan Glosser
Sophia from Xenogears

Comments: I'd been playing around with the idea of recreating Sophia's portrait ever since I played the game (when it first came out). More so than any of the other portraits I'd attempted to draw, this piece captures the unfinished, bittersweet atmosphere that the game portrayed with Lacan's version. I hope that this portrait, while certainly not as stunning as the original, is successful in capturing some of the emotions that were present during the game.


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"Lil' Magus"
Artwork by Chronoplast
Medium: Pencil, Adobe Photoshop 6.0
Magus from Chrono Trigger

Comments: This is my first time submitting fan art to any site, so i thought it would be appropriate for my first submission to be of my favorite rpg character which is none other than Chrono Trigger's Magus. I drew this at work when i had nothing else to do then i scanned it onto my computer so i could color it using Photoshop 6. I'm pleased with the end result and even set it as my desktop. Hopefully this will be the first of many submissions to come. I'd love to get some feedback about my pics so send any comments to
-.- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz



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"Final Fantasy Girls"
Artwork by Nicole McNurlin
Aeris Gainsborough and Tifa Lockheart of Final Fantasy VII

Comments: This took me about 2 hours to make. Used the only thing that my computer has.....MS Paint. It's not the best quality.......but, hey, I tried. It's not that hard drawing with a mouse. ~_^
It was originally suppose to be just Aeris, but I thought I should add someone else because it just looked too plain.

Director Comments: I just wanted to point out and reemphasize the fact that this was made in MS Paint. Don't ever let the fact that you might not have the latest software hinder your creative process. While the additions and tools of recent programs are certainly helpful, you can make some very nice stuff even without them. Nice work.



Unfortunately, I've gone and become busy once again, so I don't have a tutorial for you this week. However, here are a few reminders I feel need to be made regarding fanart submissions. As always, if you have specific methods you'd like to learn or questions you'd like answered, send them in.

1. Read the Submission Guidelines. That's really all you need to know, but if you really don't want to do that much, here are the mistakes most often made.

2. Include all the required information with your submission. This includes your name and email, your webpage URL, the title of your work, as well as the characters in it and the game they are from. And try to include no less than two lines of commentary, because the table gets thrown all wacky if you don't fill at least one line.

3. If you don't have a web page and want your email address posted in place of it, tell me so. For anti-spam reasons, I won't do it without expressed permission.

4. Also, feel free to ask me anything, whether it's to fix a link or for advice on work before you submit it.

For the most part, everyone is doing great, but I'm getting more incorrect submissions than I like, and I can't make that "Submission Guidelines" link any bolder. Don't make me use blinking text on you! (I wouldn't ever do that, don't worry.) And now, I leave you with this final bit of advice from Nintendo.

Advice from Nintendo



This ground is not the rock I thought it would be


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