
Fan Art - 10/23/01



News & Updates



Just over a week remains in the Okage Wickedness Contest.
Click here for full contest details.

In Other News:
Moderately cataclysmic archive renovations are still underway. I've gotten some good suggestions, and am looking into implementing some nice new features. If you have a suggestion or comment about the archive renovations, please mail me.
As well, everyone should check out their information and links and report any errors.


In This Edition

    New Art: 15 works
  Feedback: 1 work
  Shards: A Request

Fanart Information

  Submission Guidelines
Fanart FAQ

Mail the Fanart Director

  Fanart Submissions:


  Recent Columns:
  The Fine Line
  something wicked...

Fanart Archive:
 1999  -   2000  -   2001

Artist Listings

Carmen Cancellatum

"The opposite of a correct statement is an incorrect statement, but the opposite of a profound truth is another profound truth."

          - Niels Bohr

Greetings once more, and welcome to Fanart. This week's column is another one of those less-talk more-art columns.

The Okage Wickedness Contest has scarcely more than a week remaining. Be sure to have your works sent prior to midnight, October 31st.

The archive renovations are continuing. The entire process is made exponentially simpler through BBedit's batch replace feature. I can do the entire directory all at once! Yay. Thanks to everyone for some good suggestions on the archives.

I received a truly fantastic week's worth of work for this column. This week's featured selection was sent in from Caroline and Julie Escurat of France. I think it's a lovely work, depicting Yuna in quite a flowing manner. Hopefully I didn't butcher the translation too badly. I'm truly very impressed with the quality of all the work coming in. On that note, anyone who has the time and desire to take on the small project of creating a "drawing lesson" of sorts, check out Shards and let me know.

Also to note: I apologize for not being able to send out emails regarding whether or not your art had been accepted for this week's column. My server is going schizo, and will hopefully be fixed soon.


New Fan Art


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Artwork by Caroline and Julie Escurat
Yuna of Final Fantasy X

Comments: (roughly translated) Hello! We are two sisters, Caroline and Julie. We're sending this drawing in for Fanart. Good luck with the site! Thank you and so long!


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"The Grand Battle"
Artwork by Ronnie Fernandez
Crono and Magus of Chrono Trigger

Comments: This is a slightly retouched image that someone asked me to make. Aside from a few mistakes I made in their proportions, I'm pretty satisfied of how the characters came out. As for the background, this is really the first time I have ever drawn one using nothing but the paintbrush tool, so I guess it was a decent effort.


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"You're not alone"
Artwork by Celyne
Cupil and Fina from Skies of Arcadia
Media: Pencil, scanner, Photoshop 6

Comments: I haven't played SOA yet ^_^;; But the tandem of Cupil and Fina are adorable in the screenshots, artwork and reviews. This was done in pencil first, then colored using Photoshop 6.


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Artwork by Sakana
Asellus of SaGa Frontier
Media: Green pencil + photoshop 6.0

Comments: Once again I like to called Asellus' nick 'Ase'. ^^ Just a latest top pic of my site. Done with sketchy lines and colored by photoshop 6.0. Actually I was planning to put this pic on the SaGa Chatroom ( I've recently set up, but seems my site need a top pic more than the chatroom...^^;;


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"Elena's crush on Cloud"
Artwork by Stephanie Carr
Elena and Cloud (in doll form) from Final Fantasy VII

Comments: I did this the night I finished FF7 cos it was too late to start playing FF8!! I did it in pencil because I prefer to work in natural mediums and try to stay away from computers at all costs!! I think it's alright, but i've seen and done better. Let me know what YOU think!!!


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"Aren't we Surprised?"
Artwork by Shona
Princess Garnet of Final Fantasy IX

Comments: Well, it aint my best piece of work but I like it. I've had good comments about it so it must be okay! I hope you all think its okay! And I hope i've given Garnet some credit! Thanks! Your comments would be great!


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"You're not alone"
Artwork by Nathen
Zidane from Final Fantasy IX

Comments: This is my first submission. Hope you all like it. I use chalk pastels for this artwork.


