
Fan Art - 11/20/01



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In This Edition

    New Art: 10 works
  Feedback: Color
  Tutorials: SD Characters Pt1

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Running Downhill

"The artist produces for the liberation of his soul. It is his nature to create as it is the nature of water to run downhill."

          - W. Somerset Maugham

Greetings, and welcome to Fanart.

Our tutorial group continues today with Felix Leong, as he takes you through the steps of drawing Super-Deformed anime characters. This will be a multipart tutorial, spanning several weeks, and beginning today with the face. I highly recommend following along and practicing the techniques he has to show you, particularly if you haven't really tried this drawing style before. It's good practice on a very unique and stylized manner of artistry.

We've got lots of great art in the gallery, as always. Included in this week's work is a very unique abstraction of the Aeris/Sephiroth relationship, our very first FF10 fanart to actually feature the game's main character, a little Chester plushie, and pretty much every single character you could possibly think of from Chrono Cross. No, really.


New Fan Art


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Artwork by Kage
Aeris and Sephiroth, Final Fantasy VII

Comments: Well, at least it's not Vincent. I drew this a long time ago and scanned it into my computer where it lay forgotten until I recently blew the dust off of it. It's mostly colored pencil and pen, except I did a little adjusting in PSP...namely the blurred hands. I liked the motion it made. ^^;;
It probably only makes sense to me, though.


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"Lord Gustav13"
Artwork by S.F.Sakana
Gustav13, SaGa Frontier 2

Comments: An old work of Gustav13. So far this is the only Gustav13 fanart I like.

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"Chester Plushie"
Artwork by Meredeth and Michael Beckett
Chester Barklight, Tales of Phantasia

Comments: I'd like to thank all the little people behind the scenes, all the big people behind the scenes, and especially Cyllya for the inspiration for this Michaelangelo-esque masterpiece. Sort of a David in felt. Isn't he adorable!?

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Artwork by Derrewyn Aensland
Katsuya and Tatsuya, Persona 2: Eternal Punishment

Comments: I know, I know, Katsuya looks way too skinny... but he is lean anyway, so... =P.
Leaving the excuses behind, I am pretty satisfied with the way the pic ended up looking (specially their clothing). Persona 2 is my favorite rpg, that's why I hadn't try to draw any of its characters before (if you played the game/saw the designs, you'll know why, they are so wonderful...thus sooo tough u__u, doing them justice is haaaard!), but after sketching Tatsuya and more or less liking it, I couldn't but add his brother and finish the drawing (these characters are my soft spot ^_^).
Hope you like it!

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"Water World"
Artwork by Julie Zhuo
Tidus, Final Fantasy X

Comments: Facial shot of Tidus.... I wanted to do something more creative, but I didn't feel like adding the rest of his body, so I settled for an interesting watery ambience. ^_^ Tidus' hair is a pain to cg..... I got lazy with the rest of the picture after the hair, so the coloring's a bit sloppy.

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"Island In The Rays"
Artwork by Ashley Clark
The Princess, Ico

Comments: No, I've never actually played Ico before, just the demo... but the first time I saw the princess, I knew I had to draw her. However, I ended up rendering a 3D image instead. This may not be the most accurate image of her in existence, but I tried to capture the enigmatic serenity of the mystic princess in the render. She was created in Poser 4, and the world built in Bryce 5, with a fair amount of post-render retouching in Photoshop 6. This is my first submission in over two years (my first and only other never got on the site) and on a happy note, no erasers were harmed in the making of this image.

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Artwork by Pamela Ramali
Fou-Lu, Breath of Fire IV

Comments: I thoroughly enjoyed drawing the background for this ^^~
Fou-Lu is one of the coolest villains I've ever seen ^.~

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"Thoughts in the Rain"
Artwork by Krystal
Vivi, Final Fantasy IX

Comments: This is my first fan art using the computer and I am rather pleased with it. After fighting with the layers option, I accidentally darkened the entire image with the background gradient causing it to turn out much more in line with the overall mood of the picture than the original bright colors did. To emphasize Vivi's emotional distress I tried to bring out his magical qualities, using the dodge tool,that are the root of his soul searching.

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Artwork by Alessandro Dellamotta
Fighter, Final Fantasy

Comments: This is not only my very first fanart, it is also my very first drawing ever scanned to my PC... i know it has some errors and it doesn't look very good...*sweatdrop* I'm working on that, both on the paper and on the editor (ArcSoft Photo Studio 2000)
I am still a newbie at image editing and creating manga-styled drawings... so, my email adress is and if any of you pros would be so kind to give me some advice, you'd make me a very happy mangaka-wannabe ^^



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"The Chrono Cross Family"
Artwork by Karen Ng
The entire cast of Chrono Cross

Comments: Did it in 2 days 1 night =) I think it's one of the finest artworks I did....

