
Fan Art - 11/06/01



News & Updates


The Okage Wickedness Contest has come to an end. Thanks to all who entered; winners shall be announced soon.

In Other News:
Our tutorial group will be returning in future weeks with further drawing lessons. Contact me if you wish to contribute to this.


In This Edition

    New Art: 11 works
  Feedback: Colorization Pt. 2

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Ashen Inference

"An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way."

          - Charles Bukowski

Welcome to Fanart.

Time is short for me today, so we're going to get straight to the artwork. I want to thank all who entered the Okage contest, which is now officially closed. There is some amazing work in there, and I should have the results for you before too much longer. Tutorials will continue in the near future, and we are gearing up to have some great material for you in forthcoming columns.

As well, I realize the archives are a couple weeks out of date. I'll remedy that soon.

Enjoy this week's additions to the RPGallery.


New Fan Art


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"Celes Chere"
Artwork by Pamela Ramali
Celes Chere of Final Fantasy VI

Comments: My first coloured pencil drawing after eleven months of CGing O_o;;;
I kind of like the colours, though the scanning did the pic little justice ><;


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"Among Roses"
Artwork by Isiael
Kuja of Final Fantasy IX

Comments: To Kuja, for his life is filled with theatrical ways. It takes a while for the gamer to encounter Kuja in the game (a whole disc, in fact), but once you meet him, you'll never forget him. This watercolor has been inspired by the ending scene and my refusal to believe that whatever is shown is truly Kuja's destiny.

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"Angel Face"
Artwork by Maggie Sue
Rinoa Heartily of Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: Well, it seems like everyone's drawing Rinoa... so, I thought I'd join in on the fun! Nothing much, just a simple sketch and some tinting, and an airbrush for the background. Her face looks so innocent here... I kinda like it! Comments are always welcome, as well as advice! Thank you, buh-bye. :)

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"Eve's ascent"
Artwork by Deus
Eve from Parasite Eve

Comments: This is my first submission to RPGamer. I've had this picture for quite a while, thinking I would finish it. It's not finished yet (I want to add more contrast), but it almost looks finished. I'm pretty happy on how it is coming

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"Endangered Species"
Artwork by Derrewyn Aensland
Lloyd of Legend of Dragoon

Comments: I've always thought Lloyd's chara design was wonderful (and his sword is so kewl!), yet there is so little fanart about him (and about LoD in general) so here is my little grain of sand to the LoD fanart cause ^_^U
(ink/adobe photoshop 5.5)

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"Amano-inspired Seymour "
Artwork by Andromache
Seymour of Final Fantasy X

Comments: Sketched in pencil from the Amano art of Seymour, finished in pen, and cleaned up in Photoshop 6. Just another man who should be real and not a mass of pixels on a screen.

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"Dark Messenger"
Artwork by Optical Goddess
Diablos of Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: This was originally a b/w sketch, but took the advice from a previous Shards about changing the overall color a bit on the computer. I put a green hue on it and turned it negative. I kept it big enough to fill the whole screen to enhance the dark atmosphere that Diablos resides in. One thing I noticed when I turned it negative, was the shmears of the lead from the side of my hand while I draw were more prominent, adding the appearance of a misty aura surrounding his body.

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Artwork by Black Rose
Rydia of Mist from Final Fantasy IV

Comments: My brother doesn't understand why I do so much FF4 fanart, and why I don't play newer games like Star Ocean 2 (his personal favorite).. ^^ FF4 just seems to appeal to me in some strange way, especially the characters Rydia and Edge (together or no!).

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"Why Am I Fighting?"
Artwork by Nazhuret
Tifa Lockheart of Fantasy VII

Comments: This is the first artwork I've done that really classifies as "fan art" (although I accidentally drew Vash the Stampede one time but he is not exactly in this scope so nevermind). Anyway, I was dead set on drawing Tifa, although I was a little hard-pressed to come up with a meaningful concept. After all, it's Tifa, and anything Tifa-related comes under entirely too much scrutiny by the Internet community for reasons I won't go into.
In case it isn't apparent in the picture, I was trying to convey a sense of nostalgia. Tifa returns to Nibelheim for the first time in God-knows-how-long and sees the hat she was wearing the day her life changed (the day her father died and Cloud went psycho). She's upstairs, in her room, thinking about how simple her life was. Presumably she realizes her childhood was manufactured and decides that's why she's fighting.
I hoped the predominate leather-clad-kickboxer imagery would contrast with the seemingly out-of-place cowboy hat, the goal being to show the survival-of-the-fittest vs. live-and-let-live conflict present in so much anime. I also tried to proportion her at least somewhat realistically, if not believably, which turned out to be much harder to do. To that end please notice she is wearing shorts and not a skirt.

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"Surprising the General"
Artwork by SilverKnight
Sephiroth of Final Fantasy VII
Medium: Pencil, Adobe PhotoDeluxe

Comments: To be honest, I'm really not sure where this came from. I was bored and decided to doodle, which turned into this, which I colored with Adobe. I still think the hair looks like a bunch of squiggly marks, but then again, I colored it, so it may be just me. >shrugs<



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"Cautious Link"
Artwork by Dustin
Link of the Zelda Series

Comments: This is how I envision Link would actually walk through a dungeon: cautiously. Anyway, I was attempting to color it, but a combination of my lack of a tablet and know-how were just making it look ugly. Comments/criticisms would be greatly appreciated.

Director Comments: I really like the line art drawing you've come up with. It's got good weight and pretty good proportions. It's certainly acceptable as it is, but on the thought of shading and colorization options, consider using gradiants. Below are two examples I made off your original drawing. This first just uses a basic gradiant placed in the space behind Link. You can accomplish this very easily by selecting the white areas outside of Link with a non-contiguous selection tool, like Photoshop's magic wand. The second uses the same idea, but with some color as well. You can see that you get a whole new effect and atmosphere with just a little bit of tonal variation. Each of these only took me about a minute or two, and just use very basic tools. While it is ultimately the artist's choice of whether this adds or detracts from the composition, it is a good thing to keep in mind as an alternative artistic method.



That's all for now. Really, some very nice work this week. Sorry there isn't time for me to add a bit more to the column, but hopefully next week I'll have some impressive stuff to share with you.

Ta ta.

forgotten shade


These Words I Write Keep Me from Total Madness


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