
Fan Art - 01/13/02



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In This Edition

    New Art: 9 works
  Tutorials: Dynamic Figures

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Circles and circles

"Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation."

          - Oscar Wilde

Welcome to Fanart.

Apologies for the recent lapse in weekly columns. Regular updates should resume now, assuming no further tragedy chooses to befall my existence. We did enter what I assume is the typical fanart holiday lull, so there is just a bit of backlog to attend to. This will be spread over the next couple columns. So keep the submissions coming.

Our tutorial group continues to provide us with some great instructional columns - this week we have a nice writeup on putting your characters in dynamic poses. Now that we've gotten past the basics of character creation, expect to see a more myriad and diverse number of topics appearing in our tutorial section. As well, the third and final portion of the SD Characters tutorial will be posted next week, so be sure and check out the first two segments of that in the tutorial archives, if you have not already.


New Fan Art


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"Revival 2"
Artwork by Shannon
Aeris, Final Fantasy VII

Comments: This is a remake of a piece I submitted to RPGamer years ago. :) I felt the first one could have used definiate improvment. It's the only fanart illustration I've done using Photoshop to color the foreground and Maya to make the trees in the background.


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Artwork by Laura
Tidus, Final Fantasy X

Comments: My first new fanart in quite some time. I got Final Fantasy X for Christmas and I've been playing it a lot, it's so spiffy. I thought I'd do a picture of Tidus playing Blitzball because it's such an interesting mini-game. For this picture I tried to avoid using the "smudge tool" in Photoshop and I concentrated on using just brushstrokes. Overall, I like it...especially the bubbles.

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Artwork by Tommy Moo
Squall and Rinoa, Final Fantasy VIII

Comments: I was inspired to do this by a piece of fanfiction, "Crimson Lies" by Ashbear at The fic has a very dark atmosphere and starts off with our forlorn hero in a silent monologue, standing out on his balcony puffing on a cigarette. It's a superb story and highly recommended. I used basic pen and ink. A lot of emotion and listening to angsty videogame soundtracks went into this.

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Artwork by Peggy
Lulu and a moogle, Final Fantasy X

Comments: I don't plan on playing Final Fantasy X for quite some time because I dont have a PS2. But I just felt like drawing Lulu. I wasn't sure about every little detail about her.. so sorry if some of it's off. =)

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Artwork by Young Wang
Ovelia, Fantasy Tactics

Comments: Over Christmas Break, I got really meloncholy and decided to play FFT again. It was such a cool game! Sad.. but the character are really really cute! I was actually looking for FF7.. but I couldn't find it so had to settle for Chibi Aerith instead =^.^=

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"Rydia of the Myst"
Artwork by Collin Otto/RadicalDreamerX
Rydia, Final Fantasy IV

Comments: This is my first submission to RPGamer. I've considered doing fanart for this website for a few years now, just never got around to it. Since I'm on break from school at this time I thought it would be a good idea to draw something up. I was inspired to do something from Final Fantasy IV, and this is what I came up with. I really love Final Fantasy IV and all of the characters in the game. I expect to do more art from IV in the future, perhaps of Cecil and Kain... or maybe Palom and Porom. If you have any suggestions or want to talk to a fellow rpg fan, drop me a line.

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"Seymour In Blue"
Artwork by Sierra-Chan
Seymour, Final Fantasy X

Comments: My first pic of Seymour, and my first submitted fanart ^___^ Seymour looks nice in blue. Made with pencils and photoshop.

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Artwork by Stormy
Vincent Valentine, Final Fantasy VII

Comments: Okay, I'm still getting the hang of my new Graphics tablet, so this was just a small sketch I did straight into Photoshop. I know the game's kinda old now, but it still has a big following, right? Anyway, this is my second attempt without any paper at all.

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Artwork by Leigh Bader
Sydney, Vagrant Story

Comments: Finally starting playing this game, and quickly got addicted to Sydney. I wish I'd know how much fun he was to draw ealier!



Dynamic Figures

Being able to draw is only half of the art of drawing. You must also be able to move whatever you're drawing, put it into action.


Looking at the sketch above, you can see that in this range of movement, The two extremes convey the most emotion, they are much more dynamic. You have to capture the figure when it has the most energy.

There are two easy ways to make your drawings more realistic, using both will end in a much more dynamic and fast-paced illustration.

1. Dynamic Center Lines

The 3 stick figures below have been drawn with a curved center line. This line is ideally the first line of your drawing, it "sets up the curve or swing that you want your figure to have. A more curved line will end in a more dynamic pose.


2. The Toryama Lines Background

I have seen this a lot in toryama's mangas and it really helps set the pace of his fights. Look at the picture below with and without the lines in the back and the difference is easy to see. (notice that piccolo also has a curved center line). You can also stress a picture by having a blank background surrounded by pictures with lines in the back.


Here's a quick list of what to do to create more dynamic pictures:

  • Exaggerate your actions
  • Start with a curved center line, build your stick figure around it
  • Straight lines in background = speed
  • Curved line in figure = dynamic

I'm sure there's more ways to make your drawings more dynamic but this is a good start, so get your pencils and get working. E-Mail me if you have any questions.

P-Air (



Here's hoping the holidays treated you well, and brought you bunches of new rpgs and art supplies to get inspired by and create with.

forgotten shade


Circles are just spirals that have figured things out.


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