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Artwork by Jamie Milbrandt
Atma Weapon of Final Fantasy VI

Comments: I did this pic because I just loved the boss Atma Weapon from FF6. I thought he was the coolest. Anyways i finally got around to drawing him. I think i did a good side sketch, and it turned out how i expected it to. Enjoy :)


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"Too Much Cheese"
Artwork by Cyllya
Mel, Dio, and Kururu of Tales of Phantasia: Narikiri Dungeon

Comments: While exploring the dungeons of this game, you come across a large number of treasure boxes containing cheese (No, really!). You can only carry fifteen cheeses. So this pic portrays the characters in the midst of the Mizu no Doukutsu attempting to decrease their current cheese stock in order to make room for the most recent cheese discovery.


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"A Great Journey"
Artwork by Michael Beckett
Ark and spirits of Terranigma

Comments: One of the (very few) things that annoyed me about Terranigma was how every spirit (the little shimmering orbs) looked exactly the same. I thought, that's not right, everyone's different, so I tried to make the four spirits in this piece different. I like to put a little symbolism in each of my pieces.


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Artwork by Carolyn Chen
Pilika of Suikoden II

Comments: Pilika seems like a very tragic character to me. This is how I see her in my mind. She's all alone and holding on to her teddy-bear, which is her only source of comfort.


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Artwork by Sleipnir
Shiva of Final Fantasy VII

Comments: This picture doesn't really adhere to the FF7 Shiva, but it's close enough with a little more jewellery, pointier ears and a drink to boot. Only watercolour, a piddling 0.3 pen and no graphic editing whatsoever...I can't imagine how she meditates with champagne bubbles dancing in her stomach. Heheh.


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Artwork by Optical Goddess
Squall of Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: Since Squall is a dark and brooding character, I also made his eyes dark and shaded. I probably spent half the time doing his hair. I showed it to my mom and she thought it was female 'cause of the smaller nose. (But brave and lonely Squally does look a tad feminine at times...)


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"Half Mystic"
Artwork by Gehenna
Asellus of SaGa Frontier

Comments: The second time I've used watercolours in recent years. Asellus is my favorite character from SaGa Frontier. Why? Because she has purple blood. How cool is that?



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Artwork by Jamie Watt
Cloud Strife, Zidane Tribal and Squall Lionheart from Final Fantasy VII, VIII and IX

Comments: What can I say! I was bored. It was good. Check it out for yourselves.

Director Comments: This is a very nice pencil drawing, but here's a thought, just a suggestion towards some alternative creative processes. Once you've scanned in your black & white drawing, try taking it into a graphics program and applying an overall tone to either the background or the shading itself. You can use colors over drawings (kind of like this) to create a significantly different feel and mood. It's just a suggestion, something to keep in mind when working with monotone images so that you leave more options open to yourself. Don't think that just because you draw something in black and white that you are limited to it.



I've gotten a few emails lately from people asking for help in drawing lessons. This is a request that I would truly like to address, in one form or another. While I can draw decently enough, my art abilities are more in the area of computer work. Thus, I'm putting out a request.

What I'm looking for are people who would be interested in providing drawing lessons for readers who might be interested in art, but do not feel experienced or talented enough yet. Some kind of step-by-step process, (obviously) illustrated with images. Possibly a series of illustrations focusing on key parts of a particular drawing, along with advice and tips. This could be a new or current drawing you are working on, or you could even take us through the process you went through in the creation of a past Fanart submission. I'm sure that anything of this nature would be graciously accepted by the Fanart readers, and certainly appreciated by those who are looking to improve their drawing skills.

If this sounds at all like something you feel you could do for a future column (or columns, if need be), then let me know. I might give it a shot myself if nobody else is willing, but I do lack the drawing abilities of our talented artists, and at the moment, the time to devote to it.

Thanks for any assistance in this. So long for now.

forgotten shade


Objects in this column may be larger than they appear.


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