Director Comments: This kind of thing is always fun to see, particularly for a game with 40+ characters to portray. You've done a good job of capturing each and every one of them in a great stylized fashion, but something with this much energy just begs to be colored. I would really like to see a revision of this work, just colored with pencils or with a digital paintbrush. Don't worry if you haven't had much experience with color before, just use the in-game images as guides, and keep your fill areas simple. I think you'll find that it becomes even more vibrant and pleasing to look at.



How to Draw SD Characters
Part 1: First things first - The Face
by Felix Leong

0. A Simple Introduction and Tutorial Conventions
(*NOTE: For those who are unfamiliar with SD characters, SD is actually an abbreviation of "Super Deformed," a style of anime drawing in which characters are deformed to a form which is extremely cute. Think of the in-game characters from Final Fantasy IX.)

Since SD characters are relatively simple to draw, I feel that it is as a good place to start for beginners, and a very quick way to brush up your drawing skills. For the sake of this tutorial, I'll assume that you have very little or no experience in drawing anime characters, and aren't very familiar with art terminology. Therefore, I'll be using very simple explanations in this tutorial.
Here is the color-coding I'll use in this tutorial:
I will describe tips, tricks and techniques in Blue.
And I will mention some common pitfalls in Red.

1. What should the face of an SD character look like?
Yeah, I know this kind of stuff might be review for some, but it's important to remember. Here are some simple guidelines to draw a face in SD:

  • Face is more rounded
  • Eyes are bigger than usual
  • Consists of simple lines
  • The nose and mouth are simplified, and sometimes omitted
Compare this to any ordinary anime character and you'll notice the difference. The SD style is noticeably more simplistic.
(*NOTE: The proportion mentioned here is not a standard - feel free to adjust it to fit your work.)

2. Here's the real stuff - A Step-by-Step Guide
In this tutorial, I will touch on the basic drawing concepts. These not only apply to drawing SD characters, but to any sort of drawing that involves figures. Learning and understanding these techniques should be useful with any sort of character.

In this tutorial series, I'll focus on Cloud Strife of Final Fantasy VII. Since I currently don't have a scanner, I'm going to use computer graphics to represent the steps. (Hope you won't mind...)

    step 1
  1. First, we draw a circle for the basic shape of the face. (This is only meant to be a draft, so don't worry if it's not perfect.)
  2. Step 2
  3. Next, draw a "+" shape on the circle, with the cross in the middle of it. This is the 'eye position line' - this step will help prevent you from drawing crooked eyes later. Some artist will draw more lines or even circles to determine the size of the eyes.
  4. Step 3
  5. Now make the chin line a little more defined (Try to draw it with the least strokes possible, and remember that practice does help).
  6. Step 4
  7. Now, draw the eyes and eyebrows on the face, within the eye position range you defined earlier. Simple eyes will do. Try to make them well balance and symmetric to each other. This might require quite a bit of practice, but it is well worth the effort in drawing good characters. If you find it hard to draw the eyes, lightly sketch out the shape of them first.
  8. Step 5
  9. Here's how the eyes should look.
  10. Bad Example   Step 6
  11. Finally, draw the hair of the character. Most beginners will have some trouble in drawing the hair. This is because they draw hair strand by strand. Avoid this at all cost! (It's cumbersome and can be very hard to correct, so why trouble yourself?)
    In anime drawing, hair is drawn in a bunch (i.e. the overall shape of hair.)No, it doesn't have to be complex at all (this isn't rocket science), you'll be surprised how geometric shapes can create good hair! (Like the triangles used in this image) This technique proves useful in any form of art, as it lets you review the shape beforehand, and easily add details later (e.g. how the hair will look like if I added some accessories).

There you have it! You should be able to draw a simple SD Cloud face by now :)
Add some details (mouth, nose, accessories...) to your character if you like.

That's about it for part one. In the next segment, I will cover on how to draw the body of a SD character. Do remember, PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT! We will continue in a future column, so send any questions or feedback to I will be more than happy to help you out.

<<About the Author>>
Felix Leong, currently a college student in Computer Science, takes anime drawing as a serious hobby. He is a prize winner in some local art/cartoon competitions and a contributor to RPGamer's Fanart section.
Favorite medium: Mixed medium (color pencils and crayons) or computer graphics, uses a 0.6 Artline felt-tip pen.



Thanks to all this week's artists, and to Felix Leong for his writeup. This tutorial will be followed up and completed soon in future columns.

Hope everyone has a nice Thanksgiving. Let those triptophanes kick in and be sure to relax a bit.

forgotten shade


Today's opening quote brought to you by CactuarJoe


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